We are already going off a cliff! Trump has a hefty ego. All politicians do in varying degrees, but he has proved himself against the reprobates. Barring extreme complications he HAS my vote and my donations.

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And if he is re elected he will just be vengeance blind. Oh how to look out for the American people. We lose either way. #someoneunder80please

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I'm less optimistic. The DNC and the Media have learned what it takes to get rid of the opposition and the next ideologically opposed president elect will receive the same treatment as Trump did.

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Haley and DeSantis.

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Yes, we must….. No one has a crystal ball and can see all ends. I’ll bet on Trump, that he can win and find a way to govern. After all, it’s no small thing to be in charge of the executive branch and I believe he will be laser focused on cleaning house.

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With the indictments and constant media coverage...not to mention Tucker's recent interview that's now up to 230 million views...President Trump doesn't need to spend half of what the other candidates spend. He's getting free publicity. Erick, we get it...you don't like Trump. I can pretty much count on you posting a weekly "gotcha" piece on Trump each week. It's getting old. Also, you or your staff need to do better research before you state things as truth on the air. Vivek Ramaswamy didn't receive a scholarship from George Soros...per your on-air statement the other day. It was Paul Soros (older brother of George) who was a capitalist and total opposite of his ideological maniac of a brother, George. Do better.

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I actually think its pretty courageous for Erick to gently suggest to primary voters to consider a more rational option than Trump. I bet Erick wishes he could shout from the rooftops about the existential dangers in nominating someone who significant evidence shows tried to illegal end democracy from the white house. Seeing someone like Kristin Fisher fired for reporting to much truth and not "respecting our audience" at Fox News is an ominous example of what having to much courage to tell people truths they don't want to hear leads to. Unfortunately I doubt you can maintain a successful career as a conservative talk radio host being honest about Trump when nearly half the audience supports him as a form of tribal identity (hence the vicious echo chamber in all media). So again I applaud Erick for even occasionally sprinkling some watered down truths about Trump across his platforms.

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Erick doesn’t get old, at least so far. A worthy successor to Rush.

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I am troubled by Trump’s behavior, but I’m more troubled by the political onslaught to stop him at any cost. Knuckling to political subversives is completely against everything I stand for and believe in. Fani Willis persecution is the last straw! Clinton and Abrams decried election fraud and not a single lawsuit. Our forefathers stood up to repression, the least we can do is stand up to the Democrats assault on the rule of law.

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What are these prosecutors supposed to do Carl when they find a mountain of evidence that Trump illegally tried to end democracy from the Whitehouse? I don't think they are trying to stop him at any cost vs. just trying to hold him accountable for hatching and attempting to execute illegal schemes to stay in power. If he had been successful in these schemes than there is no telling what the ramifications could have been - I don't think its hyperbolic to say that it could have led to the end of our economy (end of dollar as reserve currency), pulling the military into a conflict on US soil, significant blood in the streets, etc. I don't think they can say: "no harm no foul since he did it incompetently and was unsuccessful". There has to be consequences no matter how many people are either rabid fans of the guy or depend on his fans for votes or income. Also in your examples theres a big difference between whining / decrying election fraud or even challenging an election in court vs. using the power of your office as president to attempt to prevent the peaceful transition of power.

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Win the battle, lose the war.

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Maybe, but if you don’t fight, you can’t win.

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If Trump will announce a withdrawal from the primary I will match every dollar I don't to a GOP candidate to his legal defense fund. Otherwise, he gets none of my treasure. Period. And, I'm working against him in the primary all the way. If he cares about the country he will withdraw. Additionally, I do not believe he is going to beat all of the charges. They'll get him on a "process crime" if nothing else. He needs someone else in the White House to pardon him, and it should be done on day 1 of that presidency as act number 1 to demonstrate to the Democrats and Progressives (yeah, I know a double-negative) that this sort of political vendetta will not be tolerated.

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Glad we've turned into a "we'll find something" nation instead of innocent until proven guilty.

