Brian Kemp’s election as the Governor of the State of Georgia stands in reality before the myth of Trump’s influence. Can we please move past what’s-his-name?

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If it's white supremacy, what about Biden. He is extremely racist in his decisions effecting Americans. black or white. I'm tired of receiving text messages and emails wanting money for the candidates when the value of my dollar is so low it is hard putting food on the table. Besides, should we change the name, White House to Black house . Biden and his cronies have hurt this country. And that applies to all races of people.

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I counted eight MAGAs. I think this exceeds the ratio of MAGAs used in a typical Biden speech.

It is a hoot that Democrats and anti-Trumpers use MAGA as a derogatory term. I ask for a list of policy ideas connected to the MAGA movement that they think are bad... but I generally get crickets.

You might check the policy ideas connected to Build Back Better and compare them to MAGA policy ideas and tell everyone which is more decisive, America-destroying and racist.

So what can we derive from this?... Trump is living rent-free in their heads. And THAT is all the Democrats can hope for with the black vote. Keeping Trump living rent-free in voters' heads is their primary political strategy.

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Taken in reverse, yes, the Democrats are fund raising off of Trump.

Trump attracted disenfranchised voters in 2016. People who didn't vote and were tired of Republicans doing nothing to stop Obama including putting up two lackluster candidates.

These people are not Republicans. You want to call yourselves a 3rd party, go ahead. But you can't convince me, a Conservative Republican, MAGA represents me because Trump is running for the Republican nomination.

Trump did a fine job as the 45th President. But telling me I have to support Trump to stop Biden is just as stupid as Biden telling white voters that are racist if they don't vote for him, and for the same reason.... Republicans have Ramaswamy, Haley, Scott.

Bill Barr said it, Trump can't deliver a Conservative agenda. Biden can't get his foot out of his mouth, Trump can't stop shooting himself in the foot.

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I am a life-long Republican. Voted for Ford, Bush Sr. and W... voted for Perot and voted for Trump both times.

I don't think you have the complete pulse on the voter demographics here. I am sure you and I are probably very close in terms of ideological views. The difference is that you are more sensitive to Trump's personality flaws and more prone to develop a certain level of moral disgust that drives your opinion of political candidates. Where I don't put as much weight on those things and pay more attention to the political ideas, policies, words and actions.

Frankly, the MAGA denigration is indicative of too many uncontrolled emotions and maybe too much left media brainwashing. I keep asking those that use MAGA as a derogatory term to list the ideas contained within that justify that negative branding. I never get any good answers. Maybe you can help here.

I have always been a fan of making America great. And I agree that it was a better country in the past. So I am good with the "again" part too. The alternative is clearly American destruction.

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"Cackles" is that really necessary. You sound like Trump. No need to resort to name calling, come on, you are better than that.

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It's out of character for Erick, who usually has good, strong takes but doesn't veer into "mean".

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One wonders about the voters of Delaware how could they keep sending this POS to DC

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I totally agree. I was a Trump supporter but I’m so tired of Trump trashing people instead of talking about ideas and how to fix the mess we’re in. If DeSantis runs he has my vote.

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I'd love to believe that 2024 is a slam-dunk for Republicans. After all, the very real and quantifiable damage done to our economy, our military, and our nation by this influence-peddling President and his La-La-Land administration should be obvious to all. Yet most of those signs were there in 2022, and what should have been a slam dunk was instead bounced off the rim by arrogant conservatives who underperformed atrociously. Blame Trump? Nah. Blame the voters who follow him and his p*ss-poor candidates. Hate the game, not the player.

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Instead of going for a bike ride on the beach this weekend, surrounded by Secret Service, I took a long trip on Saturday from South Texas to Atlanta. 1,100 miles in 17 hours. I10 to I65 to I85. Saw 3 large busses with Mexico plates, stuffed with illegals. Passed rest stops along the way with more buses and lines at the toilet. Stopped at a Loves in Alabama and there was a long line to get into the Men’s room, all early 20’s Hispanic Males. Not sure where they were headed, and not sure if they were good or bad people, but for sure I knew that all of them chose to begin their life in America as criminals, laughing at our laws that demented Brandon ignores.

Texas just put-up razor wire and has armed forces blocking illegals from entering, effectively pushing them back into the water. A Maginot Line. Texas Rangers are blocking Border Patrol from taking them into custody (only to release them 50 miles away where nobody can see). For Texans this is a war that must be fought simultaneously on two fronts (Mexico and Washington).

I love Mexico. Wonderful history. A proud nation. Wonderful families who are now tainted by the images of illegal hordes invading. I can tell you they hate the narco-terrorists and the coyotes and the illegals who first invade Mexico on the way to invading America.

This is out of control and the problem is now all over America. There was a way to do this correctly, without violence, with a guest migrant worker program, strong surveillance, and an eventual path to citizenship after 20 years with a clean record and work history. But not now. Now the first step must be a strong border.

I predict that on June 1, 2024, when the official election campaign goes into overdrive, this issue will be in the top 5.


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Republicans are doomed if they continue to pander to Trump. Full stop.

