From what I understand, the change in the media has occurred because most of the reporters who used to come from middle class or lower backgrounds did the grunt work of actual reporting. They understood the real world. Today, the vast majority of reporters - particularly in the elite left media like the Washington Compost - are college-indoctrinated children who have no clue of reality. And of those, many are the white liberal females who have an axe to grind with the white, patriarchy. The root of the tree - the left-wing colleges - is rotten and so is the fruit.

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The people that become journalists today are the people that would have gone into the social gospel 100 years ago: their first, second and third ambition is to virtue signal by comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. Truth, objectivity or any other yardstick is immaterial. I came to your post this morning after watching a CNN piece with Jake Tapper on their morning program showing how racist and oppressive America is to these poor little flash mob thieves.

You are a much more talented writer than I am, maybe you could write a parody of these nitwits "contextualizing" and putting in perspective the victimization suffered by Germans like Josef Mengele that partially justify their activities the way the poor Palestinians are portrayed today.

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Erick, I hope your evaluation of the media gets ingested by some on the left that read your substack for a smidge of balance. Incremental advances can work over time, but conservatives have for too long been timid, sort of going along with the liberal winds so as to still be invited to parties and such. We just need to continue nipping away at the progressive, inbred, monstrosity that is our media. Forwarding your substack, reading the Free Press, checking out the New York Sun, just allow the bought media to eventually die on the vine, because they will not be fixed.

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Thankfully, I have meaningful a financial back ground. If you wish to hear unbiased news, especially about the economy, read the work of people who make a living being right about investing. They can afford absolutely no political bias. You let politics rule your decisions and you go out of business.

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By this I mean professional money managers with long histories of being correct... A number of them publish and can be read at no out of pocket cost.

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Two things Erick:

"The report goes on to acknowledge that nominal wage growth from 2020 is at 20%, but when considering inflation, real wage growth is only 0.6%."

What Bloomberg did not mention is that inflation touches all of us equally in terms of cost experience. (some have the finiancail means to largely ignore it, but experience it, none the less) HOWEVER, that 20% increase in pay is not equally distributed. There are many people, and likely in the bottom 50% who either saw little to no increase in pay, surely less than the 20% "average". Those people are highly motivated voters, I would think.

And, that the WAPO would call Israel a far-right state is laughable. The gov are idiot Leftists which prevented the Israeli people from owning guns. Further, did not insist each household have a gun as the Swiss.. MADONNA! They live in the most hostile region on the planet! I would suggest Hamas would not have attacked on 7 October if they knew the Israeli people were armed. That Jews were like lambs to slaughter was just too monstrously tantalizing...

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I would like to know when the government counts wage growth are they including the social security increases?

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I don't know, Linda. Wouldn't put it past them.

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I was surprised to learn that the Israelis aren’t armed as the usual puff piece photos show. Armed IDF soldiers shopping at markets and other stores . School teachers taking their students on a field trip with M16 rifles on their backs, etc.

Who will take the blame for not having security at the music festival when it was in range of mortars from Gaza? Where was the quick reaction force?

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Likely spread too thin, Carmine. My point is, why is there no Israeli version of Constitutional carry? Why no mandate to have a gun in each home as the Swiss? It's the opposite. Guns are very difficult to own there. My der super Conservative Jewish friend says it's from Soros influence. I have yet to verify. My friend is no idiot, however.

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Israel was founded by leftists. The first government leader to recognize their independence was not Harry Truman, it was Josef Stalin. For the first decade of their existence they were armed by Czechoslovakia, America supported the Arabs. Even until October 7th the kibbutz near Gaza overwhelmingly supported the Labor Party or it's offshoots, they were like the Vermont of Israel.

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Exactly. And why I pushed back on the WAGO article stating Israel is not governed by the far-right. laughable.

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When Israel decides it has wiped out Hamas, and turns its attention to Hezbollah, the Post will weep over dead terrorists, and condemn Israel for doing what needs to be done. War is hell, it’s not handshakes.

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When you let loose the Dogs of War, don’t complain if your people get bit.

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The silver lining? As MSM powerhouses gradually fade into insignificance and bankruptcy, actual news-gathering and news-reporting companies such as Breitbart and the dozens of five-star scribes on Substack are rising to take their place.

