Why are so many young Americans completely fine with Luigi Mangione executing the UnitedHealthcare CEO? The root of it is growing up spoiled rotten. They've never experienced true hardship, and the current Gen-Z hasn't had to fight any real war. They don't know what real warfare is.

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Anti Capitalist - just like Russia 1917

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The "useful idiots" of these modern movements and revolutions... BLM, Mao's Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot's Cambodia, etc.... are usually made up of young people who come from upper-middle to lower-upper class families.

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And yet there are bright lights among young Americans. Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls (AHG) are two examples. Young boys and girls in these Christian-based organizations give me hope that there are 'salt and light' overcomers to counterbalance those infected with woke. Your bottom-line is the final encouraging word, though: God's got this....and He is good.

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The idiot adults exported all the real work to China for their Wall Street accounts, and promoted mothers to the head of the household where she coddles he kids and shuts out the father for having any real role in raising the little darlings. Then we allow the radicals, generally more females, to take over the education system thus poisoning the critical thinking capability of millions of students and replacing it with emotive crap like gender ideology. Lastly, we allow the tech nerds to loot our person-to-person relationship needs replacing it with social media candy managed by algorithms that feed users the drug of happy-making combined with anxiety to keep coming back for more.

The kids are suffering from a lack of resilience... a lack of capability to cope with adversity... lack of person-to-person interactions and relationships. This is the primary reason they are pissed off. They are actually trying to create The Hunger Games so that they are forced to a life of real struggle where they can develop into real functioning adults. They are flailing about like a junky needing their fix but knowing that the drugs have ruined their lives and just wanting to kill people because of it.

This is happening all over the industrialized world. I think people know it and it is why they have stopped reproducing. They know that society has become a mess where nobody is really satisfied with their lives.

When the paths of productive struggle are eliminated (push a button and your goods and food arrive at your doorstep in 30 minutes), the human animal will make its own paths and they will usually be destructive. If these kids had to really work... not fake laptop job work... they would have no interest and no need to create their own struggle.

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Except for comments like “females again” mostly agree. The women I know do not fit your description and the common denominator tends to be elite collage “education” more the actual gender traits. More women in colleges these days than men and women usually more vocal, both sexes have the issues these days.

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There are studies and science to prove that females are over-represented in this controlled for the difference in college attendance, etc. Females also dominate the public education system.

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The Progressive Left always thinks the endgame is Revolution!!!(TM) and cowering conservatives living in fear of a popular uprising. This is what "cancel culture" was all about.

In reality, the endgame is Mutually Assured Destruction. Always has been.

This is just cancel culture with much, much higher stakes.

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

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Matthew 24:9-12 absolutely relates to your article here, Erick. We must be aware that this passage relates to the time immediately leading up to the great tribulation.

⁹“Then they will hand you over to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. ¹⁰And at that time many will fall away, and they will betray one another and hate one another. ¹¹And many false prophets will rise up and mislead many people. ¹²And because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will become cold.

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I was in elementary school in the 70''s, I am a product of the whole world method. I still can't spell well. Thankfully and luckily technically has largely obfuscated my short coming. It only shows up when I have to take notes real time while screen sharing and I forget to run spell check on a spreadsheet.

I have been harshly criticized for misspelling, I have had manage and executives tell me it was fireable offence, that it showed I was not serious.

The progressives in charge of "the system" don't care, they are nameless and faceless.

Progressive liberal policies destroy and kill, by design. They are in fact wildly successful sold through deception and lies that make Screwtape proud.

We have lived through demoralization (people can't look at evil and recognize it), we are at the end of destabilization, the Left is moving on to normalization, where normal has been made deviant and deviant is normal.

Yuri Bezmenov


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I also have to say this Erick. Since the election at my church it has been packed wall to wall. Parking lot full.

At a church that was normally about 50% full.

People are not scared to be an American again. I have seen more maga hats in the past 3 weeks than I saw in the last 8 years.

For what it’s worth TikTok and X have all changed accordingly.

So yes it can happen. We can change. It’s no longer a silent majority.

As to the violence? That probably won’t end. Nor will it end well.

But like my upbringing, where I grew up in a poor neighborhood with shootings drugs and crime rampant I never got into that. We have ways of making this happen but it starts with a family.

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This is insane and so scary. How do we turn this ship around? Is it even possible at this point?

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Yes, love God and love your neighbor.

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It starts with you and starts with me. We already took the first step in rejecting their propped up candidate in Harris. Now we need to solidify that with strong family values that will make a difference. There are more out there than you think.

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I have often asked how in the heck did we come to this. Well you Mr. Erickson have sure pointed me in the right direction. The mentality in this country is all about oneself. What can this country do for me. It is all spelled out in the Ten Commandments, why can’t we teach them.

I’m wishing everyone out there a very Merry Christmas. May your new year be safe and healthy and by all means happy.

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This is why they lost the election. This is why I believe they have lost politically for a generation or more.

Harris gained in only one demographic young white college graduate voters. This is a huge problem that won’t be fixed.

We as conservative voices should make sure to send your kids to a school that holds dear the values of conservatism and not activism.

The other problem is these clueless youth are being hired by big companies who are then also promoted through DEI not merit and you get incidents like the bud light and now jaguar debacle.

BUT if you haven’t noticed those two examples are just the most obvious. If you look at most advertising these days it’s the same message just hidden or toned down to be subtle. When’s the last time you saw a true white couple with children on an ad? Very rare. It’s usually a mixed couple gay couple or a single parent.

Then there’s TikTok.

My daughter has thankfully gone in a different direction than that but others have not. The left is a dangerous message of violence is acceptable so long as it’s against those who don’t agree. Don’t believe me? Just ask how many would dance on the grave of Trump had he been killed. All you need to know.

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What is happening today, does NOT surprise me because I could see it coming when the communist started the unions with the school teachers. It has grown, and will continue to grow until they totally take over and we have a ONE WORLD GOV. But the Bible does tell us that we will have a ONE WORLD GOV. when the Lord does come back for us, so come quickly Lord Jesus as we approach this Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas to all and a Blessed New Year as well.

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