I for one am glad that SCOTUS had the good sense to toss Affirmative Action onto the ash-heap of history.

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What do you expect from a woman who doesn’t know what a woman is? If she can’t answer the simple stuff, how will she deal with the more difficult questions? Not well at all!

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I’d say she is only exceeded in her stupidity by Sonia Sotomayer but I’m actually not sure. She’s truly dumb. And lazy

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This is what you get when you pigeon hole your candidate, which limits your options to find the best candidate.

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023

The progressives continue to parade their soft bigotry of low expectations around the grounds. Some things never change, and one of those is that set of ignorant, erroneous preconceptions leftists attempt to use to rend the social fabric of our amazingly diverse nation.

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Bravo to SC following the Constitution. Question, why is “higher” education having to manipulate quotas in the 1st place to “help” one race over another? If they really wanted to help why not fund from their huge tuition costs free tutoring in lower income schools and push the importance of all kids getting an actual education so they read, write, add, and the importance of studying, working hard. Asian students at top because their culture still prizes actually learning. Why are there even “party” colleges? Personally these days I would hire a applicant w real world experience rather than a college education especially with all the nonsense they are being indoctrinated with.

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Anyone opposing this decision is demonstrating two things to me. First, they don't care about or don't fully understand what the Constitution says. Second, they support racism just the racism they agree with. I served in the US Marine Corps (87-91) and like a caller you had yesterday we didn't have black and white, brown, or yellow. We were all green. Did we have some people who couldn't get on board with that? Yes, and they were immediately disciplined, removed, or otherwise dealt with. You want to end racism in America? Be an American who loves the Constitution.

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What I find remarkable in this event is the direct personal nature of the written responses. I recall most decisions referring to “the majority” or “the dissent” with little personalizing. These folks have to work together so civility is needed. This seems to show deep feelings running in both directions. I hope nothing important gets caught in the crossfire.

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Affirmative action had a use and a point. Like the unions however that use has expired and they are now just tools of reverse racism and the leftists agenda.

I also laugh at the saying “so and so was a product of affirmative action..” like Clarence Thomas or Tim Scott.

No they weren’t and it’s insulting you say that. You are postulating that those two needed a hand out to get where they are. But you know who absolutely was a product of AA? Jesse Jackson, Kamala Harris and many of the other race lords. And we all know the world is better without them in power.

Wrong. Nowadays despite what the left says racism has been abandoned. There is no good ole boys at colleges blocking blacks from entering. That’s long gone. Most administration admissions officials are progressive gay activist. So they are still safe and can admit as many or whoever they want.

I don’t know what the future holds but this is better than what it could have been.

Affirmative action is gone. And good riddance.

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So are any of these race baiting commentators or or leftist offering any kind of solutions to the disparity of good educations in this country? How about fixing the education system starting with kindergarten. The government throws billions of dollars at colleges every year why not charter schools. Stop looking at the boxes checked and really educate our children.

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Solutions would ruin the fundraising mechanics of their industry.

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Like any other problem that motivates their voters, they don't want solutions because it motivates their voters.

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I haven not read KJB’s dissent. In fact, all I have read this far was the Twitter post Erick shared yesterday...and a few comments on that Twitter thread.

Too many of the comments accused Thomas of a red-herring. Maybe he did, but my guess is he did not. What struck is is that all those commenters then when on to commit the ad hominem fallacy.

It is sad that the Left can no longer discuss race, and they do not want anyone else to discuss race either.

As a seminarian 20+ years ago (I am a dropout!) at mainstream, well-known seminary, I posed an ethical mental thought experiment: which was worse...the Holocaust or American slavery.

Of course certain segments of the class branded me a racist simply for asking the question and wanting to think about it.