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That wasn't what I said at all but you read into it what you want. The Florida case has some pretty damning video/audio evidence etc.

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My dream is Trump and Biden jointly withdrawing and Biden doing a Gerald Ford like act of statesmanship at the same time. LOL!

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

ROFL... statesmanship? Nah, not gonna happen. Well, if Hunter happened to get on the board of Trump international.... for a small token compensation of course.

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No democrat will ever pull a Gerald Ford (pardon Trump). The mere thought probably sends them into apoplectic fits. Biden likely will be withdrawn by impeachment either through the act or resignation. The question then is who takes his place? At this stage I can think of no one who can mount a successful campaign.

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If Trump somehow won in 2024, I wonder if that would be a springboard for the Dems taking both houses of Congress with a large majority.

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And if you don’t think they’ll stop if Trump weren’t to run, think again. This is all purely political. As evidenced by this story in RS. Time to stop the game playing and stand up for your country. Not as Steve Bannon calls them, the Keebler Elves. They were so embarrassing the other night. rad article on Fani claiming election fraud below. Wake up. This ain’t the old Democrat party and this is NOT a benevolent government.


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Losing 59 out of 60 cases is disingenuous Erick. They were not heard and evidence was not allowed to be presented. Neither Haley nor DeSantis will be the next President. It’s really that simple no matter how hard Never Trump tries to spin and massage. DeSantis if he keeps on this path will be lucky to get re-elected in FL. He took a humiliating mayoral loss in state. And Haley sounds like a whiny bitchy school girl looking to graduate to head of the student council while admitting that yes Trump is the leader of our party but he’ll be too busy in court. Really? Pretty weak. Also explain how Trump could have increased his vote count by 12 million in 20/20 and Biden outperformed Obama by approximately 20 million votes without leaving his basement? The math doesn’t work. It never has. It never has. I guess we’re about to find out.

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He can't be reelected in Florida; he's term limited.

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Withdrawn by the lawyers because the lawyers were unwilling to perjure themselves in court and go to jail. But this time it will be different. Trump's glorious victory will cover all past mistakes and eliminate the national debt. Insane.

I am simply disgusted by those who support Trump at this point.

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You are dead-on correct. That is the state of the Republican Party today! Are you starting to figure it out yet? If you think this is Trumps fault you’re insane. He is merely the symptom of the Republican Party’s decades of dishonesty, self-serving and cowardice that has allowed the Democrats to move this nation toward socialism. The Trump supporters have simply given up on your precious Republican Party.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

When you lie with the dogs you get fleas. Some time following Reagan The GOP decided that the true path to future electoral success was going government lite. Big mistake!

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We solve this by supporting decent candidates in the primaries.

As long as Republicans vote for candidates with the morals of Donald Trump and Joe Biden in their primaries, this sort of mess will continue. I few good, honest politicians can have a huge influence on the others in the party.

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But that’s not true, a few great leaders won’t influence the bad ones; rather they will get crushed. Usually, it’s the bad politicians that influence the good ones to be bad. Case in point, the sweetheart of the tea party movement Col. Alan West. He turned into a self-serving, soft-left establishment RINO 72 hours after arriving in D.C.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Do you remember the fight for speaker of the house this spring? A few Republicans with strong morals joined together to set up rules for the upcoming budget process. They have forced many in the house who make promises during the primaries to hold to their word. This will keep Biden from getting the Senate to write the 2024 budget and force it on the house.

Their success is questionable because Trump caused Republicans to lose the 2 senate races in Georgia, but that is another story.

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I was proud of the freedom caucus. I was even prouder when they kicked MT Greene out of the caucus. She is the picture of a self-serving Republican politician. She makes public statements that she believes please her ultra conservative base, then in DC she does exactly what the establishment tells her to do. But I digress. You mention our position of strength on the upcoming budget fight. I want you to tell me which liberal budgets in the past 3 decades that the Republican establishment has not caved on. Right, you can’t name one.

