Until we stop wallowing in the cow pastures that are boards like this one, all this nonsense will continue. People like us needs to buy stock in Media companies. Sure, it will be a long slog. But, if you have thousands of parental shareholders in a Board Election meeting, those people will crap themselves, and push those enablers to the unemployment line.

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For at least 50 years, certain elements of society have been trying to normalize pedophilia. This recent explosion of transgenders and their supporters trying to push their agenda into schools has breathed some life into that pedo movement. Pedophiles everywhere are rejoicing, because they don't have to openly fight for that anymore. The American Left is now doing it for them.

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We saw this tonight and it’s excellent. Only a very sick person would find this objectionable.

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This is disgusting, and infuriating.

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The mainstream media reaction to this movie has been shocking and disgusting. It says so much about where their hearts and minds live.

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If the consequences of any crime do not far outweigh the benefits, the crime will continue. Child sexual exploitation and abuse should carry a death sentence or life imprisonment at the very least.

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It's interesting how this movie exposes the "bad guys" from the "good guys" by how they rate the movie. Any normal, family-oriented person who has a child will like the movie because it exposes the sex trafficking that is ruining lives. And those abnormal, sexually perverse people dislike the movie as it throws a spotlight into their dark underworld of secret combinations and evil acts of pedophilia which may expose them as evil-doers. Anyone criticizing this movie by trying to say it's some conspiracy theory is a pedophile, that's about all I can deduce from the remarks provided.

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Evil rises it's ugly head.

It's so difficult to believe that anyone can be okay with pedophilia and human trafficking and sexual abuse of any kind, especially minors, but they do. Shame on us for letting it happen. And, don't be complacent, it can happen to any of our kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews.

The spiritual battle is real. They will do anything, say anything, to stop this message.

It is up to us to bring awareness and fight back.

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Twenty-five years ago I watched an episode of Oprah about how pedophiles use cartoonish pornography to condition children into thinking abuse is okay. Not only is that happening in the mainstream now, it's actually being celebrated.

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I've said for years that we're walking down a slippery slope and that "normalization" of pedophilia is next on the horizon.

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Jul 18, 2023·edited Jul 18, 2023

Kirstie Alley, from 'Cheers' made the same observation maybe 5 or so years ago. The focus of social media on 'your truth', tries to suggest there is no truth, which leads to the inability to push back on ever more destructive acts. The 'progressive' who may wish to push back on these awful things, will not use God's Word as a standard, because to do so would undermine so many things they already accept, so they are also carried along and allow others to be in their delusion and cowardice that there are no absolutes.

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I saw the film last week and and believe it’s the most important film made in my 71 years of life. I don’t understand how anyone who’s ever cared for a child can not be moved.

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The press is in this case and many others lacks any self awareness. The effort to smear this movie as "Q-Anon adjacent" as if talking about human trafficking and child abuse is itself a conspiracy theory will lead more people to the conspiracy theory. After all, what are the powers that be trying to divert our attention from? That's the irony here, they are the one's who are actually q-anon adjacent yet people like this Bloomberg reporter are too lost in sin or their own biases to realize it.

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Bloomberg should be ashamed of themselves.

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You know them by their actions. Are the MSM all pedos? I get a proggy can hate Trump and Republicans, but claiming child trafficking is a right wing cause is way beyond the pale. Sounds like an opportunity for a smart R to go pick up more Hispanic, Asian, Islamic and other new immigrant voters. So Dems are going to die on the hill of sexualizing children led by the child hair sniffer in chief? Crazy…

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Erick as I read this I thought of Col. Jessup. - “...we want you on that wall -- we need you on that wall.” We desperately need voices & real investigative journalists to reveal the truths of what’s going on right under our noses! Thank you...thank you...THANK YOU!

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