Like the first Dark Age this one's also will be self-inflicted. When Augustine was writing City of God, the Roman Empire was crumbling and its leaders were blaming Christianity for its demise. What endured through the Dark Ages? Christianity. It will endure this too.

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I saw Bjorn Lomborg on TV recently.

He said that if all countries follow the emission cutting advice from IPCC, we can reduce the global temp by 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100.

Hardly worth returning to the Dark Ages for that.

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UN Agenda 21! This is our future if we don't take control in November

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This is a great article and clear summation of the lunacy of environmentalism.

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Wow! I listened to your show when this came up. While I believe I recognize in me a similar personality trait you possess, this may partly be motivated by all the whining reaction to the short phrase you uttered on your show. Yet you have obviously put much thought into this.

I had not heard Malthus' name mentioned since my Historiography class while working on my MA in History. You are exactly correct regarding the motives of the left (not to mention the number of Hollywood-inspired movies saying exactly this). You and I agree that history is moving in a straight line to an ultimate end. Yet that "straight line" may be a spiral around the ray at its core. There are invariably repeats and unimaginative sequels. The ancient Hebrew wise man was correct: "There is nothing new under the sun."

This "same ole, same ole," will now be experienced in the Dark. Your paradigm and theology shines through this. Solid article!

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Much appreciated.

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The loons needs to be shown the exit. Climate change is a boondoggle that will crush us. Vote accordingly on Nov 8!

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Kevin D. Williamson’s cover article in National Review about nuclear energy is especially poignant on this topic.

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Felt like I've just been to church, with truth just raining all over me! For context, 600,000 EVs is a miniscule 1.5% of the state's total of 38 million cars. California continues to prove that facts don't matter to a large portion of our population because climate change - among other topics - is a religion of faith for them. Your sermon factually disproves their thesis, but nothing can erase their "feel-good" smarm of doing something good for the planet.

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It’s the same old pagan story

(But it’s NEO-pagan now…)

We’ve got “new” old gods to run to.

Mother Nature’s where we bow.

Yes, The Goddess isn’t happy…

Sez we’re doomed down here below.

She’s quite angry with The Sinners

Who use petrol gas to go.

Yes, Creation’s Number One now,

(Well, along with You and Me!)

Proud to say we’re making Progress

Back to ancient history..

We’re convinced The Wind will save us,

As The Sun will do as well.

They’ll redeem us from the horror

Of this hot house living hell.

By reducing our emissions,

We’ll be making all things new!

That’s the New Age Gospel message…

(And we’re coming after Y

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This is all made possible by postmodernism.

The key concepts of sociological postmodernism are subject, identity, text, and symbol.

Truth is relative, subjective, not known.


Everything spoken and written is valid and cannot be critically examined.

Virtue signaling replaces substantive action.

This is why we have the Electoral College and Senators were appointed by the state's legislatures.

In the (actually) democratic Roman Forums there were a few who were able to rally many to their side, commanding voting blocks.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.

~Alexander Fraser Tytler

Our's is a Representative Republic. But we still have elections that are democratic, the Senate having been degraded by the 17th ammendment. Those that seek power want to keep it, the firt priority of a politician is to get reelected.

Politics is downhill from society. Our politicians embrace intersectionality, identity politics, gas lightning, literally claiming that what we see, what is objectively true does not exist; and at the same time claiming what we know is not possible is reality and we must accept it as so.

The few that command our public forum have an agenda, Google, Amazon, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, the education system from K through PhD. These individuals rally the public to their side while obfuscating how many are actually in the group.

The decline into a new dark age is perhaps inevitable, inescapable, because of the flaw of sin we all carry.

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GREAT NEWS! The Ozone layer is closing! NASA says that by the end of this century it will be completely healed. (I've read other reports that says the ozone over the Northern Hemisphere will be healed 'at latest' by 2035 and that the Southern Hemisphere 'latest' by 2050.

This is a quick read. Here are the last two paragraphs:

The successful movement to restore the ozone layer has drawn parallels to another recent environmental struggle – climate change. But according to some scientists, the restoration of ozone over Antarctica might have negative effects on global warming.

"Ozone itself is a greenhouse gas. A thinner ozone layer not only reduced heat trapped over the region, it helped stir circumpolar winds, which in turn created sea spray that formed reflective, cooling clouds," said the National Geographic report.

Wait - what? They are already telling you that something that was SO BAD is repairing itself, but that's also BAD? LOL...

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Selling our oil and wanting people to buy Chinese solar panels and wind turbines that are not biodegradable.. Can you get anymore ludicrous than that. Don't even get me started on electric cars and the batteries that run them. I honestly believe that they think we are stupid.

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And the unfortunate part of this scenario is that by the time the population realizes how they have been duped by their progressive politicians, it will be too late for a quick fix...it will take years to recover from the looming idiotic decisions ...this country has gone stupid...PLEASE Erick Erickson, keep up the warnings about life to come and maybe, just maybe we can affect the outcome. Thank you for the warning ⚠️ please keep them coming 👍

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And those same asshat’s will complain the loudest when inconvenienced by their idiocy. Their leaders preach environmentalism while flying private and living in huge homes - doesn’t bother their acolytes at all. In fact, they defend them. Liberalism and progressivism are mental disorders, and people adhering to it should be treated like the idiots they are.

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You said what needed to be said

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Very chilling, Erick, and extremely prophetic. I personally am hoping that one dark and cold winter will be enough to get people to wake the hell up. This can be changed, we can turn it around. We just have to care enough to do it.

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Although, libs tend to love human suffering and death unless it’s a transgendered being offended or pronouns being misapplied then stop the presses…

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