"Ball-gagged gimp" that was awesome! Nice work.

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Ya gotta wonder if the confusion - and conservative conclusion jumping - aren't part of the plan.

When you don't know the facts, you're apt to suspect the worst

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Great commentary! My answer to them would be if you believe in "climate change" why have you failed consistently to be ready for it? According to your own specs all the new regs etc. will make little appreciable difference in next 10 yrs but the smoke & chemicals from just this fire alone will cause more pollution etc. than all the cars, companies, BBQ grills you have. Absolutely no excuse for mismanagement.

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Haven’t they stated they have arrested an arsonist in one of the 3 fires?

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After watching the breathless media coverage of the LA fires, one thing sticks in my craw most.

It shows where the media, and our nations priorities lie. They went on and on about all the Hollywood elites losing their homes. Wealthy people who have the resources and ability to rebuild. Where is the media coverage of all the people in North Carolina and Tennessee who lost everything in Helene, and do not have the money and resources to easily rebuild? Who are having to live in tents in the cold and snow? These movie stars and Hollywood elites have no worries. They can afford a nice hotel or a nice rental in Lake Tahoe.

Where are the movie stars and media moguls and elites? Who is helping the victims of Helene?

And a bigger question, why does the media prioritize certain areas and groups over others?

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FUEL GONE- Now that the weeds, brush and trees have burned. The Chance of fire in the future is reduced in these areas.

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As previously mentioned, resorting to blaming “global warming” for the fires was right on cue.

Avoiding responsibility and scapegoating for failures and accountability is as old as the hills.

One question: if one adheres to the “climate change” dogma then one ought to believe that either the climate is “warming” or “cooling” but never stagnant nor unchanging. So then is their alarmist mentality never ending because they’re unhappy with any change-warming or cooling. What a life!

Time for the people of CA, and especially the GOP, to deliver a clear, bold message for change and to use the powers of government in a legitimate manner by providing for adequate water supplies, forest management and adequate police and fire forces.

Time to take the bark off

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This is a very good piece, Erick. I hope your friends in the media read it. I also think this piece should be sent out to Real Clear Politics and The Daily Wire, among others, to help build the necessary wedge to cause the captured media to fail altogether. We actually do need a free and honest press and you have provided some useful descriptions to help people see how useless the legacy media has made itself. (Side note - did y'all catch ABC's Mr. Muir's use of clothespins on his raincoat to show off his sculpted upper body? Preening progressive mouthpiece.)

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This article was Fire!

" However, climate change did not cause water to stop flowing through fire hydrants. Decisions made by elected officials did."

Elected officials (mostly Democrats) have been responsible for the last Forty years, mostly because they believe in Climate Change. I'm sure a few politicians financially benefited from the redirection of billions from all sorts of places to the Green Industry.

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I have to agree Cal. is Cal. and the addiction will eventually kill them and the main stream media is addicted to the same woke DEI Bullshit and I Thank GOD you are brave enough to tell the Truth Thank You Sir

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The mainstream media learn no lessons, refuse to admit misreporting, offer no corrections, and revell in their bias. They live to set the national agenda, then report on their version of it, rather then the facts. We are forced to dig deeper to find the truth, but dig we must!

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They are paid... reporters are doing what their elitist bosses require. I'm confident that integrity is not much of a tenet of the job.

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Yes, but they also believe it, so it's easy for them to do it even with being paid.

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hmm, probably mostly right there! Kind of sad.

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It’s good governance when your house isn’t burning up or your water is on

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Yep, boring stuff like that. Not the bullet train to nowhere or the glorious shining tower that fries birds by the hundreds in the desert there.

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But the Smelt! Save the Smelt!

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The MSM news anchors and reporters should not be allowed to vote for anyone above city alderman that way they are not invested with a politician and defending there poor choice in a election and hopefully they can do some basic reporting you know what,when where who why

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We’re so blessed to have you out there for us Erick. God’s continued blessings on you and all the Erickson’s…

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1979 California population ~23 million . 2023 California population ~ 38 million

The last major reservoir built in California was New Melones Lake in Calaveras and Tuolumne counties. It was complete in 1979 and has a capacity up to 2.4 million acre-feet.

I’ll just leave this here.

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Erick, this is one of the best commentaries you've written. Our nation is only as healthy as our free press. The MSM has created much of the political and social divide between Americans. I really don't know how they sleep at night. Actual truth means nothing to them.... staying in their progressive bubble, getting invited to the right cocktail parties and gaining approval from their like-minded cohorts is all they care about. And they claim WE are the idiots, the rubes, the great un-washed. Thank God we have other outlets that report the truth and we as free people can be spared from all the lies and omissions. Keep telling the truth about both sides!

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