I thought Vivek missed a great opportunity when Pence was talking about it being 'no tme for on-the-job training."

He could have come back with, 'The current President had ove 40 years of experience. How has that worked out?"

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This is a common retort, it was the justification for supporting Ross Perot and Donald Trump.

Biden's experience is working perfectly well for him, his party, and his base; he has a compass and ruder.

Trump's inexperience meant he relied on advisors with experience contaminated with his ego and inexperience, so no actual compass and ruder. Sure we got a Conservative Supreme Court we also got...

Giving Dr. Fauci a platform, not designating the Mexican cartels as terrorists, opposing Georgia and Florida reopening during COVID, letting his Department of Homeland Security approve voter drop boxes, letting his National Institutes of Health implement a DEI policy that penalizes non-woke scientists.

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Regarding the debate format: can we please get rid of the live audience? This is a debate, not a sporting event. And institute cutting the microphone as soon as a time limit is reached. The talking over each other and bickering reminds me of my kids when they were young. Enough!

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

DeSantis was funny. Except for a direct response to the effect that he would not hesitate to violate the national sovereignty of Mexico (rather than work with them against the drug cartels), I have never before seen anyone so clearly intent on NOT ANSWERING any question that was put to him. (At one point he even admitted as much, responding "I know" upon being told that he was not answering the question.) His team did an excellent job preparing him to instead deflect and then pivot to subject matter on which he was well rehearsed, and this may work when only occasionally being queried as one of eight. As the field narrows, however, he could easily be exposed by someone as skilled as Christie, or by Biden or even Harris. Moreover, especially early on, he was clearly the least comfortable and at ease participant in the affair. Sensing this vulnerability, one on one, Trump would eat him for lunch.

Not ready for prime time.

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Great stuff Erick. You are about to go live and I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I find it very interesting your take on Ramaswamy. I'll have to consider that. Right now I'd love to have a DeSantis/Halley ticket. I'd take that reversed too. Thanks again.

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Why don't all the talk shows play the clips, they can't sue all of them can they? Think of the blow back if fox new sued you or any of them would be massive.

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I hope so

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Is this listed headline intended to be informative, derogatory, oxy-moron, esoteric, exoteric or? Now, to those commenting that reelection of DT is continuing the s**t show.

You have heard the old proverbial "walk a mile (or 2) in his (DTs) shoes."

From the day DT was the Repub candidate in 2015, Obama, Biden, CIA, NSA, NIA, DOJ, FBI,, and all the three letter acronym et als have attempted a coup against DT. Assiduously Every day and night 24/7 until today 08-24-2023 he has encountered and endured egregious lies. . How would you personally react to these lies about your person knowing they were lies? I personally would have defended and been as contentious as DT has., or moreso.

He was falsely accused of a huge lie of Russia Collusion to the point of a trial to remove him in the Senate not once but twice. The FBI knew then that was lies. That troubles you not?

All of the Dem Liberals, and RHINO DT haters ave followed this path arm in arm. If one doesn't see the injustice this person has incurred, I would say you are unconscionable. I realize many of you believe DT to just be too amoral.

Now for comparison sake to that, I would say; no one has committed adultery (broken the 7th commandment) than JFK, and MLK, JT., yet they are held to be sacrosanct? So now prepare for the removal of Kam and Joe prior to 12-31-2023 and barring any big health issue(s), DT will be reelected in 2024.

For disclosures sake, I will say, I did vote for Goldwater, and Nixon twice, and would vote for Nixon today if he was running and against what he ran against at the time.

Prepare also for RK, JR to open the closet doors on the assignation of JFK, and allegedly by the CIA, and LBJ et als. JFK was of the same mentality as Eisenhour of reducing the Military Industrial Complex. The deep state took JFK out and the same deep state is attempting to do same for DT. No more crude, rude, amoral guy has occupied the WH than LBJ I believe. Believe as you chose, to each his own, and to thine ownself be true. Now you DT haters stock up on your lip balms and vaseline, as the DT reelection will give big chappings. Selah

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With regard to the lies that you say Donald Trump has endured, please tell me what part of the following is false.

1. He removed documents from the White House when he left, some of them classified as high as "Top Secret."

2. He was asked to return that material, repeatedly.

3. His initial response was not to refuse on the grounds that he had a right to these documents. Rather, he claimed to have turned over all such material, and caused others (his lawyers) to claim as much as well.

4. An FBI raid uncovered boxes full of classified documents that were still in his possession.

I might add that he is furthermore alleged to have caused some of these documents to be moved to locations where they might be concealed from the authorities, but those allegations remain to be proven. The four points above appear undisputed and standing alone, without more, they would seem to be a violation not only of his oath of office, but of his duty as an ordinary citizen to treat classified material as required by law.

Now, what am I missing?

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I agree with much of what you said. Specifically about the forces aligned against Trump from the beginning, and continuing until today. However, I don't think he in particular, and any republican in general is likely to win. For a number of reasons, including that the system is set against that happening. But it would be better for the country as a whole, as well as for Trump, if someone else is the candidate, and we can't really holler about age when we keep our aged ones. And yes, I realize age is less important than cognitive ability, but still.

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The SYSTEM will be shaken badly with more disclosures forthcoming. That will be by 12-31-2023.

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I found Pence to be annoying taking up time from others we would like to have heard from. DeSantis followed his theme on or country in decline throughout the debate and stayed on track. He didn't interrupt and was glad he objected to the first question on climate change. That question should allow discussion and not a yes or no answer.

