"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

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There are no non-religious people. There are only false gods.

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Anyway unbelievers attempt to minimize the killing of a baby still in the womb, it is still murder.

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There are people who relish in the fact they are right to the point of obnoxious hubris. Yet being "right" and standing for truth, far too often carries with it a very deep sadness and sorrow. You regularly exhibit this sorrow in your commentary. Thank you.

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"I'm not religious. I'm spiritual."

"Ah. So you don't believe in anything. Got it."

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...or worse, "you believe in something, but not sure what it is"...leading to other-than-Jehovah!

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"Abortion has gone from being “safe, legal, and rare” to being celebrated."

There is a lot to unpack from that statement, observationally. But, I wish to relate this to the church.

I no longer consider myself a member of the PC(USA). There are a lot of reasons. I will still attend our congregation, because the pastors, while personally liberal and progressive on politics and social issues, realize that there is a fairly balanced mix of the spectrum within the congregation. I appreciate that they seek to be balanced in relating to the membership. Do we agree on essential doctrine related to salvation? Yes, so exhibit grace elsewhere, even if we believe others are wrong on other matters. THAT is how a church should operate.

Unfortunately, the national, public facing leadership of the denomination no longer genuinely believes that, and have begun removing its mask to clearly show that as long as one is of an "opprrssed minority" one can implicitly and clearly deny an essential doctrine of the faith and retain his or her ministerial credentials. One can espouse the new racism and in a veiled statement say if you disagree, you are a racist, and still retain a position of influence. I begin with a long introduction to get to this.

I think before one gets to church property disputes (for denominations with trust clauses), LGBT matters, or even core theology, a lot is revealed in where these false preachers and teachers of the new law, these leftist Pharisees' heart truly lies, when it comes to the issue of abortion.

Over the past six years, the language of the leadership of the PC(USA) has changed from an acknowledgement that people do differ, but that we should agree on common ground efforts as Christians to mourn any time any woman feels compelled to have one for reasons other than a genuine medical necessity, since the genuine medical reasons are rare and belong in their own class. The new language is more of a veiled, pro-abortion stance. It acknowledges the pro-choice polity as defined by previous General Assembly action, but there is deafening silence in what is now never said, the lack of any affirmation of common ground under what I call the old Clintonian political language. In fact, when the fetal heartbeat legislation wave began, there was lots of criticism of conservative politicians, but silence on so-called progressives espousing unlimited abortion on demand and borderline infanticide.

Anyway, I have been back and forth with the national offices over a number of issues, copying the local presbytery leadership as necessary. However in my parting shot, I made one comment in particular related to abortion:

To the extent you [Stated Clerk J. Herbert Nelson] and the leadership of this denomination present a smiling face and refuse to use the moral authority of your offices to criticize errant doctrine, unjust actions on the political left and political right, or acknowledge matters on which we should all agree, you are exhibiting the characteristics of the devil. This is especially so in that the current leadership of this denomination cannot even bring itself to acknowledge that abortion and the circumstances that lead to any woman to have one (exclusively primarily of genine, urgent medically necessary health situations) should generally be mourned. A denomination that cannot bring itself to that simple matter, is a denomination that is full of hyprocrisy and false teaching on matters dealing with orphans, widows, the oppressed and such. Such a leadership demonstrates that it is of the devil.

Prior to this I made the following comments, because this gets to a comment that you made about your daughter's classmate and crystals in the broadcast. I think these remarks have direct bearing on the church and neo-paganism of today:

"Mr. Nelson, this is directed primarily at you. There are individuals who question how I can have issue with you, because you are such a pleasant person. However, Jesus reminds us first and foremost that Satan was an angel of light and Scripture clearly teaches, starting in Genesis that he usually does not appear as the Medieval and Renaissance artists portrayed him in religious art. To the extent you and the leadership of this denomination present a smiling face and refuse to use the moral authority of your offices to criticize errant doctrine, unjust actions on the political left and political right, or acknowledge matters on which we should all agree, you are exhibiting the characteristics of the devil...

Therefore, I leave handing you over to Satan and the judgement of God and pray that you will repent of your evil, wicked ways."

The errant doctrine in question is the heretical eisegesis of Matt. 15 made popolar by that false, heretical UMC Western Jurisdiction Bishop, Oliveti, regarding Jesus's interaction with the Cananite woman. It has been promoted at least 4 times over the past 12 or so months, usually by LGBT individuals.

Frankly, I do not care if they contact our church and complain. My conscience does not permit me to accept a denomination, whose leadership no longer accepts the doctrinal standards to which it purportedly subscribes. My pastor, bless his heart, I don't think fully gets it, but he genuinely tries, and for that I am appreciative, because the national leadership is a den of unrepentant vipers that have allied themselves solely with the world.

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A fair number of PC(USA) congregations have left the mainstream denomination to form "ECO" - Presbyterian in form and gov't, remaining true to God's Word, maintaining much of the distinctives of PC(USA) (women elders/pastors, etc.).


Two churches that fought the good fight for decades (this is *not* a 6-year-old fight, btw) against liberal Presbyteries/Synods and GA wandering further and further from the Biblical truth upon which they were formed spent 2-4 years wringing out decisions, details to address PC(USA) land trust issues to retain their buildings/property, determine how to remain true to God's Word without losing the main framework of the church, re-energize its mission to the surrounding community as well as the world. The two I am familiar with is "Grace Commons" in Boulder CO (was 1st Presby up to that point for >100 years :-( ) and 1st Presby in Colorado Springs. I grew up at 1st Presby Boulder, watched the battle for the soul of the PC(USA) from the sidelines over the past 2 decades (in a PCA church at this point, myself). Father still attends Grace Commons, remains true to God's Word.

If your congregation wants to remain true to God's Word, it may have to sever ties with an organization that sees Mr. Nelson as a trusted authority. The alternative is to seek out another church such as associated with PCA, OPC, EPC that continue to remain true to His Word.

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We know how it ends. However, it appears the public (social media) Christians of today do themselves no favor to the cause with the constant bickering, embracing as Biblical what is clearly not Biblical and trying to get deep when Christianity is so clear and simple. 1) Jesus is the Son of God 2) Love the Lord with all your heart and all your soul 3) Love your neighbor as yourself (this one pretty much covers the 10 Commandments). 4) There is no other God except God. 5) God and Jesus love you - you are a gift from God. You do have a purpose. We should all remember that and act like it.

I realize there is life and we’re all sinning humans and all that comes with it… However, I feel like if the Christian Church focused more on the core of Christianity and less on bickering, new rules, being woke and truly trying to live life as Christians as Christ tells / encourages in The Bible, they’d be much more successful at retaining current Christians and bringing new ones to the faith.

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