The comms director for Slate described the event as “wildly disorganized.”...

Well it was Kamala's convention to organize, granted she only had a few weeks. Such are the slings and arrows when your party commits.an insurrection.

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Pelosi On Forcing Biden Out...

Did you catch the "their holding my cat hostage" line at the end... Really, were making jokes about hostages?

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If the DNC is a measure of the competence of Democrats to govern us, how could anyone choose them? If they can’t orchestrate s highly scripted stage show, how on earth could they run anything of consequence?

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Biden "was bullied out after fifty-two years of service TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY". Not to America, but to the Party. Even the animatronic foolscap at CNN knows the truth about Joe Biden.

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Scott Jennings has the must-watch moment from CNN...

Yes, absolutely, the voters will buy she had nothing to do with Afghanistan, immigration, and inflation, if they weren't buying it she wouldn't be ahead in the poll.

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Governor of Kentucky clip...

More importantly, did someone fart?

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Governor of Kentucky wants someone to rape JD Vance's kid so Vance can experience what it is like to consider abortion due to rape...

Thank you for posting the clip, if I had said this to my brother he would have eviscerated me.

In fact he did not "say" that, and because only the speaker can imply, and the listener infers, the question is, is that a reasonable inference?

"Make him go through this." Is not a call for someone to rape his wife, children, relative, or friend. It is tantamount to saying, walk a mile in someone else's shoes before passing judgement.

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Making excuses and dismissive statements is ridiculous as the gov. insinuation. Nobody should want that to happen to anyone. Regardless of the reason.

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If you want to argue the Democrats are dog whistling for someone to rape JD Vance's kids by telling people Andy Beshear said it be my guest. It is in fact not a valid assertion.

If you want to said you infer that is what he meant, that is valid.

No one argues about actual facts, they argue about the perceived extrapolation and consequences of facts.

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Making excuses and dismissive statements is ridiculous as the gov. insinuation. Nobody should want that to happen to anyone. Regardless of the reason.

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RKelly, so If I want RKelly to experience cancer, death of a loved one, loss of a job, I can just say what the governor said and you would not be offended. You’d just walk away all happy and ok with it. You’d be a liar.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

Exactly, I listened to this thinking the worst and then it wasn't said. There was so much inference here that wasn't actually inferred or spoken. Seriously, Erick/Phillip. Looking for clicks?

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Erick, I remembered yesterday, that you had said in 2012, I believe, that we were going to be ok as a country. You've been 'banging the drum' regarding local involvement in school boards, city / town councils, etc. Where I live, I worry that the lone conservative on our city council will retire soon. And, it is well deserved, but will any of us step up to try to fill the gap or will our little town descend into absolute liberalism? It's so sad! Where are the leaders.

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they are afraid of being doxxed and harrassed at their place of employment (and their employers being harrassed about having them on the payroll). I was involved in local politics and local government for a long time, but those were different times. You couldn't pay me enough to do it now. Anybody trying to raise a family and hold down a job can't afford the luxury of running for public office and potentially taking a political position their employer disagrees with (and naturally, some percentage of voters will always be offended about something or another). Politics has always been a bloodsport but it's more viscious than ever now.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

Where were those fact checkers last night? Geez, they sure would have had a work out.

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I am wondering if the Democrats will sacrifice a newborn on their last night to show "modern woke" women how much they support and approve of abortion on demand. I guuess it would depend on local laws. Of course they could take the "fetus" to the streets and have a volunteer shoot it. Just asking for a friend?

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Re: Erick’s X noted above,,,but Donald Trump is the problem.

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Just where is it written that republicans are against abortion for victims of rape and incest?

You know how you can tell if a democrat is lying? There mouth is moving.

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there are a few. And naturally those are the voices that Dems elevate as speaking for all conservatives / Republicans.

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Nowhere. Its just scare mongering.

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So, a million jobs reported that never really existed. Amazing.

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Is MSNBC actually AT the convention? Or are they doing the fake background again?

Since it's the DNC, I'm assuming they're actually there.

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It’s too bad the Republican Party didn’t have politicians as strong as Nancy Pelosi capable of doing the right thing for the GOP.

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What a coup? And who gets to decide that? The party or the people? Last i checked we were a democracy capable of choosing leaders by voting not by coronations and installments.

So in your opinion. The GOP should get together and force Trump out. And at this point what would that do?

Trump isn't losing and the polls aren't as rosy for the Dems as it appears. After all the ridiculous ads and garbage media coverage. She's only up by a couple of points or tied. That is NOT good for Harris. Clinton, Biden and way back to Obama in 2012 were all way up on trump nationally and state wise.

Not saying Trump is perfect but to compare what Pelosi did to having some kind of a backbone. Whatever. If they practiced what they preached, biden should NOT have been forced out.

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the parties' jobs are to WIN ELECTIONS. If voters demonstrably pick a candidate who cannot win they are obligated to try to get that candidate to change course (ie stop insulting candidates, venting their spleen about 'lost elections', calling people names instead of focusing on issues, for example) or, barring that, remove him as a nominee. In Biden's case there was nothing they could do to make him younger, spryer, or have a better memory/grasp of facts. He had to go.

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In reply to Scott Galloway, the answer will be given by 50,000 or so Americans in a handful of states, who are mostly right of center in their politics. As one of them, I can honestly say I won’t be voting early. But the question is will I vote for Kamala or leave the presidential ballot blank.

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