"Had Democrats tried to solve voters' concerns..."

Had Democrats proposed x+1 or y to Republican's x? Had Democrats agreed that Republicans have a better plan?

Democrats can't negotiate with a straight face, there is no compromise, their ideas are destructive. All Republicans can hope for is less bad.

We long ago stopped having two partys that had different ideas about how to improve America.

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"They could have subpoenaed him months ago but waited till now because their hearings have always been about the election and not about defending democracy."

apparently Liz "I stand on principle" Cheney has joined them

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Don't underestimate the dumb-masses of voters that will turn out on election day and potentially screw up any significant red-wave. Also, if both houses are controlled by the GOP with a small margin for two-years "grid-lock" will be the campaign theme in 2024 and unfortunately the dumb-masses of of voters will buy that lie every damn time.

I don't want Trump to run. If he wanted to keep doing the job he started all he had to do was act the part of a diplomat for a few short months. It's sad the media will make it about him in 2024 whether or not he's running. The same media is scared to death of Ron DeSantis. They don't mention him much now because their smear campaign against him hasn't worked even once. Someone please talk to Donald J. Trump and tell him, "Thanks for your service. Now please enjoy retirement." This opportunity the GOP will have is too important to screw up again, but are republicans really smart enough to fight the media and the negative campaigning? Come on conservatives - VOTE! Let's Go Brandon!

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Newt had the "Contract With America." With the Dems paying for candidates that "kill democracy" they've put out a "Contract On America."

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Yep, the Dems had a golden opportunity and blew it. And while Republicans will celebrate if they take working control of both houses, the country will be worse off in one important way.

Democracy in America is still in a precarious condition. In their greed for power the Democrats have made Trump and his ilk stronger politically. And thereby made the election of Trump and the NatCons more likely.

Trump is already thinking about who should be in his cabinet. You know who’s on that list? Marjorie Taylor Green.

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You know what's "disqualifying" here Erick? The lack of intellectual honesty on the Left. I refuse to talk to people about serious matters when for them it is perfectly okay that their side funded the people they now tell us are "threats to democracy." They REFUSE to speak out against their side funding them but want to hold us accountable for voting for them. Nosir. It doesn't work that way. I'm not playing that game and if bad actors on their side a la ANTIFA want to cosplay confrontation, the gathering in Virginia demonstrated there are more of us, and we are better outfitted. If they want to play stupid games, they will win stupid prizes.

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There's a lack of intellectual integrity on the right as well. There's is no equivalent to what the Democrats are doing in the current election cycle. There is however, on a political philosophical level. I would challenge you to read this article:


Those who agree with this should consider starting a new political party. The Tea Party began as a small government, fiscally conservative movement within the Republican Party. It morphed into a large government, authoritarian leaning mob who want to use government force to mold the United States into a cultural caricature of itself.

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I agree that there is an element of lack of integrity (Intellectual and otherwise) on both sides. That goes without saying. There are always people who feel rather than think as well as not be rational. An excellent example are the folks who cannot accept the fact that while there were abnormalities and some outright cheating by changing the rules at the last minute, Donald Trump lost when all was said and done.

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And that last part is the most important part.

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I sent an email to Erick this morning asking who was going to be the one to call this stuff out? Given their irrational fear of Donald Trump, why aren't the hysterical people out proclaiming that rather than support candidates, Trump is spending the donated money on refurbishing Trump-Force One and paying for his lawfare w/ incompetent representation? ...or has the worm turned and is Donald Trump no longer their most irrational fear?

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I reject the premise. Conservatives are NOT the problem. We are the answer to those who want to grab your freedom. The actual problem is that many don't understand what actual Conservatism is. This is obvious any time anyone calls Trump conservative. That demonstrates a patent failure to understand the basics of what it is to be a Conservative. Go read Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative to start. I contend your premise on the Tea Party is similarly out of place, but I admit to having not dug into them.

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It depends on what your definition of conservative is. The point is it's the intellectuals of the “new right” who are the ones rejecting the term conservative. And I welcome that. They AIN'T conservative, they are radicals.

Anecdotally everyone I know who embraced the Tea Party now embrace Trump as does the aforementioned “new Right” intellectuals.

I’m pretty much aligned with Barry Goldwater. I don’t think Barry Goldwater is aligned with the essay on that link.

And btw I recall Barry Goldwater being called a Rino about the time he passed.

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What is Conservatism? Small government. Base everything on the Constitution as it is written because it isn't a "living document." Reagan's quote "government isn't the answer. Government is the problem." is still true as they don't do anything well. Freedom OF religion, not freedom from religion. Federalism means the semi-sovereign states should have more power than the federal government. I would add to this that education is the key to bringing conservatism about which means school choice should be our NUMBER ONE issue now that Roe V Wade is overturned. We've managed to protect children. Now, let's make sure they grow up to be able to think for themselves.

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Yep, and I don’t think that definition comports with what John Daniel Davidson wrote in The Federalist.

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On the left the term intellectual is an oxymoron. It's funny, I thought I'd look up the dictionary definition of intellectual and boy do they vary widely from source to source. Most were circular references:



in·​tel·​lect ˈin-tə-ˌlekt

1a: the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will : the capacity for knowledge

b: the capacity for rational or intelligent thought especially when highly developed

Do the lefist "intellectuals" have the power of knowing? Just ask them. They know it all, but are incapable of separating knowing from feeling. They don't have the gift of the second half of the definition which is rationality.

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You know, that's a great point. I was considering it both/and in the word "intellectual" but it really isn't. We're seeing great examples of intellectual irrationality by people on both sides. We watched Adam Schiff declare he had a "smoking gun piece of evidence" sure to convict Donald Trump of "Russian Collusion" and he didn't. There will be zero accountability for Schiff's lies. On our side people still insist 2020 was "stolen" and we're about to see convincing evidence that it wasn't in fact stolen. That narrative is damaging and demonstrably false but that doesn't stop the irrational.

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I believe you and I more aligned than I first thought.

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Very well said!

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You covered it all. You are a Blessing to us all for this one today.

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And right on cue, Gloria Allred trots out yet another “victim” to smear Herschel Walker with less than 2 weeks to go to Election Day. And Pennsylvania voters who support Oz - especially after the debate - are “ableists.” Republicans better damn sure go out and vote to rein in this madness!

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The woke Dems ( now controlling the party) have not learned that a major mistake in canceling everyone with whom you disagree is that you live in an echo chamber divorced from the broader reality.

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Hey, nice first name!

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Thanks for always stating the facts!

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There's a very "Marie Antoinette, let them eat cake" mentality in the Democratic party. They truly believe the issues they care about are the only issues that matter and that the issues voters care about are trivial and selfish.

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Rather than "Let them eat cake," Biden's line is, "Let them sit in Coach."

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