I've had much respect and admiration for her throughout the years. It has been a sad day.

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An amazing Queen. I love how she appointed a right thinking Prime Minister and felt "at peace" that England will now "recover" using the political, social, and economic policies that once made America great. She sleeps in peace. Watch England take off into a period of success using capitalism, energy independence, and the two-gender philosophy to make decisions. God Bless her. May she truly rest in peace.

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Queen Elizabeth did a great job, showing how superior a monarch is to an elected politician as head of state.

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May she Rest In Peace.

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I do feel a sense of loss. Queen Elizabeth was crowned while I was a child but she's the only queen I remember. I respected her. She ruled for a very long time and was in the news quite a lot. I hope Charles elicits as much respect as she did.

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Very sorry to hear this. May she rest in peace.

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She will be missed. Rest In Peace.

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To paraphrase a line from the Monty Python "Bruces" sketch, "She was a good Sheila, Bruce, and not at all stuck up."

She was an amazing example of class, dignity and perseverance. I know that Gen. MacArthur famously said the words, "Duty. Honor. Country."

Queen Elizabeth II lived them.

The people of the UK, the Commonwealth, and the world were better off for her reign.

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Heartbroken. She was an epic horsewoman. She saved the Cleveland Bay breed from extinction by her patronage.

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Sep 8, 2022
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She sort of did! The place where she was staying was a lodge called "Treetops"' in Kenya. It is the oldest safari lodge in the country and it's actually built around a tree! I stayed there one night 30 years ago and I remember the steward knocking on all the doors at 2 am calling out "Rhino! Rhino!"

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