.....Aaaaand, the Kabuki Theater that is the GOP continues on....

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I’m starting to really dislike that Gaetz guy

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Way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory guys and gals. Way to go, but of course the half dozen's constituents think their people are gilded and did no wrong. So sad.

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"Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" is the GOP "spécialité de la maison"..

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Newt once said the GOP has never handled their prosperity well. The midterms reflect this along with the budget talks this week. In Joe Biden, we have a presidency that should easily be defeated. But based on what Erick has noted, we’ll do our best to blow it!

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If you did not hear a loud bang coming from Washington today, do not be worried. It was just the Republicans shooting themselves in the foot, again.

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Oh? Just the foot?

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Under the so called Hastert Rule, the GOP only supports bills that have a majority of the majority. This bill got a majority of Republican votes, so complies with the rule. The Dems even resorted to pulling the fire alarm to avoid voting! LOL.

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Heaven help the state of Florida if Gaetz runs for - and becomes - governor. All those people who left Blue states and headed for FL very well leave in droves.

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Man I tell ya it’s almost time for the people to shut down government by stop paying our taxes… that would show them when the don’t have that record tax income coming in !!!!!

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The GOP is stuck... but stupidly so. A recent poll has only 16% of Americans agreeing that the country is on the right track. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4019146-just-16-percent-say-us-headed-in-right-direction-survey/

Why in that case would the Party take a middle-of-the-road position? The electorate is pissed. And the things they are pissed about are ripe opportunities for the GOP to capitalize on. Conceding to Democrat mega-spending is the opposite. If now isn't the time to demand cost containment and fixes to our giant Democrat-caused problems, then when will it be time? I think "shut it down" is supported by the majority at this point. Time to play hardball with the Democrats. They are on the ropes and the GOP should have the political leverage.

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Somebody needs to take that little pompous pompadoured pile of poop to the woodshed.

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The things they were cutting were conservative programs. No cuts to planned parenthood funding and more money to the Ukraine. I support backing the Ukraine but this limitless giving is pointless.

McCarthy didn’t deserve any credit. He didn’t care what got done as long as something got done. You claim 8% cuts but that was a smoke screen. IRS would still have received its money to fund 87k new agents to harass the middle class.

It was a bad deal let it shut down. The dems are the ones who pay. Not the GOP.

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Chad-- all these deals are bad deals; it is a classic lesser of evils. You may have noticed that the GOO has virtually no leverage here, and no amount of big talk makes it happen.

If you really think that the government shutdown would be blamed on the Dems and not on us, well that is just delusional.

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Doesn’t matter at this point. McCarthy is done. The GOP establishment is done. The economic tragedy - look at the money supply - that is about to hit this country will be blamed on the same old, same old. Both sides. Hold tight!

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I don't think this is on point. The bill approved by the House includes zero dollars for Ukraine. Of course the Democrat Senate will likely scuttle it and thus the win goes to the GOP thanks to Gaetz and the other five heroes.

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The 8% cut didn’t have Ukraine funding either.

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Good point, but the match is still being played to pin this on the Democrats who will not approve it without Ukraine funding.

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They could have done that without Gaetz throwing a tantrum. He didn’t set this up. He allowed the distraction to be the poop show of GOP disagreement.

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I don't think Gaetz is throwing a tantrum. I think he is listening to his constituents and they are livid... and justifiably so. He takes a stand in support of his constituents and the establishment ignores it and does what it wants. And the political calculation of that, I think, given the mood of the electorate, is probably brilliant in Gaetz's favor... as well as in Trump's favor.

When does the GOP get to play hardball if not today when the Biden Administration is the most disliked in recent history and the electorate is significantly displeased with the way things are going. McCarthy could have promoted the "radical" budget of Gaetz and the other five and stuck it with the Democrats to reject. But too many old dogs in the GOP want their budget candy.

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There is also cutting your nose off to spite your face, I'm not a McCarthy fan but Gaetz can't get 100% of vote either. How do you convince the dems you will stick together when you continually threaten to remove the one bargaining with them? People are pissed about the economy etc. but a lot of dems still think Trumps/or Repubs fault. It will be the Republican shutdown and only a very small percentage of the people will actually have any clue what was really in various try's or not except what lame stream media etc. tells them.

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The majority blame Biden and the Dems for the economy.


"The NBC survey showed that Republicans hold a whopping 21-point advantage over Democrats on the economy (49%-28%), the largest lead Republicans have held in 32 years."

McCarthy is more in bed with those held responsible than is Gaetz.

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Gaetz also killed a plan that funded the border without Ukraine. Now we get no funding for either the border or Ukraine and the Senate and moderate coalition in the House will fund both anyway.

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I fully agree with you Erick

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Absolutely correct.

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Gaetz is a genius... NOT.

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There is a long list in congress that fit that description.

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I love the Destin area, but how do they send such to Congress? I guess I could ask the same about Rome, GA.

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