First, this post is not about RFK, but I do want to note his hearings begin today, and I remain deeply concerned by the cowardice of the pro-life community in standing up on this issue.
"The American public, according to The New York Times, turns out to be much, much more against transgender advocates’ positions now than just a few years ago...." I would posit that their feelings haven't changed at all, they just feel safer now speaking up about them.
I don't care what transgender ADULTS want to do. What I resent is their targeting of children.... those under-18 folks who are not mature enough, not capable of making fully-informed consenting decisions... and the trans activists who demand that we celebrate their "lifestyle" every 10 goddam minutes..
The people who are lamenting the deportation(repatriation?) of illegal aliens are moving on to the pause/no pause on federal funding. Specifically, here in Atlanta. Am I disingenuous for asking whether this is true or asking why these vouchers are set on a month-to-month basis? The new administration is moving so quickly & I am here for it!
Just the other day I saw a screaming Newsbreak headline: "Trump Executive Order Bans Abortion".
When I read the story, it actually said that Trump had banned federal funding for abortions both in the US and foreign countries.
There is no "abortion ban", just that the federal government isn't going to pay for it anymore.
On January 20th, it was a like a switch got flipped in the press coverage.
Just get ready folks.... because for the next four years, every day, on an hourly basis, we're going to be bombarded with nonstop sensationalist, misleading headlines which will contain a strand of truth but will largely be misinformation/disinformation.
Good Morning people all we can do is Pray that RFK doesn’t get confirmed to do Any government job I can’t believe people can be so blind Especially King Trump
Frankly, who cares what the press/media has to say. They participated in the single greatest coverup in US political history - the cognitive decline of their preferred sitting president. They will ultimately have no voice in American political discourse. Their credibility is totally shot. Anyone still foolish enough to consume their garbage deserves little ear as well.
Oklahoma readers of Erick, I no longer live there but knew James Lankford before he was elected to Congress, as a minister associated with Northwest Baptist Church. He is a good and honest Christian who needs to hear from you, Oklahoma voters, about voting against RFK. Please let him hear your concerns and prayers for his success while governing according to what his Bible teaches him.
Christianity Today magazine has, for several years, sounded like the voice of the NGOs who are engaged in the wholesale breaking of US laws while living on US taxpayer dollars behind a 501(c)3 shield.
The most important nugget of truth of this entire piece lies within one of the early sentences -- "...too many have personal political ambitions that outweigh protecting Americans..." This truth is best illustrated by the failure of all but a few of our Republican representatives having the spine to vote to convict Trump in the impeachment trial for 1/6, even after condemning him in the strongest terms on 1/7. And still today, their fear of being primaried drives them to defend the indefensible and vote for their own political survival rather than voting their conscience and/or their loyalty to their country, assuming they have either. Sad to think that we have young men and women in our military who are willing to risk their very lives to defend our Constitution, yet we have senators and representatives who are not even willing to risk their political careers by doing the right thing.
Perhaps the pro-life people you continue to vilify actually realize that his personal views, whatever they may be at any given point, are not related to the job he has been nominated to do. His focus is food, pharma, and drugs and you have ignored that fact in every single article you have written blasting him and anyone who supports him for those specific things.
Kathy, the Secretary of HHS has a more expansive role over abortion issues than any person in the federal government. If you say they are "not related to the job he has been nominated to do" you really do not have any understanding of the role of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The Secretary of HHS oversees the federal regulation of outpatient abortion facilities, abortifacient drugs and access to them, federal regulations related to the documentation and classification of abortions vs miscarriages, etc. etc. etc. It it literally the most important role in the government bureaucracy related to the issue of abortion.
The issue of abortion has been returned to the states, which, I must say are doing rather badly with it. And he can be fired if he gets outside the lines on what his mandate is. Meanwhile, you still have not addressed who among the conservatives will address the things he is chosen to do. My guess is there are none. And a lot of us want those things addressed. We are willing to give him a chance to do what we see as very much needed as no one else will, and are also willing to see him fired if he goes off on a pro abort rampage.
The issue of abortion has not entirely returned to the states. The Secretary of Health and Human Services plays an expansive role in regulation for state hospitals and abortion facilities. There is still a federal role over abortifacient drugs, regulations of insurance companies and how they cover or do not cover abortions, etc.
That being true, it is still not the focus of his mission. He isn't talking about it, he has stated clearly his motive and mission, Trump said his mission is food, pharma, drugs. And you still did not give a suggestion of who one the true conservative side will take up that mission if he is not confirmed.
I had to laugh when Jim Acosta gave his fair well to the progressives yesterday. I can’t believe he could say what he did about the truth with a straight face. You have to wonder if the leftists put their money where their mouth is.
Journalists, let’s get it right, should always be your first priority. If it isn’t you’re just another talking head.
The personal views or actions of RFK, or any elected representative for that matter, are of little importance or concern to me provided they perform in accordance with the desires of those who elected, or in this case appointed them. Earlier, in November of 2024, Kennedy said Trump had given him three “instructions”: to remove “corruption” from health agencies, to return these bodies to “evidence-based science and medicine”, and “to end the chronic disease epidemic”. If he does these things I will be pleased, regardless of his past actions or statements.
Donald Trump could nominate Satan to be ambassador to the Vatican and Trumpers would come up with reasons to support the pick.
"The American public, according to The New York Times, turns out to be much, much more against transgender advocates’ positions now than just a few years ago...." I would posit that their feelings haven't changed at all, they just feel safer now speaking up about them.
I don't care what transgender ADULTS want to do. What I resent is their targeting of children.... those under-18 folks who are not mature enough, not capable of making fully-informed consenting decisions... and the trans activists who demand that we celebrate their "lifestyle" every 10 goddam minutes..