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You can eliminate several right away. Asa needs to go, Burman - North Dakota Gov, Oh that will play well all over the country. Christie is just a blow hard. Then who would you feel comfortable putting in front of foreign leaders. Pence(has a Trump problem), Haley(sorry to say she may have a female problem around the world), Vivek is too young and inexperienced, Scott Just not sure. That leaves DeSantis, I think he did well, however there are too many people on the stage to get a read on anyone. My personal opinion is DeSantis will just as tough and effective as Trump, without the drama.

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I don't think Haleys problem is a female problem. It is an establishment outlook problem, specifically on Ukraine.

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I think there have been enough strong successful female leaders around the world to eliminate that as a serious problem.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

My take: (revised)

UP: Desantis, Christie

Desantis: Came across as knowledgeable, capable and passionate. He looked like a leader.

Christie: His remarks on the Constitution were excellent. Still won't vote him in the Primary.

HOLD: Scott, Bergum,

Scott: Would have liked to hear more. He wasn't asked enough questions.

Bergum: Had no idea who he was before the debate. Still don't. His "break a leg" line was the best line of the night.

DOWN: Vivek, Haley, Asa, Pence

Vivek: A big smile and personality aren't enough.

Haley: To help bring in any Independents to the Republican 'Big Tent,' you don't trash your own side.I dont EVER want to get on her bad side.

Asa: Reminded me of Stockdale. But instead of "Who am I? Why am I here?" it's 'Who is he? And why won't he go away?

Pence: Was the debate bully his boss is without the nicknames. Talking over others, insulting, condescending, running way over time. No way I'll vote for him in the primary.

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I didn't watch the entire thing, but based on what I saw, DeSantis exceeded my expectations and I didn't really see anyone lay a glove on him. He is my top pick, but I don't think he is a great speaker. I like Ramaswamy, and I think he was fairly strong, though he had a couple of good sized misses. For the life of me, I can't see why he and Pence went at each other so hard. Pence is a nice man, but he is does not stand a chance, partially because he talks strictly in old school talking points and is way too establishment. Haley had some good points, but blew herself up on a couple of issues. And to my way of thinking, anyone who is all in on unlimited funding to Ukraine is not going to get elected. Scott is also nice, but is way to low key and nice for the climate we are in. Christy is obnoxious and has nothing to offer and looked like a buffoon. The other two, not sure why they are there. Even though I agree with some of the ideas of the one from North Dakota. I am not sure why FOX seems to be on the offense against DeSantis, but they shouldn't be. I am paying zero attention to Trump. People are either smart enough to choose another candidate or not. And then we get to see if a republican can win under any circumstances.

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I agree w/ the "Poop Show" assessment and many points.

Tim Scott was cast as Rodney King asking whether we can all just get along, and stammered a few times seemingly losing his train of thought.

Ron DeSantis was solid going after government Covid response nailing Trump, his empowerment of Fauci, and lockdowns without saying his name. He was strong in many other areas too. It spoke volumes that the Trump fundraising spam against him from Don Jr (Et Al) was hitting during the debate.

Nikki Haley had moments, but I wouldn't say she won that debate. Her abortion spat w/ Pence was a lose/lose exchange. Her slam on Vivek about his foreign policy naivete was right on and from the right person.

Vivek Ramaswamy was there to hump Trump's leg. Anyone who is not explicitly for Trump, won't be big on him aside from some yutes.

The support of Pence over following the constitution vice desires of Donald Trump was good. Pence explicitly saying Donald Trump was instructing him to do unconstitutional things was really important, I don't think Only-Trumpers were listening or cared, but they should. The Donald does not trump the Constitution. I'm continually shocked that the burn it all down crowd would rather see Joe Biden win that choose someone who has a better chance of winning.

Asa Hutchinson was milquetoast.

I guess we shall see what happens next. Maybe somehow, in some way, it will be brought out in a way that people can accept that Trump's woes right now are as much a result of his reckless behavior as the administration's political persecution, and his actions are in the interests of his ego and not the country.

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Haley win that debate, hands down. Christie was excellent, but there’s too much animosity against him. DeSantis was much better on positions that matter than he has been. The rest of the stage needs to pack it up and support Haley or DeSantis to beat Trump once and for all.

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You said Vivek Ramaswamy was running the most expensive campaign for a cabinet position. Is he really running for VP to Trump?

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He came out tecently and said he wouldn't take the VP slot. But that could change if he's actually asked.

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To back up your assessment of Vivek Ramaswamy...

The MSM, the liberal sirens, are whispering in his ear and at the same time asserting their self defined role as the gatekeepers. They are picking the GOP winner, the presumptive election looser, so they can pick Biden as the election winner.


"DeSantis flounders. Nikki Haley claps back. And the 38-year-old political newbie surges. But does Ramaswamy actually have a shot?

One way to judge the answer was to spend five minutes in the spin room with the press gaggle after the two-hour debate. Former and current governors were ignored. A staffer for one of those campaigns tried to offer an interview to a CNN reporter, who politely declined: “Sorry, they really want Vivek.”

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DeSantis was great at The Gathering and I think if he has future opportunities to lay out his positions like he did there, he'll do well.

Seems Vivek is a stand-in for Trump. Since he's running, maybe he believes Trump won't make it on the primary ticket? I don't know, but he attempts to say everything just right - just what people want to hear - just like Trump did. We'll see...

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