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Republicans are doomed if they don't pull in the working class. Trump pulls in the working class. Currently there are no other candidates that can do the same in the GOP. If the GOP fails to hold the working class, the Democrats will get them promising unions and higher wages, etc.

The GOP has no demographic groups on their side. Their brand sucks. Trump brings in the working class and the sucky GOP establishment works to destroy him too.

Without Trump the GOP is going to disappear.

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Maybe it should. It may be old, but it certainly isn't grand anymore. Trump is not the savior of anything (lately not even himself.) There are other good quality conservatives out there who are overshadowed by Trump's ego.

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Weird comment. What does Trump's ego have to do with anything? You do know that all candidates for President have big egos. I don't get wee weed up over personality. Sometimes the war needs a Patton and a MacArthur. SOBs that you might not like at your snooty cocktail parties, but are needed to win.

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I voted for Trump in 2016. I held my nose and voted for him in 2020. I won't do it again!

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I voted third party in 2016 and "none of the above" in 2020. I'll vote "none of the above" again if it's Trump. There are too many quality candidates to stick with a bully with lots of money and zero integrity. Character DOES matter in leadership.

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You bet character matters. It explains why, in Georgia, GOP Herschel Walker lost to DEM Warnock, and yet, GOP Kemp soundly trounced DEM Stacey Abrams. Erick is right: People don't like jerks, and simply having the same political positions isn't enough to overcome that. Otherwise, I think that EVERY ballot in EVERY election... be it local, county, state or federal... should have "None Of These" as an option. If "None" gets the most votes, then everyone on that ballot is disqualified, and the election is a do-over with all new candidates.

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I sincerely hope Trump isn't the candidate. But I absolutely do not understand how anyone can say they didn't vote for Walker because of his "character" but did vote for Warnock who abused his wife, misused funds for his church and is a very nasty human. Same with Oz and Fedderman in Pennsylvania. Seriously? Voters find a person with a serious mental health issue due to a stroke a better candidate than Oz? Then the problem is not the candidates. The problem is the voter!

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And now, for your viewing pleasure, here is a brief compilation of Creepy Joe Biden’s racist comments:

“Unless we do something about this (desegregation), my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle.” – Joe Biden, 1977

“He (Barack Obama) is the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean."—Joe Biden, 2/2/2007

“The reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home was because some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf.”—Joe Biden, 9/15/2020

“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.” – Joe Biden, 8/6/2020

“I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” – Joe Biden, 5/22/2020

“Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.” – Joe Biden, 8/8/2019

"We've got to recognize that the kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger.” – Joe Biden, 6/28/2019

"He (Mitt Romney) said in the first 100 days, he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchain Wall Street! They're gonna put y'all back in chains." – Joe Biden, 8/14/2012

“In Delaware the largest growth in population is Indian Americans. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”—Joe Biden, 6/17/2006

“The three congressman you have here, two of them look like they really could and did play ball and the other one looks like he can bomb you.” – Joe Biden, 3/8/2022

“Even back in the old days when we had real segregationists — like [James] Eastland and [Strom] Thurmond and all those guys — at least we’d end up eating lunch together. Things have changed, and we’ve got to bring it back.” – Joe Biden, May 6, 2022

"The burden is especially heavy on Black and Hispanic borrowers, who on average have less family wealth to pay for it. They don't own their homes to borrow against to be able to pay for college.” –Joe Biden, August 24, 2022

"I may be a White boy, but I'm not stupid” – Joe Biden, February 27, 2023

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Yep, he is NOT stupid, he is brainless and has a hollow head that rattles.

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Excellent compilation

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I wonder what happens if Biden passes away in the next 2 years. It's obvious he is in cognitive and physical decline. Who would be the Democratic front runner? I pray he holds on a little longer, Kamala Harris as President scares me.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Joe Biden, bless his heart, is the poster boy for white supremacy: Half a century pallidly stalking the halls of power, pocketing cash and dispensing favors to equally pallid cronies. Time for Biden to move over and make way for ... Kamala!

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This is who Trump is and always has been throughout his entire career; an unrelenting self promotion machine where everything/everyone else had better get out of his way. This is not strength. This is a profound character defect coupled with a manipulative gifting that makes Bill Clinton look like a pimply faced school boy. He is singularly unfit to lead a healthy , honest and profitable company much less an entire nation. Years from now, when we look back and ,see the destruction left behind, particularly to conservatism and Evangelical Christianity we will rue the day, if we do not already.

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I know Desantis has some legislative hurdles to go over. But this delay in announcing is hurting him. He needs to announce and get it over with. Soon it will be too little too late.

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Economy for sure. But do not discount how strongly parents feel about schools and pushing this gender ideology on their kids. Calling the continued push for chemical and surgical mutilation of children a "cultural issue" to be sidelined is not a winning stance either.

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That’s exactly what won Glenn Youngkin the Virginia governorship.

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Look at the good side if Biden retired or died. The Gaff Machine will confuse our enemies and give rise to a new generation of memes. The Deep State and the Puppet Masters will keep on setting policy as they are now. Nothing will change except for the clown in charge. (Sarcasm )

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