The Democrat's entire political strategy is media character assassinate everyone that stand in their way of complete political power domination.

My goal is complete party character assassination of the Democrats for their dirty and disgusting behavior.

The Democrat party as we know it needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. We need to do this to save the world. After it is destroyed, in can reform into something good.

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Note to the grifters on the Right, TPUSA and Carlson, you are the "media" for the Right, you're headed down the same path and the same results.

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Not really. There are two types of political people. People who have ideas and values that shape their ideology, and people who's ideology shapes their ideas and values. Republicans and the right tend to be the former, and Democrats/left tend to be the latter. That difference is the key to justified rejection of the attempt to claim that both parties behave the same level of bad.

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The times makes a excellent wrapper for fish guts and also a good fire starter for the fire pit not much good for anything else

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"The American media is less popular than most sexually transmitted diseases and less trusted than pedophiles with lollipops. They have no humility to course correct. And, as Isaac Schorr pointed out on Twitter, the truth is that your average national reporter prefers Ayatollah Khamenei to Sam Alito."

Thank you Erick, I enjoyed reading this paragraph immensely

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Erick, the Times of which you speak is a founding "father" of the enslaved press... :)

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Surprise. Media is full of blithering idiots. Thanks to social media we are now finding out how dumb they really are. Looking correctly is more important than intelligence. It's been this way for years. Years ago CBS demonstrated that point when they chose Dan Rather over Roger Mudd as host after Walter Cronkite retired. The film Network News did a good job pointing this out. Now, thanks to social media we find out those in print media are just as dumb as network media. The bar to be in media is pretty low.

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I hate to break it to Erick, but the NYT has been this way for decades. I won’t go back all the way to the 1930s when they were covering up Stalin’s atrocities in Russia, but from my times in the early 1970’s when I was a cadet at West Point. We received the NYT every day and even as a young naive person from Massachusetts, where I had voted for Georgia McGovern in 72, I watched firsthand as they blatantly lied about what was going on at the Academy. It culminated when we graduated in 76 where our Honor Committee Chairman was pictured on the front of other NYT, above the fold, receiving his diploma. The caption underneath read that he had been accused of a honor violation which was a straight out lie. A couple of days later they printed a retraction, buried way back in the paper.

They have been liars since the beginning as they are children of the father of lies.

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Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of elitists.

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Re: People are stupid

That's for sure. I've seen people mistake Britain's Union Jack for the Confederate Battle Flag.

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Or, the Russian naval flag, or Scotland’s flag. Pretty much any St. Andrew Cross.

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Admittedly, I had to do a google image search on the Russian naval jack..

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In blurry old B & W photos from 100+ years ago, it’s easily confused with the Union Jack.

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I’m shocked that MSNBC has a 39% approval rating. The leftist media just throws absolutely anything against the wall to see if it sticks. They certainly can’t talk about Biden doing anything remotely good or the whole Democratic Party for that matter.

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The New York Times and most other media outlets think we are all rubes and deplorables. Their arrogance knows no bounds. May they all go bankrupt and choke on their hubris.

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