I see where the Actor Michael Imperioli wants to ban bigots and Homophobes from Watching the Sopranos . Yet he would be a bigot.


Bigot Definition:

A person

who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

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And now, AOC and the rest of their filth are calling SCOTUS "illegitimate".... SCOTUS is only "legitimate" when their decisions align with the Left.

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Awesome finish there!

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The entire notion that private enterprise is a "public accommodation", subject to laws protecting minorities needs to be repealed. Blacks in Selma surely by now have many lunch counters that would be more than happy to serve them

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If he keeps falling his White House run will be over.Hips kill the elderly

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Pride goes before destruction. The LGBTQ+ Mafia should take heed of what happened to Ginsburg. Their “pride” will be the root of their fall.

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Good win. But in the end we might lose. If Biden gets another term and retains congress. They will stack the court and overturn all of this.

We can’t turn our backs on the liberals. They will take any supposed win and turn it to crud in an instant. See how fast they broke down trumps good?

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I see in Michigan they want to pass a bill that you will get 5 years in Prison for using the wrong pronouns . That should empty the state.

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Not me. I live in Michigan. If they make this law, I can promise you, that myself and many, many others will go out of our way to violate it. Such laws will not stand up to Constitutional scrutiny. Democrats in this state can go pound sand. And so can that entire fake transgender movement which seeks to dominate women's sports, insert themselves into women's private places, generally exploit women and normalize pedophilia.

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Joe, I am from Flint my Dad was born in Ithaca.I have a first cousin in the Upper P and one in Farmington Hills. Using the Lords name may be what you want to do but it doesn’t impress me or God.

Cursing is one of the causes of

This mess .I was guilty of it until repented and went back to God.

Ephesians 4:29

[29] Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

May God Bless you Joe.

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Cold, but the truth is not mean or hateful, it simply is.

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Ha! You simply can’t bring yourself to thank Donald Trump apparently. Thankfully, a great number of Americans can. He’s far from a perfect man, but he did more for this country than we can even comprehend. We’d be fools to listen to people like you and not give him another chance. Especially given the choices we have.

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Americans For Prosperity Action (t.m.reg.) .... check the names of recipients of Koch Brothers' agenda-funding.

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Let's not forget Senator McConnell who cleared the highway for President Trump to put in place a conservative court that will last for the next 20 years. Beginning with Dobbs, which was enough for my whole lifetime, on to religious freedom, a prohibition on college admissions racism, and now rejecting the giveaway of our tax money to worthless lumps who live in college dorms. What a wonderful way to start the summer. Cheers

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i sure miss RBG (Notsomuch). But we still have BSK to keep the pot stirred. :-/

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And Sotomayor making nonsensical dissenting comments... the best Latina the left had to offer? What a way to select jurists.

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All to the good.

Elections have consequences: this truism needs to ingrained in our voting in 2024.

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I see the Supreme Court as not so ruthless, and just focusing on Constitutional jurisprudence. Brown, Sotomayer and Kagan are all activists posing as jurists. So was RBG. SCOTUS has come down on several decisions that favored the Democrats... including the recent decision penned by Roberts that put the election redistricting final approval back to the courts instead of the legislature having all the say. Election tampering has also been rejected by the court in a nod to the states having more control. There are other court decisions that the Democrats liked. I don't think we should start trumpeting the winning of conservatives as much as we should celebrate a return to real constitutional decisions.

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You miss the meaning -- they are without Ruth, so they are Ruthless.

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An interesting piece and I saw where you were going which made it even better. 😁👍

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Ah thanks. Yes, I did miss the worldplay!

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I got it! But then again, I'm constantly eyerolled for my dad jokes, so I'm not sure you're in such good company!

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Erick -


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