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One would think that if Trump and his lackey advisors wanted to win, that they would hammer the facts about economics that Erick brings to the fore, here. Instead, he rants and raves about how, if he is elected, he will seek retribution against his enemies. He makes everything about him, as opposed to saying how he will help most Americans make ends meet. But, that would require Trump to master facts and minutiae, and that doesn’t seem to be his forte.

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Like 3rd generation inheritors who blow through their trust fund only to find themselves desperate and broke in their golden years - it will catch up with The Post too. At a minimum, it will become a news institution not to be taken seriously. The MSNBC of newspapers…

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I have a few things to get off my chest. First I PAID 62.00$ for a 13 pound fresh turkey and that was just the meat for our Thanksgiving dinner.

Second, the White House press secretary is a moron. She blames Trump for the faltering economy. Biden has done more with his ridiculous regulations to kill the economy than anyone in modern history. They want to remove dams from the Snake and Columbian rivers for the salmon. Clean hydroelectric energy gone. But he will put wind turbines in the Atlantic Ocean that kills whales and God only knows what else. Someone explain that.

Third, Jeff Bezos has more money than the entire world he could just rebuild Gaza and make it his own country. Why doesn’t the Washington Post look into that? There I’m done for now.

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"Third, Jeff Bezos has more money than the entire world he could just rebuild Gaza and make it his own country. " a bit colorful, Linda, but I get your gist.

I would suggest that like most super rich Lefties, their Bezos' actions MAY reflect his beliefs, but I think they also reflect that it is not the Right which pushes back with "cancelling" and literal violence. It is the Left.

Who is safer in public anywhere in America? Lefties or Conservatives? Bernie or Rand? I think we all know the answer. Super rich and well nown folks want some sence of normalcy and to live minus fear. Be a publically notable supporter of the Left, make some supportive comments about Leftie causes and you're good to go!

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Do you suppose Bezos reads his own paper or just signs the checks and then goes back to his own little world.? Yes I checked the leftist box today.

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Thank you for continuing to point out the decline of journalistic integrity. Many of those not in that industry have moved past the point of ever believing in present day journalist. There is no news source at this point, I trust to be objective. Every article has to be scrutinized. Every article has to be analyzed knowing that it is written with some amount of biased. There are some news outlets I have dropped and will never read or view, such as the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, MSNBC. CNN is now good for major disasters around the world, fighting in some far off country, a fire breaking out, a volcano erupting. But , once they turn political, which is most of the time, I will move on.

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Yet as we have seen, in spite of the reality of conditions in the country, the world, the high prices, the media manages to convince people to go out and vote for democrats. Because a vast majority of people really don't pay much attention to the why of things, they will just fall for the emotional voice telling them it is the fault of republicans if they are suffering.

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The government has mandated the removal of all home based mirrors. We are now NEVER to look at ourselves for reasons of failure. No no no no... It MUST be the evil otherside who wants to starve the poor and who are all rascist fascists.

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It’s the ability to abort babies is what motivates “educated” women to vote in mass for the Dems. That is the difference.

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And guess what? These same biased reporters who are now admitting the economy stinks are blaming it on Trump with a straight face.

I had to sit there and listen to my in law who was formerly an avid conservative until she married an inner city millionaire elite. Tell me about how bad the economy is only to turn around and try to explain some outlandish nonsense that it was trumps fault.

And yes they all think this way. That’s why Biden still gets any support. You can’t fix stupid.

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Trump didn't add $7.8 trillion to the national debt with no consequences. The trillions he printed undoubtedly contributed to inflation. So did his keeping interest rates artificially low. Biden bears a huge portion of the responsibility for our failing economy, but Trump and the complicit Republicans don't get off scot free.

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Typical. The current economy has nothing to do with Trump. This is all Biden. He cancelled just about everything that was working just because it was Trump.

The wall. Domestic energy production. All slashed or cancelled under Biden.

This drove prices up. All under Biden.

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Nothing? Wow. I'll remember that next time a Democrat adds $7.8 trillion to the debt. Don't forget that I didn't excuse Biden. I just won't excuse Trump, either. Or the Republicans.

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“Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem.” R. Reagan.

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I never get tired of the straight shooting right from the hip. Please keep telling it like it is.


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