C’mon Erick. I usually agree with you to a certain extent but this speech was awful. Perhaps you were drinking some of your bourbon while watching it. I asked my Democrat wife what he actually said and why he really didn’t address why he was dropping out. She couldn’t answer the question.

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I do not know how else Biden could possibly have tried to get out of his predicament and still save himself any face.

His adherents naturally praise him because they know he was a) no longer fully compos mentis, b) being covertly ousted by the PTB in the Democrat world. Even the back-stabbers will praise him, because they ALL have to save face after the colossal failure of this presidency. Some of them are likening Joe Biden to George Washington. Delusional.

You said it, Erick--Joe Biden, like the democrat party, always puts their party ahead of the country, no matter how flowery and patriotic-sounding their speeches are.

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They got the drug cocktail right this time.

A double.

AI projection.

After watching him for four years quickly decline mentally and physically, the speech shocked me. Which of the three was it?

Let’s say that he ran in 2916 instead of Clinton and won. How screwed up would we be now?

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Well look, he _can_ still read. But, don't think he actually wrote all of that speech.

I see too many people assuming that people suffering dementia of whatever type are always confused and incoherent. Not so--as a nurse I've worked with many patients with dementia, Parkinsonism, and other diseases and ailments, and they definitely have good and bad days before they devolve to all bad. Biden's botched debate confirmed for me he was not capable of doing the job. 25th Amendment should have been invoked. No question.

Yes, very grateful he did not run for 2016 and that Clinton did not win.

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I’ve disagreed twice this week! This time I think that his speech wasn’t a fine speech. He spoke about changing the Supreme Court, Gaza, his reason for his VP pick, and the constant drum beat of “Saving Democracy” (which I explain to my kids is like advertising slogans such as Eat Mor Chikin, and just about as deep). No sir, I may be partisan, but that speech was, too.

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I agree, but his speech was great to the grieving democrats who are realizing just how betrayed they now are. Those same bereft folks are now holding on to the shred of hope that Kamala will come through as their "Joan of Arc".

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My guess is that The View told Jill that the offer was off the table unless old Joe stepped down.

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As if he had a choice...probably the most compromised and dishonest politician of our era, and he just saw what happened to Menedez. Plus, who else was going to pardon Hunter? What if all the offshore account information were to be "leaked" somehow? Not even considering the Chinese and what they have on him...

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Just for “fun”…

Joe, we had ourselves a meeting

With The Upper Echelon,

I’m afraid, my friend, we’ve spoken….

You’re not going, Joe…..you’re GONE!

The Elitists have decided

Time for you to disappear.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

But we need you outta here.

Joe, The Upper Crust determined,

That to “Save Democracy”

You must be eliminated

By The Aristocracy.

Never mind those votes you won, Joe.

Never mind those pledged to you.

You did fine, Joe, as our puppet,

But you’re done, you’re toast, you’re through!

We declare The Blue Coup…”Finished!”

“Joe, you’re out, we all agree…”

(Power brokers in the back room

Celebrating victory!)

Joe, we know this must be painful.

All stretched out here on this rack.

Yes, the pain must be terrific

(With those daggers in your back.)

* * *

It’s The Left’s own Insurrection

“7/20/ 24 !”

Sayonara, Joe, it’s over.

We don’t need you anymore.

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Applause!! The truth in rhyme.

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When your threatened with the 25 amendment it makes a choice easier to live with He got the boot period

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

At the end of the day Biden had to choose to leave the race on his own no matter how much pressure was put on him. He could have said screw it and burned the party to the ground while staying in the race. Trump certainly would have. He was willing to let the country burn to the ground so that he could illegally stay in power. So it's totally fair to point out that distinction.

Also - Trump has a krappy economic record. Weak growth and first president since Herbert Hoover to leave office with less US jobs than when he entered.

If we are going to keep up with with the dumbass charade that Biden owns inflation without attributing any causation to Covid, then we must maintain some semblance of intellectual honesty and do the same for Trump's terrible economic record.

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"Also - Trump has a krappy economic record. Weak growth and first president since Herbert Hoover to leave office with less US jobs than when he entered."

There we go. The most intellectual dishonest pile of crap that gets repeated by ignoring the impact of the global pandemic.

Go away.

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If your contention is that Biden caused inflation, but Trump gets a pass on his poor GDP growth and loss of jobs because of Covid than you are a delusional partisan hack

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Foolish post. Democrats passed unnecessary "relief" partisan spending of $4 trillion and canceled fossil fuels. They also funded a Ukraine war. We experienced rampant corporate consolidation too. In addition to the rum away inflation this caused. They jacked interest rates thus sticking another knife into the non-upper class American family. Get off your knees either so much Joe in your mouth.

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Trump spent trillions on "relief" and pioneered the concept of massive stimulus payments for people not to work and dumbass ppp loan grift while he shut down the country. He also armed Ukraine and kept interest rates artificially low / near zero for way too long. Inflation would have been just as bad or worse had he won in 2020.

If you can blame Covid for Trump's economic failures, but not recognize that Covid led to inflation then you are deluding yourself (something I see you do often in these comments).

I've seen your posts about how Trump is this anti regime candidate who will put an end to globalism and restore prosperity to the American blue collar worker. I've go news for you - Trump isn't going to do sh_t for the American working class. The guy spent his last presidency doing a combination of three things 1. watching 14 hours of tv a day (usually fox news and then calling the hosts afterward with his feedback on their performances) 2. playing golf and 3. getting himself on tv or critiquing his press secretaries ability to generate "ratings" (the main thing he cares about) You've put so much hope in this bozo ending globalism that you have rationalized a way to believe all of his lies about the stolen election and justify his many criminal acts. I'll concede that you appear to be intelligent, but you have somehow managed to fall into the cult along with all of the other morons and simply use your intelligence to rationalize his bafoonery.

