We need a task force called DYJ. Do your job.

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I tried to link this to Farcebook and they took it down as "Spam."

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That's weird.

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The media is just a bunch of sickos. Totally.

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Should the families of those victims of the assassin sue MSNBC?

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The CNN article about “Morning Joe” not being on - so much editorializing, I can’t tell if it’s a news story or an opinion piece. Note this particular line: “Some of the former president’s supporters have vehemently criticized the press and liberal media commentators for their hard-knuckled reporting, which has sounded the alarm on what four more years under the former president would look like.”

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ANyone else watch the video of Biden leaving his podium, and Merrick Garland impetuously pushing the door open for him? Garland looks to be as sick and tired of Biden as are the rest of us, if my reading of his body language is accurate.

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Wait - that's Chris Jansing who has a show on MSNBC making the revelation about the "high value target." (FWIW I'm really confused by why the Fed's did not have someone with a gun sitting up there). Anyway, can you rely on it? NBC? Actually, Chis Jansing is one of the - few - good ones at MSNBC that at least makes an attempt to be even.

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I was cheering listening to you blasting conspiracy theories.

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Jul 15Liked by Philip Swicegood


I started listening to you in Atlanta about 2 years ago.

After a few months I became a subscriber.

Kelly and I attended the 2023 Gathering and it was a stunning event. We lucked out and got to sit in the front row. We got to hear from almost all Presidential candidates, heard their in-depth conversations, and shook their hands.

I bought your latest book and am taking my time to read it. I am not a particularly slow reader, but I will likely read it 3 times to fully grasp all your points. It is detailed, and very thought provoking.

We are going to the Gathering again this August and are blown away with your guest list “so far”.

So here is my tip for how you get a seat in the front row. Skip breakfast and show up about 20 minutes before the start. Folks have a natural aversion to sitting in the front row so that is where we will head.

Keep up the great work!


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I am betting on JD Vance for the VP. Considering the assassination attempt, we need a candidate that is committed to the same anti-establishment platform and that is an advocate for the middle class.

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The MSM blaming Trump is the equivalent of society blaming a rape victim

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Jul 15Liked by Philip Swicegood

"MSNBC pulled Morning Joe off the air today over fear of someone making an inappropriate comment about Trump’s assassination attempt."

If someone saying something inappropriate is a reason to pull a show off the air, then every show on MSNBC - along with The View - should be permanently canceled.

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Should’ve Rachel Maddow be next?

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She's on MSNBC, so yes.

Shut the whole network down.

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This seems like a very pregnant response by MSDNC.

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deletedJul 15
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That's not what I said at all. My point is MSNBC - as well as The View - say inappropriate things every day.

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deletedJul 15
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No problem at all.

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