Per your Andrew Walker support, was it also wrong for David Daleidon to use deception when he went undercover to expose Planned Parenthood’s disgusting abortion practices?

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Trump, Jr. What can we say - apples don’t fall far from the tree? What great timing!

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Walker’s analysis and Erick’s are both simplistic. Deception is a necessary and permissible practice in Holy War. Joshua sent spies, Rahab deceived, God told Moses to deceive Pharaoh, Jesus deceived his brothers about going to the feast. We are not required to reveal our strategy to the enemy.

Now, the question to be asked is whether Walsh is involved in Holy War. You could make the case that he’s doing this for personal gain and deception is not permissible. You could also make the case that he’s doing an undercover expose of people who stand against the values and truth of the kingdom. Which is it?

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Jon Tester said it is not necessary to have the SAFE bill passed because "it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote" ... Yeah, well it is already illegal for people from foreign countries to cross our border unvetted, cut wire barriers and climb walls to do so and you see how well that is enforced.

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Whoops! SAVE Act

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Divided House GOP struggles to avoid a government shutdown...

The verb "struggles" is the problem here. It should be "welcomes".

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85% of the government still runs.

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I thought your talking about the young men going into monasteries was interesting! Can you & your team add a link for those of us who want to read further?

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I would prefer the young men started families and raised Christian children. Monasteries and nunneries were a solution to an overpopulation of young people. We certainly don’t have that problem now.

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Of course Harris would stick with her far left values. She literally said her values haven't changed. Who would think any "moderate" pretense is real? Why does anyone care at all what Trump or anyone else thinks of Taylor Swift? Or who Don Jr kisses? No wonder we are in such a mess. People are so easily distracted by nonsense. I just hope all those people leaving blue states don't vote blue.

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I hope they don't vote blue, either!

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And that X about Taylor Swift is exactly why I don't think Trump really wants to President again. His ego will constantly get in the way.

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Why is it so hard to hit the changeup?

I went to the Braves vs Dodgers Saturday at Truist Park. By about the 7th inning the Braves had fully crushed the Dodgers, up 9 to 1. It reminded me of those grammar school days where you could get “ten runned”.

But then something right out of the Three Stooges happened. The Dodgers took out their pitcher and put in their shortstop. Not being used to pitching, he lobbed one in at the breathtaking speed of 38mph. Then 45. Then 27. Then 33…. It was so bad I am pretty sure I could hit one.

BUT… the Braves whiffed and whiffed. They all came to the plate to crush it but could not adjust to the comically slow pitching style.

Why did the Dodgers do it? I hear they gave up on the game and wanted to preserve their pitching roster for future games.

Whatever the reason, the Braves were unable to adjust and hit anything.

To me this is Trump’s problem. He was crushing it against Biden, hitting everything out of the park. Now that he is battling Harris, his campaign seems unable to handle the changeup.

Here to hoping that President Trump turns the tv channel from the Three Stooges to the Terminator.

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Of course Kamala will abandon the center once elected. I maintain she has not really officially said she is for anything like that though. Most of these supposed policy changes have been said by Anonymous staffers or in press releases. She hasn't actually "said" it. And I suspect that when she does change and starts to enact price controls, ignores the border or opens it up, and implements higher taxes she will come back and announce "I never said that.." which is technically correct.

Dems know how to play political games to win.

As for the people moving out of blue states. The biggest problem is that they move to get away from liberal policies only to go and keep voting blue.

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I don't know how either party - but especially the Dems lately - can get away with so blatantly and obviously lying. There should be some sort of legal recourse.

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By accusing the Republicans for lying and the main stream media agreeing.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Over at the Silver Bulletin, Silver is reporting recent strength for Harris in NC (ok, that might just be a swing state swinging) but also, oddly, in Alaska (a state that has only voted for a Dem POTUS once). Only 3 electoral votes but in a close race those might matter. For some reason Alaska has been moving towards the Dems in recent years.

Essentially, Harris wouldn't have to sweep the Rust Belt states if she won one or more of the Sun Belt states + AK.

Re: CNN, Silver also says that due to the states in play in the Electoral College, Harris would need to win the popular vote by 2-3% to have a good chance to win the EC.

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You know Kamala is lying about all her flip flop positions as none of her Democratic colleagues are saying anything about these policy changes. Where is anyone disagreeing with her or challenging her ?

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I have a friend who, if you mention Trumps name, will go absolutely batshit nuclear. I have to calm him down. I have NEVER had a person do my brain that way, that's very strange. Considering nobody has even met the man, they are collectively brainwashed. Me? in 4 years, there will be a new threat to democracy and my life will go on as is. in 17 presidents not one has drastically altered my life. not one.

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Or as The Who sang, "...Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."

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As a country star sang several years ago, "There's a first time for everything".

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dude, there will never be a president that affects my life. Congress affects my life. Do you not understand?

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Presidents write EOs, and appoint agency heads.

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Is there a voice of reason on the Republican or democrat side? If there is, the message is not getting through. We are screwed by our elected officials and the media

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Or as the band Stealer's Wheel sang in 1972 "...Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right

Here I am stuck in the middle with you." Nothing really changes it would seem.

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