The globalism ship has sailed. We now compete on a global stage and no politician will make meaningful inroads against that tide anymore no matter how much misplaced faith you put in them. If we are both still on this comment board in four years I will point out how nothing has changed significantly during Trump's presidency regarding globalism and you will do one of two things - ignore the reality you see to claim some sort of bs victory, or more likely rattle off a litany of excuses blaming all of those dems and fellow repubs that sabotaged his efforts.

I'll excuse your last crass comment as it being late at night and your likely being high on your own supply of slightly soap tasting gin 😉

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The relief money approved under the Trump administration was from BIPARTISAN legislation when we did not know what the economic impact from the pandemic would be. All the covid relief money that came after that from the Biden Administration was rejected 100% by Republicans because it was clear from the economic facts that it was not needed and would cause inflation.

Remember when the scripted Democrat repeat was "the inflation is transitory"?

There were thousands of economists warning us of the impacts of flooding the economy with trillions of printed dollars while we were dealing with supply chain disruption. Democrats ignored it with their slimmest of margins to vote to approve the spending without a single Republican vote.

Everyone was doing better under the Trump economy until the pandemic. That is just fact.

You cannot accept the facts because your partisan Trump hate head is shoved so far up your ass that you you thinking apparatus is only seeing crap.

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Trump wanted to spend trillions more. He is on video saying to raise the $600 stimulus checks to $2,000. If he had won in 2020 it'd have been more free money for everyone and massive inflation. Only difference is that the repubs in congress that seem to care about fiscal responsibility after Trump left office would have gladly signed off on this dumbassery because Trump owns them through his control of the cult (base of the party and therefore conservative media as well).

Yes its a given that dems favor big inflationary spending and handouts but so does your favorite hero. How you can see the failings of dems but not see his many faults in both policy and criminality is rooted in some type of deep psychosis that you should explore further with a professional

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Yes, let's be brutally honest:

Biden's choice to leave was one he couldn't refuse.

Trump left office with fewer jobs than when he entered because Covid ravaged the economy.

Because of Covid, Biden inherited a weakened economy, which he promptly made much worse by paying millions of people not to work. We still haven't fully recovered.

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Trump also paid people not to work and by the end was openly lobbying for bigger stimulus checks / printed funny money (if he had won 2020) than Biden ended up issuing.

If your contention is that Biden caused inflation, but Trump gets a pass on his poor GDP growth and loss of jobs because of Covid than you are a delusional partisan hack

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Exactly. Thanks. Blair is a balloon of empty air.

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It was weird. All the comments from the last four weeks seemed like they never happened. I have noticed that the few times I saw written down that he was doing this for party and country.... I'm guess that is the proper order of things when you have been a politician your entire life.

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It’s only been about 50 years that political parties have been using primary elections to pick candidates. It is arguably a bad idea.

Political parties are PRIVATE entities whose job is to pick candidates and win elections. How they pick and unpick their candidates is their own business.

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LOL. You mean the same party that demands an end to the electoral college and says that elections should be based on the popular vote? Talk out both sides of your mouth frequently?

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I’m talking about primary elections. Read it again. I acknowledge the hypocrisy. Guess what both parties are hypocritical. It doesn't change the fact that BOTH are private entities.

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From what I saw, he read from a teleprompter a speech written by someone, and which he practiced. It was short enough that the slurs and mumbling were minimal. The democrat voters didn't want him in the first place so they do not care in the least that the process was subverted.

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They 86'd him for Kamala but the needle in the polls hasn't moved much. Drawing "closer" to Trump isn't actually winning. You don't get anything for 2nd place in the election. And losing by 1% is still losing. Trump always outperforms his polls. Always. In 2020 he was down in the national poll by as much as 8% and 7 - 9% across MI, WIs, and Penn and ended up only losing by less than a percentage point. Kamala can't change what is simply by choosing a running mate from a swing state and hope that does it. Her massive war chest and blitz of ads across Social media aren't doing it either.

The ads are cringe worthy where she is begging for money in that insentient whiny voice. "Please help or Trump is going to take abortion away..." A problem that only affects a marginal few of American's.

What about the economy? What about crime? What about the border? Biden in his speech said this is all fine, we are good vote for Kamala instead. But didn't really give any reason to vote for her other than she is the replacement.

Nothing in his speech gets her votes or across the finish line. Its more like "Hey just pretend she's me but black." Well, she's not you. She may be younger and have the color of her skin going for her, its not going to be enough. Any more than Trump saying "I'm trump vote for me.." will ever work.

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Folks with more medical knowledge than I have, suggest that Biden's slurring of most every "s" and "c" in that speech, plus his stiffer-than-usual facial expressions and rictus-like smile, are all hallmarks of a stroke. If that's accurate, you decide if it was an act of God, or of human agency.

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I was so hoping Biden would fight back. There’s still time; he’s a volatile guy and the age thing cuts inhibitions.

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Don't you think they literally threatened him with something if he didn't step down?

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I'm apt to believe they threatened to use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office right now.

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Quite probably, but he’s at an age.

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Euthanized him, then eulogized him....

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Just about.

We have all been living under the delusion that ours is a democratic system.

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