I just left messages for Senators Slotkin and Peters to vote no on RFK Jr. We need to do that regardless of the outcome.
Peters doesn't give AF, he's not going to run again in 2016. We might get Petey Booty-judge running for his seat though 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 💩💩💩
Before I forget, here's a link to Rob Smith, a veteran, talking about transgenders in the military & why they are not combat-ready:
The people who are lamenting the deportation(repatriation?) of illegal aliens are moving on to the pause/no pause on federal funding. Specifically, here in Atlanta. Am I disingenuous for asking whether this is true or asking why these vouchers are set on a month-to-month basis? The new administration is moving so quickly & I am here for it!
Re: "The Erickson Rule of Press Coverage"
This is absolutely true.
Just the other day I saw a screaming Newsbreak headline: "Trump Executive Order Bans Abortion".
When I read the story, it actually said that Trump had banned federal funding for abortions both in the US and foreign countries.
There is no "abortion ban", just that the federal government isn't going to pay for it anymore.
On January 20th, it was a like a switch got flipped in the press coverage.
Just get ready folks.... because for the next four years, every day, on an hourly basis, we're going to be bombarded with nonstop sensationalist, misleading headlines which will contain a strand of truth but will largely be misinformation/disinformation.
Good Morning people all we can do is Pray that RFK doesn’t get confirmed to do Any government job I can’t believe people can be so blind Especially King Trump
Madbow- Rachael Maddow will probably report that some Govt workers are tired because of the Trump 25 hour work week.
Frankly, who cares what the press/media has to say. They participated in the single greatest coverup in US political history - the cognitive decline of their preferred sitting president. They will ultimately have no voice in American political discourse. Their credibility is totally shot. Anyone still foolish enough to consume their garbage deserves little ear as well.
Yeah! Trump and FOX will tell us all what to believe. Who needs anything else?
Fox is pretty weak too. Just a different side of the globalist coin. I’m sure you think we all witnessed the “best version” of Biden.
No fan of Biden or the coverage.
💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 🎯 🎯 🎯 🎯 🎯 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Best post of all here. This is called hitting the nail on the head. Thank you.
Well, maybe the head, but not the nail.
Oklahoma readers of Erick, I no longer live there but knew James Lankford before he was elected to Congress, as a minister associated with Northwest Baptist Church. He is a good and honest Christian who needs to hear from you, Oklahoma voters, about voting against RFK. Please let him hear your concerns and prayers for his success while governing according to what his Bible teaches him.
Christianity Today magazine has, for several years, sounded like the voice of the NGOs who are engaged in the wholesale breaking of US laws while living on US taxpayer dollars behind a 501(c)3 shield.
The most important nugget of truth of this entire piece lies within one of the early sentences -- "...too many have personal political ambitions that outweigh protecting Americans..." This truth is best illustrated by the failure of all but a few of our Republican representatives having the spine to vote to convict Trump in the impeachment trial for 1/6, even after condemning him in the strongest terms on 1/7. And still today, their fear of being primaried drives them to defend the indefensible and vote for their own political survival rather than voting their conscience and/or their loyalty to their country, assuming they have either. Sad to think that we have young men and women in our military who are willing to risk their very lives to defend our Constitution, yet we have senators and representatives who are not even willing to risk their political careers by doing the right thing.
Perhaps the pro-life people you continue to vilify actually realize that his personal views, whatever they may be at any given point, are not related to the job he has been nominated to do. His focus is food, pharma, and drugs and you have ignored that fact in every single article you have written blasting him and anyone who supports him for those specific things.
Kathy, the Secretary of HHS has a more expansive role over abortion issues than any person in the federal government. If you say they are "not related to the job he has been nominated to do" you really do not have any understanding of the role of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The Secretary of HHS oversees the federal regulation of outpatient abortion facilities, abortifacient drugs and access to them, federal regulations related to the documentation and classification of abortions vs miscarriages, etc. etc. etc. It it literally the most important role in the government bureaucracy related to the issue of abortion.
The issue of abortion has been returned to the states, which, I must say are doing rather badly with it. And he can be fired if he gets outside the lines on what his mandate is. Meanwhile, you still have not addressed who among the conservatives will address the things he is chosen to do. My guess is there are none. And a lot of us want those things addressed. We are willing to give him a chance to do what we see as very much needed as no one else will, and are also willing to see him fired if he goes off on a pro abort rampage.
The issue of abortion has not entirely returned to the states. The Secretary of Health and Human Services plays an expansive role in regulation for state hospitals and abortion facilities. There is still a federal role over abortifacient drugs, regulations of insurance companies and how they cover or do not cover abortions, etc.
That being true, it is still not the focus of his mission. He isn't talking about it, he has stated clearly his motive and mission, Trump said his mission is food, pharma, drugs. And you still did not give a suggestion of who one the true conservative side will take up that mission if he is not confirmed.
I had to laugh when Jim Acosta gave his fair well to the progressives yesterday. I can’t believe he could say what he did about the truth with a straight face. You have to wonder if the leftists put their money where their mouth is.
Journalists, let’s get it right, should always be your first priority. If it isn’t you’re just another talking head.
I THINK you meant Jim Acosta? Bob Acosta is the sportscaster (also liberal).
The personal views or actions of RFK, or any elected representative for that matter, are of little importance or concern to me provided they perform in accordance with the desires of those who elected, or in this case appointed them. Earlier, in November of 2024, Kennedy said Trump had given him three “instructions”: to remove “corruption” from health agencies, to return these bodies to “evidence-based science and medicine”, and “to end the chronic disease epidemic”. If he does these things I will be pleased, regardless of his past actions or statements.