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There is zero we can do today about the legacy of fecklessness by the Republicans of the Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, etc. ilk. I do not think they realize that this is no longer that party, yet they have delusions that they can force it to comport to their views of the world. That list of characters has widely divergent views that often conflict. Add to that the penchant to have charlatan grifters aplenty and we are where we are.

This herd of cats is a large part of the reason why the Republican Party is so dysfunctional, and these minority voices hold so much sway. This does not occur in the Democratic Party to a large degree.

So, all that to say that this is a very large portion of the reason for the rise of Trump. But what now? Burn down everything and cut off not only your nose, but ears, hair, etc. in addition to spite ourselves? INSANITY.

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The Republican Party is us. We win when we work together, with a visionary leader who transmits their vision, like Ronald Reagen. I get the impression you haven't read Erikson very long, or you just like typing without thinking. I can see either Haley or DeSantis leading us to victory, and maybe sweeping the table in the House and Senate, as they both have governing experience.

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All of this, yes. Let's do this. 100%.

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And I get the sense you’re a die hard Republican. Yep! This is the year ol’ Mitch McConnell is going to turn it all around for us. Let me posit a rhetorical question for you. If the Republican Party since the Nixon Administration had fought as hard to protect the principles of limited government as the Democrats have fought for socialism, where would we be now?

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You assume far too much about me, creating a straw man to gallantly destroy. I'm a mostly detached observer. Politics is the Democrat religion. Today's Democrats mainly fall into two camps, the fanatics, who give us global warming, antifa and gender confusion, and the cold blooded powerbrokers. The later are the ones that drug Biden across the finish line with their basement campaign and biased media coverage of the 20 election.

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I totally agree with you but for one exception. Politics, not liberal politics, is a false religion that seeks to empower man instead of worshiping God. I think Erick has a book coming out on that topic. I’m excited to read it.

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You’re delusional. Neither Haley or DeSantis will come close to Trump’s 74 million votes which is the baseline for victory.

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Were you paying attention to DeSantis' victory in Florida? He won Broward and Dade counties two HEAVILY blue areas. He was a landslide in Florida. Were you listening to Haley on Foreign Policy? She's teaching a master-class on dealing with other nations because she was a women representing the United States of America at the United Nations and she didn't take shit from that male-dominated body. DeSantis/Haley or Haley/DeSantis commands the White House for 16 years. Guaranteed. Trump will be obstructed for four, get nothing done and we'll be right back here in four years.

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I pay attention to everything. DeSantis is waning in popularity. He has been exposed. What happened on Nov of 2022 no longer applies. Haley gave. I master class. She ignores promises made to Russia by the Bushes post Soviet Union. The mood in this country regarding our involvement in Ukraine is souring quickly. Look at the polling. This is going to be worse than Afghanistan is fe don’t stop now. Plus we can’t afford it. Please stop the neocon garbage. You folks are killing f this country. As well-meaning as you may be. DeSantis and Haley will have 16 years of nothing…

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DeSantis arguably had the best performance in the debate. The next closest was Haley. Promises made to Russia by the Bushes? What specifically are you refering to there? I would contend all bets are off now that Russia invaded a neighbor. I do not care what polling says. The right thing to do is to make sure an invader does not prosper, China doesn't prosper, and America is safe. Ukraine is a tipping point. If we don't stop Russia there a lot of other dominos begin to move. If you've already made up your mind then the debates mean nothing to you. I have not and really liked what I saw from both DeSantis and Haley. If you discount all that they have done and say they can't replicate that for America I consider your judgment flawed. You seem to want to discount their accomplishments but hold up whose as your chosen, anointed candidate? Trump? No.

