You ask for a unified, articulate plan from a group of Congresspersons. The last time we had such a thing, many of the readers here may have been in short pants. Newt Gingrich's Contract with America was such a plan, and it passed both houses in 1992. Prior to that, one has to look at FDR's iron-fisted rule to see anything unified. Selfish people of just average intelligence but with tremendous power in their hands, do not do unified and articulate very well. Their expertise is in self-promotion, careerism, and grifting.

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What the hell happened to Democrats? They rejected a clean bill that meant no more funding for doomed Ukraine. Seems like the American industrial war industry is feeding the accounts of Democrats now and no so much Republicans.

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A little confused here. Just a news letter or two ago, Eric, you had faulted Biden for not getting across the message that all this "giving" to Ukraine was in fact benefiting the U.S. military manufacturing in that Zelenskyy's administration's grants were coming back to the U.S. in arms purchases which is beneficial.

In this news letter you seem to attribute the fact that continued grants to Ukraine could happen if the Republican conservatives do not get in line and accept the 8% real spending cuts because it will keep the present Biden administration on the path of continuing to give aid to Ukraine. Have I framed this correctly?

On a side note here, this old Army SGT. (got out in '76) is not at all unhappy that any other country than ours is taking on Putin in the field of battle. I abhor the loss of life of young men and civilians on both sides. It is going to happen as long as there are self-seekers in dictatorial forms of governments. Yet, with China's economy tanking and Russian going to the 'podunk' nation of North Korea with hat-in-hand, we here in the US could come out of this looking OK if our political joker leaders can collectively re-position their heads somewhere other that where their pants seats should be, and re-establish secure laws and fair market economies.

Did I say our political leaders...? I misspoke, I should have said our voters.

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I was also a bit confused about Erick’s position on Ukraine aid. He has been pretty solid thus far.

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If that "half dozen conservatives turned populists" fail to move anything forward in the face if a shutdown. If they are simply grandstanding, the rest of the GOP should point fingers directly at them, ostracized them and let them take the blame and see what it gets them. Call them out publicly and by name.

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How many “conservatives” voted for Joe Biden out of Trump spite. How many voted for Democrat Senators instead of the Trump-supported alternative. Don’t give me crap about Matt Gaetz… this is their doing.

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The Democrats are claiming Trump told them to shut it down . Congress has voted to cut Loyld Austin’s pay to $1.00 and it passed congress.

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I agree. I believe that there are others like me that, while inconvenient and sophomoric, do not oppose a government shut down. We elected them to do a job - not this he said / they said / they did / they did not. STOP! Do your job!

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Thank you for being the adult in the room. I’m old enough to have seen a lot of changes - some good and some bad. Thank you for calling out Matt Gaetz. He is the hot air in the room that needs to get over himself and look at the big picture. None of us get everything we want in life, but we need to listen and think of the greater good vs our own thoughts. The 8 % cut is the best that can be done in this environment. Let’s not blow our chance to make a real difference.

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Sorry. Shut it down. The establishment GOP is performance theater as evidenced by how poorly they prepared for day one of their impeachment inquiry. The problem isn’t Matt Gaetz. The problem is Kevin McCarthry, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the idiots that have “negotiated” their way to a $33 trillion dollar debt and cultural rot. The majority of Americans get it. The rest are the Washington Generals, Erick. Steve Bannon’s analogy by the way. All performance theater by a bunch of morons.

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Can’t really find fault with your logic on this issue. Education, energy management, and the border are such significant issues ….all these goof balls are doing is fiddling while Rome burns !

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No, they are playing a symphony as the progressive agenda rolls through our institutions.

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Sadly, our current culture rewards performance artist politicians and ignores the one who try to actually represent their constituents. The rise of “safe districts” has done so much to create this. People like Gaetz and Greene are the epitome of this on the R side while “the squad” fills the same role for the D.

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When you wrote "peeing in the wind". It should have been peeing into the wind" as they are going to get it all over themselves when the gov. shuts down.

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Well said. Now what?

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Thank you Erick for calling Gaetz out by name. They are playing a game and it only benefits themselves. They are not to be trusted.

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Compromise only works when everyone has the greater good of the country at heart. When they were forming the constitution they had many compromises all because while there were disagreements they all wanted to found a working country.

It’s ridiculous to expect our side to negotiate, compromise, and cave when the dems are not expected to give anything.

I said McCarthy was a spineless wimp who didn’t have the backing of conservatives.

The last time the gov shutdown because dems were pushing all sorts of social programs I don’t remember any of them calling for their party hardliners to back down and compromise.

The truth is liberals don’t compromise at all. It’s their way or the highway. And that’s the way they always start the conversation. This is a media falsehood that has been perpetuated repeatedly. “Dems are virtuous and their programs are wanted. Republicans are argumentative and should moderate.” And when the adults stand up and say “no” they are vilified as being unwilling to work together.


Let the government shut down. The media will blame the republicans no matter what.

It’s pretty much the norm at this point.

Dems won’t cave because they want this nation to collapse so they can institute their own agenda full steam.

We all benefit when the government has less and does less. Shut it down.

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Not arguing on that but the Dems understand the final endgame and all work towards it. Republicans all have different plans and forget about endgame so can’t stick together to get done! Egos over results. Compromise not a negative when done properly.

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Maybe I’m naive but why can’t the republicans go back to the original agreement ? Everyone was behind it. If McCarthy would not have caved then we would not be here now. Wouldn’t the democrats be the ones with egg on their faces when the government shut down? We need republicans that stand with us the people that they supposedly represent.

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