I was actually surprised to her talk shows, hosted by practiced comedians and presenters interviewing guests need writers.

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I was amused by wondering how late night show hosts can't be on air because of a writer's strike. Their reason (excuse) will be that they are supporting the writers, but the more likely reason is that they can't even come up with a 5 minute monologue on their own. I mean, how hard is it to just keep recycling "How about that Trump guy?"

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Well it is well known that most folks on TV are hired for their looks and ability to read or memorize stuff so no surprise they can’t do on own. Those who started out on a comedy stage probably forgot all but timing relying on others for so long so will be interesting to see if they just give up or give it a go.

The worst thing with cancel culture is those few who do stand up to bosses to save them from themselves are probably getting fewer and fewer as fear of not only losing current job but any chance of next one is now greater.

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"but over time he has surrounded himself with only yes men, and his family who works for him."

Sounds a bit like Trump, doesn't it?

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The irony of the late night shows...silenced by this simple act.

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Attitude: Let's not forget - Senator Amy Klobuchar who also ran for the Presidency.

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About four years ago in a conversation with my then-42-year-old son, (can't fire him, can I?) as I railed on about a third person with whom I was angry, he gently asked, "You DO know that you are capable of being wrong, don't you, Dad?" It was one of the top ten moments of my life. Now, every time I start to get riled at someone I pause to consider his question.

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Of course I am *capable* of being wrong...but I'm NOT!

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Not bad advice for the rest of us, even if we don't have people "working" for us -- have a friend, fellow-worker or family member who you trust to tell you when you foul up. And be willing to listen to them.

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A personal favorite of mine is to take a new-hire, candidate, or potential customer out to dinner and drinks to see how they treat the wait staff. "Sixty percent of the time it works every time!" - Anchorman.

And regarding Bill Maher, I deeply admire his willingness to call out hypocrisy and speak to truth, regardless of whose sacred cow he might be attacking.

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I believe Pericles said, "If I have the wisdom of all men, but cannot speak, I am but a fool." It's nice to be associated with someone who is not a fool!

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The ultimate price of an echo chamber is your dissociation from reality.

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The cannot do a 30 minute show because they are afraid.

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Never heard of Steven crowder and looks like a good thing.

I hope people don’t mistake him with David crowder the Christian singer.

I know this is a man doing this and there is no excuse but I know women who can be just as abusive both verbally and physically and the man is just supposed to take it.

So yes I believe wholeheartedly that Kamala is a terrible person in that regard. Both need to be held accountable accordingly.

My thing is dems will use this as an excuse to bash conservative men that they all do this. Which is ridiculous.

But nobody ever said the left is rational.

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“ How the heck are these people incapable of doing a 30-minute TV show without writers?!”

Is that a trick question? We are talking about liberal minded nincapoops who don’t the first thing about whether their b**holes are an exit or an entrance.

These people don’t have a single independent thought and without writers they can’t understand what to do.

It’s why I don’t watch them.

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So who's old enough to remember Ted Baxter of MTM fame?

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I must be so out of it. I never heard of this guy and certainly not this issue.

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They need writers due to they are not that talented.

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