Which is why some liberals are the most illiberal people around. #irony

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There is the basic economic argument that will slowly grind this issue to dust. In the pre-civil war south, most slaves were owned to produce cotton. Someone had to go into the fields and pick cotton. Just because the civil war ended did not mean people no longer needed to go into the cootn fields and pick cotton. It was not until the early 1950s that the mechanical cotton stripper was invented. This mechanized cotton picking and illuminated the need for unskilled labor. Slowly, the production of cotton was mechanized and by 1970, the rural southern agricultural economy was radically changed. From the post civil war, we saw the South experience a net outmigration of whites and blacks that accelerated into the 1940s. But in the 1950s things reversed. First Whites (the 1950s) then Blacks (the 1980s) migrated back to the south.

From 1950 to 2020 the southern confederate states gained 70 house seats in the US House of Representatives, while the northern Union states lost 40 seats. As we move into the age of the cell phone (the information age beginning with the PC introduced in 1980), the barriers to economic advancement began to disappear. The information age does not recognize your race. It recognizes your ability to consume and manipulate information.

I rent apartments. I rent to a lot of black people. I rent to a lot of single black females. Alot of them work from home. They have a computer, good language skills and handle customer service for companies like Delta. From time to time while I am in a unit doing repairs, I will hear the endo of day/week team meeting. There is the team leader talking to younger team members about dealing with customers. It is amazing how the conversation is about perspective and how team members must ignore their individual preconspetions and recognize the customer needs proper interaction. To me this is just further evidence that no matter where we come from, our family history, our community culture (so to speak) treating people with curtosey and respect is universal. I have a problem and I dont know how to solve the problem. So I call coustomer service. The solution is easy if people listen and provide clear guidance.

Over time, this natural integration of individuals of all types into our economy makes the whole "America is racist" argument meaningless.

In 1940 if you were black and lived in the south, the solution to economic opportunity was moving to the North, MidWest and the West. Move anywhere outside the South. Unfortunately, a black person moving to Chicago often placed you into a failing inner city neighborhood. Now, moving back to the south lets you break out of that dynamic and deliver you to a better economic place. But you will have to work and set aside your preconceived ideas about how you view the world. If you want to live in the ghetto and bath in the America is racist society, you better hope you have a good skill in grifting to attain economic success. But those opportunities will fade as America recognizes that the racial spoils system is not solving the problems produced by slavery, jim corw and segregation.

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Following the decisionI almost immediately received an email from my alma mater decrying it using many of the false arguments you point out here. The best, however, was the accusation that there is inequal opportunity in higher education that keeps black students from getting into elite schools. This is patently absurd. Equality of opportunity exists as any student can apply to any school they choose. The fact that some do or do not get accepted has nothing to do with race...or should have nothing to do with race. I should have to do with academic qualification. Admiting students unprepared for the academic rigor of some schools is a disservice. As Thomas Sowell so aptly said, "(m)ismatching students with educational institutions is a formula for needless failures."

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Amen! Amen! Amen! Say this over and over. The party of Evil (Democrat) was the party of slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow laws. It is now the party of infanticide, the mutilation of young girls and the castration of young boys. Hopefully, we will not have to fight another Civil War to end these godless, legalized tragedies.

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This whole race thing is just another thing that is growing to tear our nation apart. I am a white Marine that when a student at the Air Force Academy was told my his father that he disowned him, we adopted him because he is a sharp, intelligent man that has now retired as a Col. and married with four children that are all doing great. Yes my adopted son is black. That was in 1989. Love him dearly and he married a white lady. We ALL are very proud to have each other. I have three daughters and did have three sons, with him being one of them. One son passed away after his second booster shot when he got blood cots. I love them ALL the same.

One thing in common is we have the Lord in our lives and this nation is falling away from our Christian values so fast and has a lot to do with what is happening today.

Blessings to you Erick, and your wife and family

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God bless and Semper Fi. I don't think the nation is walking away from God. I think the press would like us to believe that so more of us will discount our faith and leave it at home every day. I do believe the average American is a person of faith, willing to listen to and walk with the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus is the one who heals all wounds. May God bless your family and Godspeed to you, sir.

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Mr. Wohlers,

Condolences on the loss of your son. Thank your other son for his service to our country.

God bless you and you family

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Thank you Linda.

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