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DeSantis was horrible. He totally melted down in front of bankers in London when he was there back in the spring. Consensus was he wasn’t ready for prime time. Read your history. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the US, begun by the Bush administration, promised Russia that there would be no expansion of NATO. We have reneged on that promise time and time again. The EU playing footsie with Ukraine was too provocative. Plus spending billions and maintaining it’s for Democracy is totally disingenuous given Zelensky, closing churches, shutting down opposition media outfits and suspending Ukraine’s upcoming election. Democracy? Please. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. We are propping up their military and government and as a result pushing Russia closer to China. We are pissing if the world as evidenced by the BRIC nations now being joined by the Saudis and Iran giving the BRICs control over more than 60% of the worlds oil market. This is a disaster for the US. Hailey’s understanding of geopolitics is extremely poor and is built on bromides no longer relevant in 2023. Do your homework. And stop the neocon crap. It’s hurting America. Not helping!

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We will see. One thing is for certain The Democrats are playing Trump, and his worshipers, like a violin.

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Mr. Lamb illustrated his political position when he wrote his phrase "your precious Republican party". Obviously, from his writing, Mr. Lamb is an intelligent man. The thing that puzzles me is how intelligent people think Biden is preferable to ANY Republican nominee. And many of my very intelligent friends and relatives believe that Biden is preferable. I just do not understand it.

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Then allow me to explain. Because of my comments I’m often accused of being an ignorant Trump supporter. I am not. I became politically aware when I was a young teen and we were all so proud that OUR GOVERNOR JIMMY CARTER had become president. I had a little job then pumping gas when a gallon of regular leaded was .50. By the time I got my license gas was $1.50, we had gas lines, 24% mortgages, thermostats set on 78 all summer, the worst foreign policy in a century and something called the misery index. That’s the America in which I started my adult life. Then I heard deeply inspirational words. Ronald Reagan told us that our country was still the greatest nation in the history of earth and we didn’t have to live in a Jimmy Carter world. And millions of us loved and supported him. Thereafter I was a die hard Republican until I simply couldn’t stand it any more. The Republican Party fought Reagan all the way. Then there was never another Republican politician that even came close. In the early 2000s Bush was the last straw. He ran as a conservative but governed from the soft left. I hated Bush. I became a libertarian, which was our only alternative back then. And I wasn’t alone. Bush chased a critical percentage of Republican voters out of the party. Trump represents change. He’s far from perfect. Far far. But he arose as an alternative to the Republican Party for the millions like me that grew to hate the Republican Party in the decades after Reagan was gone. What infuriates me is that no Republican politician will embrace the idea that the Trump phenomenon is solely the result of their own decades long failure to protect the interests of their constituents. And Erick has a deep, deep admiration for Republican politicians. He is incapable of seeing that these people are not his friends. He supports the Republican Party blindly, as do you. The rest of us have been told for 50 years to just vote for the R because they’re better than the Ds. But Where has that gotten us? The now dethroned Bush dynasty taught us that there was very little difference between the parties, at least back then, of course. But ultimately, under the Rs, we just move more slowly toward socialism. The truth is, after 50 years of political awareness, I simply will never trust a Republican politician and I don’t give a damn who they are.

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I feel very much the same. The vast majority of this lengthy post parallels my own experiences, and I am in agreement that Trump is the result of Republicans failing their constituents (I give you House Leader John Boehner's tenure as just one of many examples that soured me). Where I diverge from you is 1.) I don't pretend to KNOW what Erick thinks about Republican politicians, and 2.) I don't trust ANY politician (which I believe you were inferring). Where I diverge from many on this post is if I'm given the choice between Trump and Biden - which I do not believe will actually happen - I will vote Trump. I may hate the guy personally, but my family's quality of life was a helluva lot better under Trump than Biden.

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I understand, Mr. Lamb. I too voted for Carter back in the day. And voted for him over Reagan. Afterward my political views turned towards (but not fully) more libertarian in view. But libertarians rarely get elected and don't go anywhere once they are.

Like you, the truth is, after 50 years of political awareness, I simply will never trust a Republican politician NOR a Democrat politician, and I don’t give a damn who they are. But there is one thing for sure, not voting for any Republican candidate for president IS a vote for Biden. I respect you, Mr. Lamb, but I am still mystified that you (and anyone else) would vote for Biden. And I will never understand that. I will always look back and forever shake my head over that. All the best to you, Mr. Lamb, most sincerely!

