No worries, it appears Twitter will be putting out their records shortly.

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I think what has been released provides important context to this issue. It shows that even people inside Twitter believed the "hacked" materials excuse was pathetic.

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Well, just go on and tell people to yawn. That will encourage people to do nothing and it'll simply go away. No outrage about this and it dies in a couple of news cycles. Why not encourage your audience to write elected officials and demand a full investigation???

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It's shocking to me how the media, politicians and half of the general population honestly believe that suppression and lying are valid and even warranted when they are done in the name of defeating Trump. Our whole system is set up so that one person cannot control the country. Everything works itself out without breaking the rules. The ends actually do not justify the means.

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This was the big surprise to me: “Ro Khanna, a highly progressive member of Congress from California, was one of the few voices from the left urging Twitter to back down in the name of the First Amendment.” A performative progressive has been outed as actually being an old-school liberal.

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Reverse all this and the Democrats would be calling for hearings, talking of walls closing in and impeachment, the MSM would be in full mode of shoving microphones in the face of every Republican from Senator down to deputy under assistant to the assistant of whatever at the state level.

We're not liberal, we're just doing good journalism. ~ Don Lemon

They are collectively the Ministry of Culture and Public Enlightenment. I am calling no one a Natzi. I am saying they influence a large segment of the population through narrative they may or may not actually believe; but they love the power.

Obama proved people are ok being lied to as long as it is done with conviction and a soft, ariadite voice with metered tones.

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"...not a lot there we were not already sure about." Yet "we" were called conspiracy theorists since "we" didn't have concrete evidence. This kind of thing does matter, you know that.

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I’m a little encouraged that some subscribers here are willing to admit the gravity of the moment- unlike EE. It’s becoming more and more apparent that the Presidency was stolen from Trump and his supporters. EE would love to get the blood off his hands but he may not have of a very big window to again say he was wrong about Trump. This is not going away like establishment elites would like. Choose your side wisely. History will be corrected. Orange man bad is not going to be the right response.

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Again Eric how clueless van you be? I think you have too many friends in the evil mainstream media that your biases are showing. The left and everybody that votes for them are evil. Plain and simple. Ignorance is not an excuse anymore.

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Sooo true!!!

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All media are Enemy # 1; the surrogate fourth branch of government, accountable to no one, overpopulated by Radical Leftists out to dismantle the Constitution and the US with a vastly improved Megaphone (the Internet) accelerating the damage done to our Society. All Musk has done so far is to prove it. No small feat

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Now would be a good time to see the republican party that the MSM makes them out to be. Unfortunately, the vast majority are wusses and don't have the spine to question anything much less make anything happen.

I already sent D Ferg and J Asshat I mean Ossof an email asking each what he personally is going to do about this coordinated attack on the first amendment? I'll probably get a page long email in a few weeks that is a complete waste of bandwidth.

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I think there is a greater fear involved with this left reaction. I think they fear serious civil damages and perhaps criminal penalties, although maybe a stretch.

Consider the case of James Woods, who believes he has real and public financial damages.

The JD should be looking closely at 18 u.s. code 241 and 242 for protection of constitutional liberties.

Pair that with a RICIO charge, invoking the predicate of terrorism. Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of criminal violence to provoke a state of terror or fear, mostly with the intention to achieve political or religious aims. Spot on.

While defamation may be a carve out, in this case the DNC knew the laptop was real, so they were acting with malice.

Although a wild possibility, can you comment on what could happen if several Attorney’s General (perhaps led by Texas AG Paxton), pursued decertifying the DNC and seizing all of their assets in Texas? Although a conservative’s dream, it would force the creation of a new Dem organization in each state and would set them back for decades.

I think the civil and criminal paths are what they fear.

Would love to hear your thoughts.


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“Again, a lot of this stuff we knew or suspected, and Friday night was mainly a vindication of our priors. “

But THAT is the main point. The collusion of Twitter and the Biden Administration was indicated in comments made by Psaki, but generally dismissed and denied by the MSM. Now it cannot be dismissed and denied. And the comment “First Amendment Rights are not absolute” from Biden officials is chilling and indicative of a constitutional crisis.

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I reviewed the talk discussion page at Wikipedia on the Twitter files at the Matt Taibbi entry. There--as you say--some are trying to say it is meaningless or actually "crap" (quote from Wikipedia talk page).

Tabbi's 41 tweets were a complex presentation. The Twitter files were initially ignored by the MSM but by this morning it was a story in Newsweek, Bloomberg, CNN, etc. Headlines were crafted to downplay the story, Tabbi was vilified, Musk was vilified.

Earlier this week Taibbi won the respected Munk Debate in Toronto "Mainstream Media:

Be it resolved, don't trust mainstream media."


The main characterization of Taibbi's analysis by MSM pundits was "nothing burger" which is a phrase I think was popularized by Former Secretary of state, Hillary Clinton in relation to her e-mail server.

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The same people who had the “Hunter Biden Laptop” story squelched now demands that all semiautomatic firearms be banned in the US.

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The saddest thing about all this is that virtually the entire entertainment/media/news industry went along with the censorship. That not one mainstream reporter/journalist/editor/publisher objected to the collusion is a depressing indication of how low and insignificant the idea of a working "democracy" has become. The election was, in fact, rigged.

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