Get your e-mails into my inbox okay. Have a blessed day.

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Hi! Your emails come to my inbox okay.

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Thank you for continuing to help us understand what is going on in our crazy world today.

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As a Black person I don't consider the word "Negro" to be that offensive. That is not the "N" that was used denigrate us when I was coming up. It had "gg" in the middle.

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Thanks for all the work you are doing.

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"I am reliably told a Trump with good character and impulse control does exist in the multiverse and goes by the name Ron DeSantis." Now... this is funny!

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Erick, thank you for keeping us up-to-date with the truth on what is happening in our state and nation.

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Recent polls have suggested that the Democrats will not only retain control of the Senate but will also gain seats. Republicans had a great chance to take the majority, but they have nominated poor candidates in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Ohio because those candidates were endorsed by Trump. All three of these Republican nominees are not looking good in the polling. Missouri may nominate the Trump-endorsed Greitens while Arizona could nominate Lake, who is also endorsed by Trump; both of these candidates would likely lose in the general election. Why does the Republican Party continue to squander its chances?

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Thanks, Eric for speaking your mind and the minds of millions of us, hoping for sanity in government!

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"We at American Airlines proudly admit we don't have the best pilots. But thanks to our inclusivity, you can rest easy knowing that your flight is being piloted by a person whose ethnicity was needed to fulfill our mandate of hiring only the under-represented. As a bonus, most identify with gender-neutral pronouns and some are even righteously indignant about the carbon footprint of this airplane we're on! So sit back, relax and enjoy your flight while our pilots review "Piloting the 737-900 for Dummies" as we taxi for take-off. Oh, and PLEASE make sure your seatbelt is fastened...it might get bumpy."

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Never mind that Democrats generally vote in a single block, minus a couple of sometimes sane ones from Arizona and West Virginia. I guess it is OK for the 'black' legislators to do what they are told, every time. They are Uncle Tom's if they don't.

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Thanks for your perspective. What a bunch of crap on the 'lame stream media'.

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Hi I get your emails in my in box on my iPhone

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NOT unbelievable...

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Always interesting and informative reading. A peek into the inner workings of political maneuvering! Thanks Erick!

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Thank you Erick!

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