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I will vote Republican and would certainly never vote Democrat. The problem I have is that as I look at the raw numbers right now, I just dont see any possible hope other than Trump. I will seriously consider a vote for DeSantis, maybe Haley or Scott, never Christie. But you and I should both know that that will have the same effect as my vote for Dr. Carson.

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I agree. And I too, feel your pain.

Sorry, that was a very lousy joke. Not even good gallows humor.

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Then what is your solution? Don't vote Republican against Biden? That's an untenable position. I get your long tirades and even sympathize with them but you aren't offering solutions. You are only shaking your fist at the wind. If your goal is to attempt to shift votes away from the Republicans to something else at this time in history, then you sir are trying to destroy this country. Work on a third party in local and state races until you build up a viable structure and can challenge national races. To try and build it now is only drawing votes away from one party or the other which by definition means you are helping their opponents.

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Here is the solution. But unfortunately, it will be extremely difficult and will take a lot of time. 50 years of abuse cannot be repaired in a day. The Republican politicians have to stop supporting their own self interest and instead support their voters. No more lies, no more excuses, no more cowardice. If they do so, they will once again restore the trust of conservative voters. It will take time. Republican leaders are watching the Trump phenomenon. It’s a golden opportunity to see what’s right before their eyes. The people love Trump despite his many flaws, because they still think he’s better than the establishment politicians. The lesser of evils. There’s just no other explanation for it. The Republican rulers just gnash their teeth and ask: why do these millions love Trump and hate us?! But they refuse to accept the truth. If they had not participated in our shift to the left for the last 50 years, there would be no Trump. Erick is in a unique position to make them see the truth, but he’s far too star-struck by these people to even offer constructive criticism. And by the way, if you don’t see that Trump is less evil than anything offered by the left, you’re as deranged as you believe me to be.

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You didn't answer my question and perhaps I didn't phrase it properly. What do we do to fix it? You said what "republicans' in office should do but that doesn't present a course of action for this election. What, in this election, are you proposing to do? Trump by the way is a fine alternative to the Left, but not the best choice on the right, imo.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

God help us all. Ego, vengeance and butt hurt over what is best for the country. A bigger man would do what has the least risk of leftists remining in positions of authority, regaining the house, and keeping the senate. This may well back-fire on all sides if Trump wins the nomination.

Even if he wins there will be such furor nothing will get done, and the obstruction will be far worse. Republicans may well join in to convict as well as impeach. Its going to be ugly in all respects.

Trump honestly doesn't care. If the expected loss happens he'll continue with a new round of stolen election allegations, never ending spam fundraising, and jetting around the country holding rallies to fluff his ego and be worshiped.

I voted for him twice and will hold my nose and do it again if he's the nominee. The stakes are too high to do anything else, but if that 10% of Republicans in the "Muh Principles" crowd votes against him he's done. Don't forget the "No Labels" milquetoasts too. They'll throw in a Romney or Hogan alternative to further muddy the waters.

We'll be done and all that goes along with it. Win or lose. At this point Trump is as or more devisive thank Hillary ever was. It the rabid Trumpers would crawl over a mile of broken glass to vote for Trump, the other side would crawl two miles to vote against him.

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I voted for Trump in both elections. How much more do we have to lose before stubborn Trump supporters realize a another candidate can win and be great.

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I will not go through another election where I have to hold my nose and vote Trump. Curious to see what the No Labels group will offer if the ballot is again 2 geriatric narcissists.

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I understand your sentiment completely but if this sort of attitude takes hold it will ensure Biden is re-elected. Do you want another four more years of Bernie Sanders supporters in a Biden Admin dictating policy because that's what we have and what you'll get more of if Biden gets re-elected.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

The cult of personality and the weakness for revenge of human nature. Trumpers are all in on cutting off their nose to spite their own face and frankly country… God willing, common sense prevails.

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