Yes. Confirmation bias is 'the thing'. If media (of any flavor) regurgitates what a person believes then a lot of crucial questioning stops. We have heard what we believed we 'knew' was true (because it reinforces our prejudices) and now we can continue on with our day feeling that we were right all along. Your point concerning the CNN clip that is now monetized is a very good example.

During the 2016 elections I was overwhelmed by the number of 'YouTube-ers' that had assumed the mantle of 'citizen journalist' and their viewers seemed enthralled to have real 'truth-tellers' out there that were refuting the legacy media's portrayal of that election. Yet, these 'citizen journalists' weren't going out on the streets or doing real research and/or interviews in order to gather accurate information on their subject. No. They were sitting at their laptop editing information that had been passed around on the Internet and speculating on what it might all mean. AND getting paid for it. Good work if you can get it... I guess?

I feel sure it was the same on Twitter (the nexus for dissemination of confirmation bias) and probably Facebook; I don't engage in social media so my information is based on what I've researched online.

Despite what anyone believes about numbers, there is a virus. A novel, corona virus that attacks the respiratory system of the body. It is fast and easily spread. It will probably make healthy people sick when contracted but if the person is older, elderly, or has underlying health problems - like obesity, diabetes, COPD are any number of ills and ailments that could make them a bit more vulnerable - it can and does kill. Take precautions. Be mindful of others and remember that if there were as many conspiracies in this world as are suspected, no one would have time for actual living.

Thank you, Erick. You've been a consistently reliable source of information from the start.

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The real problem is we have given up our freedom to big government like compliant sheep. Unlike 2008 when the government backstopped the banks they have now done that for large parts of the economy. In the process, governments have expanded their range of powers at their disposal. Will see if they give up their newfound power, but I have little faith in a government that allows you to buy a sponge but not seeds from Home Depot. New powers are often easy to acquire but difficult to give back. Meanwhile, the public mood has shifted from the spirit of individualism that has shaped public discourse over the last thirty years to that of collectivism (we are in this together!). Time will tell.

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A real question arises from this...what will our society look like when we emerge from this pandemic? For societies to thrive, there needs to be some cohesive bonds that keeps them together. Trust is a substantial bond. If you cannot trust anyone, our self isolation will become something more than just a physical distancing.

The level of revisionist history that is going on right now is more than frightening. Politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump, need to remember there is a being that knows the truth of the matter, both fact and intent, and there is coming a time of accountability, when no amount of "spin" will ever change the fact and the intent.

May each of us, not be ashamed when that accounting takes place.

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The underlying problem is that far too many people are willing to exchange the truth for a lie (Romans 1:25). While politics isn't directly about God, truth is. The willingness of a multitude of people to distort the truth is what expands distrust. Social-media and mainstream-media are simply the tools people use to distort truth and spread deceit. The problem is not the type of media. The problem is that far too many people believe the truth can be mocked. But as Psalm 73 makes clear, there are always long-term consequences to sin. And distorting the truth is sin.

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My trust in media, government and experts was lost a long time ago. That trust will never come back. Either way, we are being manipulated for someone's agenda.

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That's the problem. If you can't trust anyone, you can't trust anything and you're just as likely to be manipulated by someone or something else.

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I didn't say I don't trust anyone, I said I don't trust the media, government or experts! Especially during this virus panic, everyone is all over the place! I assume there is a truth in all this and it's a shame that this country is NOT on the same page with that truth. My trust is in the Lord!

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Everyone needs to be called out for their partisan barks. Thank you Erick for keeping it real.

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"Media that makes money through clickbait..." That, right there. It's so much easier and more fun to click on stuff we agree with, stuff that riles us up, than to choose something that makes us think. And there's a lot more of the fun stuff out there.

I'd bet local newspapers are doing a better job of evenhandedness, because, like local politicians, we're closer to the core. If our readers don't like us, they won't buy the paper, and the effects are felt fast. But we're more vulnerable to larger-scale costs. The best-priced printer just shuttered, and now our print costs have gone way up, according to the publisher. Do we go digital, which has clickbait as a tempting way to make money? I don't know. Will there even be advertising dollars after things open up? Would all our readers be able to access a digital paper, in an area that doesn't even have reliable internet?

Yes, the media should be more responsible, no argument. But people should support the outlets that are trying to do things right.

Anyway, you're correct, the fundamental problem is distrust, and much of that distrust has been earned. Will we even trust them when they say they're trying to do better? When should we try trusting again?

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Erick. The problem is the unknown. No one seems to know what it is(Even the greatest scientists). Then everyone becomes an expert.

You do not cover India much but that is where I look at for this How can you even think of less deaths in India where social distancing is almost impossible. As of today there are less than 1000 deaths there.

Deaths due to other reasons have down around the world? So should we say we stop going to Doctors?

People in unemployment benefits are getting more money than their usual daily wages. Why will they go back to their jobs? This is a fantastic move by Nancy Pelosi and company to keep unemployment numbers high.

I strongly feel that it is a conspiracy to bring down our economy. See here me too I am giving an expert advice.

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