"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

"The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment". "God in the Dock". Book by C. S. Lewis, 1970.

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Here's the interview, in a nutshell:

Dana: "So, what are going to be doing tonight?"

Kamala: "Hanging out, relaxing".

Dana: "Are you going to have any snacks?"

Tim: "Yeah, some Doritos, I think."

Dana: "Will you drink anything with that?"

Kamala: "Maybe some wine. Tim?"

Tim: "I'm in the mood for a beer."

Dana: "What will you do afterwards?"

Kamala: "Hit the hay, most likely".

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Do not believe in Divine Intervention. I believe America's exceptionalism is a result of serendipity, geography, the evolution of the Christian religion, ethical codes and systems of governance plus humankind's constantly increasing understanding of how things happen and what we can do with that knowledge. Of course one sentence leaves a lot unexplained. Now my one sentence defining God. It's pantheistic : God is a human explanation of everything we know and don't know. So the creation of the world as described in Genesis can exist side by side by with the big bang theory. https://www.britannica.com/science/big-bang-model

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Please post Friday’s podcast before Tuesday…

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The image I have of the American political industry is:

Democrats - A powerful party collective dragging dysfunctional and unappealing candidates along.

Republicans - A powerful candidate dragging a dysfunctional and unappealing party collective along... while part of that party collective tries to drag their powerful candidate down with them.

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To all you high and mighty moralist Republicans that envision a world as one where women, especially those highly-educated ones that so threaten your sense of social status hierarchy, are kept barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen even if put there by rape and incest, vote for Kamala or maybe write in "God" on your ballot. Then go to church and talk to God to see if he answers in approval, or if he explains that you have profoundly mistaken his word.

From my perspective as a life-long Christian that practices critical thinking and has my head out of my ass, the latter is clear... especially considering the authoritarian collectivist Democrat power you will enable, you have enabled, with your voting decisions.

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Who cares about Walz's dog? Who said what about his dog?

Walz is literally playing Checkers while Vance is playing chess.

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Some Twitter boobs tried to say he lied about his dog because one of his old posts showed him with another dog. This has been turned into "Republicans attack Walz's dog!" and even fact checked by news sources. It was a meaningless blip that has been turned into a Boogey Man ploy by his team. The fact that he even brought it up shows how insecure he is.

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I am not a big fan of Trump, but my mind is made up and he is my candidate. I have turned off the news and refuse to listen any more. I still read Erick's posts, but I might put this on mute as well. God has this, and life is too short to worry about it.

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Trump is a fool announcing “free” IVF treatments, after all we want more babies. How can you want more babies AND abortion?

Stay on task. Stay focused. Stop the name calling. Stop reminding us of why people hate you. Run on your accomplishments and the better policies you will bring as you take the White House once again.

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Unfortunately there is a media filter that is blocking most of the good things Trump says.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

You say trumps comments are the top story. Not really. At least by my analysis.

If I go to MSNBC I see nothing but gushing drivel over Kamala’s interview.

Yahoo and fox certainly have little to say.

Yet on CNN they spent 45 minutes talking about the questions Kamala failed to answer and how it’s already affecting her polling.

Erick, I say this with great sincerity at honesty. I care about abortion. I wish it would go away and never be thought of again. But a federal law to ban it is not the answer. Any more than a federal to ban drugs has solved the drug problems.

We need prevention and moral responsibility to play a part in ending abortion. If nobody wanted an abortion we wouldn’t have abortion anymore.

My daughter was raised as a Christian person whom I took to church. We’ve made very clear that we do not approve of abortion or sex before marriage. But if she were to get pregnant we would support her and keep the baby.

Just like the song. Teach your children well..

Saying that, trump didn’t say what you think he did he simply said what he already believed. I don’t know why this is such a shock to people.

You mean the 3 time divorced, philanthropic billionaire who may have slept with a porn star while married isn’t a full Christian conservative?

That’s not a shock. But if people are going to take that and decide to vote for Harris or not vote at all simply because of it should not be shocked when those same churches they cling to who still hold to pro life principles and against homosexuality, are burned to the ground by activists with the full endorsement of the dems.

It’s simple. Vote trump. Hate the guy curse to the heavens. But vote for him. Because the alternative is suicide.

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Very well said.

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You pretty much nailed it with this comment

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I think you are allowing your friendship with Dana Bash to get in the way of a good interview. CNN's first problem was that it was taped and edited. They lose credibility right there. The questions were creampuffs and softballs. In some questions, Dana would give Kamala options for the answers instead of just asking a question. No interview of 27 minutes is going to be able to cover a lot of questions, so dig down on the ones that are asked for a real answer. What are Kamala's values? How does grammar make someone lie? CNN needs to release the whole unedited interview or they prove they are no better than the rest of the MSM.

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And it also makes you wonder. With all that going for Harris she still messed it up. Like to see the unedited footage. Good lord.

