Tester is not a populist he is a Democrat shill for every progressive idea that comes along until he goes back to the state to campaign and then he plays innocent and tries to bs everyone into thinking he’s just looking out for them as he lines his pockets with cash

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How does one give without getting on a campaign list? I am a conservative leaning independent.

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I don’t know who is running Bernie Moreno’s campaign but they need to pick up the pace. I can sit on my couch and do a better job. Sherrod Brown is doing the usual democratic shuffle which is filled with crap. You only see him once every 6 years. He’s definitely a Biden surrogate and a career politician. Fingers crossed that the people in Ohio will realize what a Brown win will do to our chances to take back the senate. Rural Ohio is definitely red, it’s Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati that’s blue.

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How soon do you think can we wave cheerful farewells to Jon Assoff and Raphael Warlock?

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Though, I have to say Mr. Ossoff is not half bad.

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I am wondering if the Republicans have a "real" chances of winning the US Senate race in NJ?

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Democrats think that Nebraska is in play now with independent candidate Dan Osborn with a 2%-4% lead in several polls over Republican Incumbent Deb Fischer. Democrats are contributing $$$ for multiple ad buys in the state to help Mr. Osborn with his campaign. I am not so sure Republicans can retake the senate much less hold onto the majority in the House of Representatives. The democrats under Chuck Schumer's leadership are ready for 13 Supreme Court Justices and the District of Columbia to become a state. DJT and the Republicans need to remind voters of the democratic parties intent to pack the court with 4 new liberal justices should Vice President Hartis win the election

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Don't worry, the GOP will always find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory..

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I don't think there's much downside for the GOP this cycle, but their upside seems to be not as good as it should be thanks to Mr. Tangerine Man and the usual array of MAGA candidates trying to knock off Dem incumbents.

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Texas has become a black hole for Dem money and dreams.

But hey! I think the Dems have a chance in Texas this year! wink-wink

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I wouldn't be so positive about Florida. Ric Scott is a miserable human being and a very poor campaigner. Despite a multi-million dollar fortune made from Medicare/healthcare grift, he still wins by the barest of margins. This year the people of Florida are apoplectic about home insurance and homeowner association fees, and might take it out on Republicans. No good deed goes unpunished - the reason home repairs are so high is Florida is the only big state enforcing E-Verify on illegal alien construction workers.

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was not Rick Scott on vacation for most of 2022 mid terms?

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We will need 51, as we are unlikely to have the White House. It’s a candidate quality issue.

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what if Trump wins, we expand the numbers in the US House and pickup the Senate?

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It is possible, but unlikely IMO.

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The standard GOP handwringing over quality of candidates to win these legislative seats is anathema to the actual rules of the game as made apparent by the Democrats putting up crap candidates that compete. 100% of the game strategy should be to saturate social media targeting young voters as to the Democrat connection to Wall Street, big corporations, inflation, high interest rates, crime, etc.... and how the Republicans are focused on improving the economic lives for young people. Along with that is the need for 100% support of all GOP candidates by the entire Republican political machine including all media people that side with the moral right.

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