The left is seriously just gaslighting and telling you you're crazy if you call them out.

Trump is playing their game. I reject the game and anyone who plays it.

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I agree with every word about the corruption of the MSM, especially NBC. BUT, I respectfully disagree with Erick about not engaging with them. We should not cede the airwaves to these Maoists; instead we should articulate our message and try to win over those in the middle that we need to win elections.

We have great people, the better arguments, but dammit, many of our people need comms training. It is much harder for them to distort our messaging when it is coming directly from us--Let’s fearlessly take the fight to the left!

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It should be noted that it is the Democrat Party that is rewriting or removing completely the HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR AND THE CONFEDERACY. Why? Because: The secession of South Carolina headed by a DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR precipitated the outbreak of the American Civil War in Charleston Harbor on April 12, 1861. The other southern states that followed were Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. ALL GOVERNED BY DEMOCRATS - PRO SLAVERY DEMOCRATS. History: When the Civil War ended, The Democrat Party put into Law and enforced "Jim Crow Law" - all led by Democrat Governors in the South. Now we have The Naming Commission to rename forts THEY think are offensive. What will they go after next? The Ten Commandments, The Catholic Church, Free Speech? I forgot, they already have and we are allowing it.

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Many decades ago when I was a young ad exec in the 1970's, I heard members of the media say they were no longer happy with reporting the news, they wanted to set the agenda. It's been downhill ever since. Sadly, they are the greatest detriment to us hearing all the facts in an objective fashion, as well as allowing for political candidates to present their case to the public. Is it any wonder truly outstanding folks shy away from running for office? Media hypocrisy is killing our national dialogue.

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The media is so anti right. they don't care if they say one thing one day and the complete opposite the next as long as it disparages anyone on the right. Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks. Candidates don't talk to the press talk to the people, we are the ones who matter.

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Are there any News organizations who are balanced anymore? Anyone who gives straight news without leaning left or right? I truly want to know who could be trusted to run a debate between republicans and democrats?

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Jun 7, 2023
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I think that’s a n excellent idea. Let people submit questions of relevance and then moderators off the street. Works for me! Though who would host a debate that they had little control over?

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Debby Wassermann Schults was / is one of Hillery Clinton's partners in crime as well. She is bad news.

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Thanks for saying what we already knew Erick. No sarcasm in that.

Bad candidates can be abound in any campaign but if the news is only about one sides bad candidate without emphasizing the extremely horrible other candidate, and the narrative is controlled by the media. Then it’s not the candidates who are an issue. It’s the media.

Because there is always going to be useful idiots who will vote dem no matter what. We see them every day. The ones wearing masks outside or in their car alone. At least it’s good to know who to avoid.

But so long as you have that plus a media that gleefully backs the socialists. It’s going to be tough.

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The bigger enemy to the GOP is the GOP. They have an advantage and a problem.

Their advantage is that they have allot good solid candidates who would be great presidents and a deep bench. But this is also their problem now

With pence now entered in the race it has now turned into 2016 all over again. Trump is polling below 50% and likely will win the nomination with 39% of his base behind him.

These GOP candidates need to after the debates in august if they don’t poll better than a certain percentage need to drop out. It should be at max a 4 way race.

If they don’t because of their inflated egos we will endure another 4 years of Biden.

I respect trump and who he is. But if he is the nominee we lose. Period.

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Pretty much all the old line media

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Generally the main media seems to put a negative spin on any news about the Republican Party and its members. My question is Why what push's this narrative no matter the person. Is this gang mentality or even insanity? Wonder if these individuals even wonder themselves.

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As we continue to divide ourselves over one small issue after another, we seem not to be paying attention to the rise of influence in world power by China and Russia. It is said that history repeats itself, but in terms of today's world. Reminds me of pre-World War 2 when then Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt was warning the world about the dangers of Nazi Germany and wanted us to aid Winston Churchill of Great Britian. People were telling him, "Stay out of it! That's way across the Atlantic." Then, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, and World War 2 began.

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The "media" in the United States is hostile to anything and anyone who holds traditional values and conservative principles. I suppose they would make up even more if we ignored them entirely (but it would be worth a try). It is shameful that we have the Constitutional protections of the First Amendment, but it is wasted on propaganda by the press.

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Unfortunately your topic gives them oxygen, instead of treating them like Voldemort. Quite the Catch 22. Cheers

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Why anyone on the Right talks to the press at all is beyond me. Say what you want about Donald Trump but he proved one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt; the press is in opposition to the Right in all things. The press, or as I like to call them American Pravda or Propagandistas, has absolutely, 100%, without a doubt no interest in the truth. American Pravda's only interest is in advancing the agenda of the Progressives. The more you report on "watermelons" Erick, and the more I see how tied to "Climate Change" the Democrats are, the more I begin to believe the are all of them communists in disguise. It used to be Russia/USSR/Soviet Union but today I think it's all China and we WILL be in a shooting war with them eventually. It will be sooner rather than later if we uphold our alliance with Taiwan (unlike we did with Crimea and we see where that led.)

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