But the abc debate is back on now with the original rules. So we shall se.

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Her interview does give credence to earlier stories about her staff complaining that she doesn’t read what they prepare for her. An executive that doesn’t prepare for decisions or interviews won’t do well.

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I agree...Dana Bash is a partisan. She grilled JD Vance. She did NOT do a good job at all.

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I still wish Dana had asked more follow-up questions. For the huge group of low-information voters watching, it was a pretty good interview. They got mesmerized by her word salad answers.

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Erick, it seems like you got what you want and Trump is pretending to give a sh_t about the unborn again. So what that he'll very likely ditch the pro life movement again after being elected - for this moment he is giving them the fake nod that you requested.

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I do not like Trump. I will hold my nose and vote for him. What the prolife people need to understand regardless how stupid Trump was with his comments, Harris is a 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times worst and would force full term abortions on every state if she wins and we lose the house and the dems keep the senate. Trump also only has one more term so we are not being a cheap date by voting for him, we are voting for the lesser of the two evils. Then in 2028 we need to get all these Trumpers and Maga Cultist out of the Republican party and go back to a good Reagan Republican.

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I said it before and I say it again. That bashing of his supporters is going to cause you to lose everything.

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And like I said before Harris emptiness is driving people away and is going to make her lose big. Nate Silver is already saying that the polls are shifting, and Harris is going to lose. Most republicans like me who hate Trump knows he says stupid things. But we know he is better than Harris and he is gone after one more term. Then in 2028 we can start kicking out all these MAGA losers and start going back to the Republican party of old.

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The republican party of old is exactly why you got Trump. I am not a Trump fan, but I am not going back to the party that let it get this bad in the first place by conceding everything that is really important to democrats.

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Exactly. Need to realize if trump wins we get to get past 2028. If Harris wins there won’t be a 2028 or a 2026.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

I am pro life. I think life begins at conception. I’m for changing hearts so women will choose not to have abortions at any point. Trump was being honest that he thinks six weeks is too short a time. I understand what he’s saying. Trump is the candidate that can get elected, and he is a friend to the pro life movement. I am far more concerned at that weak sauce interview Kamala gave. It’s incredible that she can’t recognize herself she’s not up to this job. We don’t need another teleprompter-in-Chief.

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The problem with ignorance is that you don’t have enough knowledge to realize the predicament that you are in. Since getting on her knees for Willie Brown in San Francisco, Harris has never had to work for anything politically. All was given to her except when she stuck her toe in the water in 2020. She caved then when she hit the first bump. This behavior will continue if she becomes president. And this personality defect is what disqualifies her. Her goofy immature ideas are symptomatic of her juvenile personality.

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Trump people will say Trump things. Harris people will say Harris things. Liberal things and conservative things will also be said. I am not listening anymore. I am not wringing my hands anymore on what might be or won't be. It is what it is. I'm voting for Trump and all the conservative republicans that I can find here in Ohio. And yes, I know that Trump is not a conservative , but he's not a socialist/communist either. Go to church and Pray that God still thinks our country is exceptional.

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Right on w/ your first three sentences. Two disagreements with the rest of your comment. 1.) Implying that if one is not a bonafide conservative that they are socialist/communist. 2.) God is not involved in human political affairs. It is we Americans who consider our country is exceptional. There are also millions of others who think so. Otherwise we would not have so many people wanting to immigrate here.

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Do you believe in Divine Intervention? I do. I don't believe that God gets involved in politics, but I do believe that He had a hand in making this country exceptional. From the founding fathers, to ending the civil war, the civil rights movement, and even WWII. God is there all of the time. I truly believe that.

I don't believe that if you if you are not a conservative that it makes you a socialist/communist. But I do believe that the left along with Harris are heading us down that path.

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Do not believe in Divine Intervention. I believe America's exceptionalism is a result of serendipity, geography, the evolution of the Christian religion, ethical codes and systems of governance plus humankind's constantly increasing understanding of how things happen and what we can do with that knowledge. Of course one sentence leaves a lot unexplained. Now my one sentence defining God. It's pantheistic : God is a human explanation of everything we know and don't know. So the creation of the world as described in Genesis can exist side by side by with the big bang theory. https://www.britannica.com/science/big-bang-model

I majored in geology in a small liberal arts college. So I ask myself, is this why I think the way I do. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/09/02/turning-to-stone-discovering-the-subtle-wisdom-of-rocks-marcia-bjornerud-book-review?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_090124&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_medium=email&utm_term=tny_daily_digest&bxid=5f47a8bdf2650e290629fd0a&cndid=61993947&hasha=fc96d4c9e493034a4e90890f239fec3d&hashb=7035f4878ccfb6376068533247be38d0ca6e1e17&hashc=8519e2467588ef84f74ae462d0ff0973d8783b371d69327a2bd163ae6dcc6b11&esrc=OIDC_SELECT_ACCOUNT_PAGE&mbid=CRMNYR012019

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