Re: Little old lady won't sell her house to The Masters:

I'm surprised they haven't tried to grab it via Eminent Domain.

In the Kelo v. City of New London case of 2005, the US Supreme Court sided with the developers, i.e., a private entity, when E.D. is only supposed to be used for "public works". The court ruled that since a bunch of tax revenue and jobs would be generated from building a huge shopping complex, that this was the "public benefit" of a private firm taking that person's property.... even though the private firm had the most to gain.

In response, I know that almost all the states put laws in place to (supposedly) prevent E.D. from being used to benefit private entities... but throw enough money around, and folks will find ways around that stuff.

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I’m probably misinterpreting Erick’s final half hour monologue. He seems to be saying that Trump can only win via proverbial “low information voters” who wouldn’t bother to vote or forget when Election Day is unless hounded into early voting. Like I say, probably my misinterpretation.

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I can no more have a conversation with a Trump Humper than a progressive. Both ends of the horseshoe are in the shallow end of the gene pool.

Did you hear the callers on the guest hosted show last week? The host wanted to hear from listeners considering RFK over Trump. Everyone of them was over 65, probably 70 and simply could not manage a good response when confronted with the fact that RFK is nuts.

I would call them low information voters.

Any voter that restricts their information important, like Trump Humpers, is a low information voter.

Any voter that does not have the capacity to process disparate information is a low information voter.

I suspect that the majority of the sliver of persuadable voters, the ones that actually tip the balance of the election are low information voter. You have to give them the same, consistent message every day, no deviation. They are capable of weighing two rocks and telling you which is heavier.

Abortion, climate, racist Christian Nationalist


The border/illegal aliens, crime, the economy

The Democrats are on point.

If Trump continues to be on the right side but the message uses different words every day and is constantly conflate with other stuff these people can't handle it.

Which weighs more a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers? These people would buy a ton of cow manure if they consistently hear cow manure.

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My position has always been that the fewer people vote, the better. Because that will be your best informed and engaged citizens. Erick seemed to be saying those people are mostly voting Dem, which I find frightening if true. I always thought of the Dems winning by rounding up lots of marginal citizens and driving them to vote while making sure they knew who exactly to vote for.

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You and Kathy missed Erick's point that D's get 23% and R get 24% going in.

You are conflating low information voter with political party.

Both sides have people that are informed and uninformed. Both sides have people than have articulable reasons for their choice that can actually be debated, and people that really have no good reason.

I am of the opinion that the 2% that can be persuaded to vote one way or the other simply need to hear a consistent, easily digestible message. The side that provides it wins.

Trump could be stand up comedian. He need to have a consistent message across the board.

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After reading your comments and the one from RKelly, aside from being astounded, I can conclude that our problems are insurmountable. "Educated" and "informed" are words that clearly have no meaning anymore. It is the allegedly "informed" who vote for democrats. And you are also correct that that group of "informed" drags the oblivious off to vote after telling them who to vote for. From my position of "they are all crooks", and most voters are oblivious, but the ones who are really informed are few and far between. And a truly educated and informed person would know better that to rail about the idiocy of people who don't look at things the same way they do.

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A Memphis teen shot three police officers this morning after being released weeks ago without bond for stealing guns and cars.

And who could possibly have thought the possible consequences of releasing him? (Asks The Onion)

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The dilemma of FBI abuse and the need for national security with this FISA bill is really quite easy to thread the needle. The rules for how the FBI treats American citizens needs to be very restrictive... warrants required based on significant evidence... and wide open for non-citizens. I appreciate that Speaker Johnson has a different perspective after having access to classified information about the threats that the US FBI and CIA have to deal with. But the evidence of power abuse for politics is so overwhelming it should be the focus as it might be the bigger threat to national security.

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After working with the Iranians in Depot overhaul in Teheran in 78/79

Unless they have upped their game 500 % they are incapable of pulling off an attack.

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Babylon Bee: "Experts Recommend Calling A Hispanic Person 'Latine' If You Want To Get Punched In The Face."

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The leak suggests that Iran is planning to make good on its threats to respond to Israel’s airstrike on an Iranian embassy in Damascus that resulted in the death of the most senior Iranian general since Qasem Soleimani. Just this morning, “hostile aircraft intrusion alerts” were sounded in Northern Israel with little additional information available.

Isaiah 17: 1 An Oracle concerning Damascus. "See, Damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of Ruins". See Rev 16: 16 and 19: 17. For the finality. For each of Mankind; to each his own, believe as you choose, to thine ownself be true. Psalms 14: 1. "The fool says in his own heart; there is no GOD". Selah

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Thank God that He has got this.

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Sounds like Kari Lake is taking notes from Nikki Haley in realizing the issues involved when a woman gets pregnant and is in a bad situation. She chose life and it sounded here that that’s her guidance, but abortion bans will not get passed, as Haley realized. Don’t see a problem in her explaining that she gets it.

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Hopefully Israel (the U.S. should) destroy the drone factories in Iran. That would help Israel and Ukraine and the western alliance.

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Time to stock up on canned goods , dark chocolate and cheap dry red wine. I just filled my oil tank so I’m good for next year.

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NY TIMELESS kept information from public because of Political reasons. (not a surprise) Just shows we cannot believe Press because they only report what fits their motive?

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I've never felt so politically homeless. {sigh}

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You're not the only one. I've been slowly withdrawing from most politics. Not because I don't care, but because I have to wonder, what has all my political junkie stuff from the past 25 years really done for anyone? My wife has slowly drifted to the Left, although we still agree on a few things. My city once was generally conservative, now it's also drifting quickly Left. And yes, we moved here from California partly to escape the Left.

I think I have to start focusing on what I should be doing locally, and trying to find what God wants me to do otherwise. I can read Substack all day (and comment of course) and subscribe to all the best conservative and Christian YouTube channels, but I feel like it usually only serves to get me into an angry doomsayer mood. There are plenty of things to be angry about, not only from the Left, but these days even in evangelical Christianity. Don't get me started on celebrity, all powerful "head" pastors and (most) megachurches.

There has to be a better way. Maybe Dreher was right, and I should be looking for ways to create spaces for conservatives and Christians to help each other.

Politically, I feel like the Right needs to be building arks, whatever that looks like. Because the tide of the pagan Left is only growing larger and more all-consuming.

Okay that's enough sermonizing for today. Wishing you the best as usual of course. {smile}

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I'm leaning more and more libertarian politically, while living a conservative Christian life. I've become disillusioned with many I've followed on the right, including Erickson. I wish Republicans would stand for the entire Bill of Rights and a radical reduction in the size of the federal government. I wish they would support states' rights while using their pulpit to speak up for the pro-life movement. It's sad when Kennedy, who is adamantly pro-choice, is the only candidate for the presidency to visit a pregnancy resource center and state that "every abortion is a tragedy."

From everything you've written here, I feel like you're a kindred spirit. Like you, I'm unplugging more and more. Each of the last few Saturdays, I've read an entire book while enjoying the outdoors. Recently I've noticed how much Scripture talks about nature praising God: the trees, the oceans, the animals. Kennedy has a great video about connecting with God through nature; it's something many people are missing. From long hikes, to reading in my hammock by the creek, to barefoot yoga in the front yard with the deer, I'm enjoying life while staying informed and praying for our leaders and the future of our country.

I wish you the best, too.

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