Solution to two problems: send the millions flooding across the southern border to China.

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It's said that they have a LOT of vacant apartments

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Today you mentioned several times people believing in "conspiracy theories" with some disbelief. People believe anything now because the "experts" keep saying one thing and we find it's another. It's more of the breakdown in societal trust you talk about.

Right now, if the CDC made a vaccine mandatory, I would not comply. Look at the economy: official line is there is no to little inflation offset by wage growth and it's good. Just like the COVID virus came from a Chinese wet market and not the lab studying corona virus a few blocks away....

The reason people are so conspiratorial now is the conspiracy theory becomes fact very quickly.

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About Volkswagen. Yes this was an unfulfilled promise from Hitler's National socialist Party.

Very few got the "peoples' car" during the war. However, following the end of the war Germany was trying to pull itself together, and one, Heinz Nordhoff, took over the reins at VW. Mr. Nordhoff was trained at General Motors, and the rest is history.

Concerning the Hur report: Nobody is noting that Mr. Hur was part of the Muller investigative team. He is noted for being even-handed, and presumably fair. It is also noted that prosecuting attorneys routinely make judgements about the mental acuity of defendants. Any attorney in this capacity, has to make reasoned, well-documented decisions as to a defendant's knowledge concerning his culpability and whether or not he or she can stand trial.. Our president does not meet those criteria.

William Stead

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A woman walks into a church with a child in tow and an AR-15 with the words “Free Palestine” on it and starts shooting. Before she could kill anyone, she is shot dead by one of two off-duty police officers. Barely a mention of this is made on MSM- too busy keeping up with Taylor Swift’s flight plan, I suppose. And when it is mentioned, it is noted that authorities don’t know if she was politically motivated or suffering from a mental illness. The latter possibility of course would not have been mentioned had her gun said. “Free the Israeli Hostages.”

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The person who opened fire in the church has been identified as a man who thinks he is a woman. How fast is that going to be buried? And that is aside from the "Free Palestine" on the rifle.

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Payton S. Gendron wrote nig... and something about reparations on the barrel of the gun, but we have no idea what his motive was.

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I know Trump wants the other NATO members to pay their fair share, but he needs to learn the art of diplomacy and what can be said out loud and what needs to stay behind closed doors.

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Of course there’s the whole matter that his anecdote is probably 90% fabricated. There probably was some discussion of American responses under Article 5 of NATO. Y’all know the only time Article 5 was invoked? After 9/11/01 by the United States and NATO responded.

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The MSM loves to write a headline to get clicks and then make stuff up to back up the click. Trump is their favorite target. I never believe what the press says Trump said.

However, Trump approach is counterproductive. A forceful demand to pay for the defense of Europe should be a simple sales job. There are plenty of ways to get their attention. For instance, tell Germany that we need to do reevaluation the flight operations at their training facility in Arizonia. Tell them to send their pilots home or stop sending new pilots in for training. Tell them they can temporarily train in their home country. We can also bite the bullet, cough up the $2 billion and relocate our logistics base from southern Germany to Poland. There are lots of train track improvement etc. to make that all happen. A similar example is Remington. They produced guns in a small town in New york for 200 years or something. After NY state decided to make a political point about assault rifles, Remington said fine. We are shutting down our operations in NY and moving elsewhere (I think TN). What do you think the people in that small town think? Time to leave NY? We can do the same by more closely aligning our forces to confront Russia, integrating far deeper in Poland and Ukraine.

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The Poles are better allies than the Germans right now for sure. They’d love to host some of our forces.

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A woman with a child opened fire in Joel Osteen’s church but was killed by an off-duty police officer. Her AR-15 had “free Palestine” written on it....

I am sure I was just not paying attention and missed this detail in the multiple times I heard the story..... Rrriiiiiiiiigggght.

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It was a man who thinks he is a woman. not a real woman.

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It was the free the fictitious country that I was referring to. But yes, the who trans and gun thing should be in the news. The media has completely divorced themselves of mental illness, no one is. If the shooter is on the left we have no idea why, of the shooter is on the right they are raciest, bigoted, homophobic, but on is mentally ill.

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It's time for a comprehensive news story on the increasing number of trans-identified shooters in this country, from someone more "mainstream" than Matt Walsh.

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There should be a lot of people discussing this subject. But Walsh isn't wrong in his assessment.

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I love Matt Walsh, and he's been perfect on the trans issue. It's time for someone besides Daily Wire to cover it, though.

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I've had a hard time finding news stories in print or TV about the church shooting today. Maybe, I'm just not looking hard enough...hmm.

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As they say at the NYT..."All The News That Fits, We Print"

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I wonder if people think about the life they have lived and the changes that have occurred. My great grandmother was born in the 1890s and lived into the 1990s. She saw enormous change during her life. I was born in the 1960s in southern Alabama (Ft. Novosel). I moved to Washington DC in 1969. The air I breathed in the 1970s is far dirtier than what my kids breathed being born and growing up in Atlanta in the late 1990s and 2000s. If you look at the numbers since the passage of the clean Air act in the early 1970s, mercury and lead concentrations are 99% lower. SOX and NOX are about 70% lower. CO (not CO2), Ozone and particulates are also a lot lower. CO2 is lower today than in the late 1990s. All this talk about climate change ignores the fact that India and China are forcing the rise in CO2. The US is reducing its release of CO2. It needs to be stated repeatedly that the air we breathe today is far cleaner than the air most people breathed in the 1970s.

This brings us to China and world population. China's population collapse is just the start for many other countries. Fertility rates are falling all over the world. Peak global population will peak much sooner than the consensus believes. By 2100, China's population will fall to 900 million, which is where their population stood in 1970.

Will I live to be 100 in 2063 and see all the changes I beleive will happen? Will I be physically and mentally able to enjoy these changes? I don't know. But I do know the life my future grandkids will live will be far different and in a much different world (fewer people and greater prosperity) than at any time since the early 1800s. BTW, the population of England in 1348 was higher than in 1800 (england lost 40% of its population from 1349 to 1350 from the plague). What will the world be like in 2100 when the global population is 7 billion, not 10 billion?

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I think the See-BS argument is AGW -->more wildfires-->more particulate pollution.

I'm not sure I buy that.

And I certainly don't buy that the air is getting dirtier, not while coal plants are being retrofitted to natgas.

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Here is the thing about wildfires. And I am speaking about western forests. These western pine forests evolved with fire (maybe the American Indians pushed this evolution faster by systematic subscribed burns). These forests should burn every 7 to 10 years. This keeps them open and healthy. if there are 150 million acres, then we are talking about 15 million acres burning a year. It should be about 20 million if one includes all the state/private land. That is a lot of acres and a lot of naturally occurring particulate pollution. Does anyone think the climate activists understand this? Does anyone believe anyone has a good model showing pre-European fire impacts on North America?

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Excellent point. Poor forest maintenance in the name of enviro-"feels" and not hard science and good forestry practices has made wildfires much worse.

Also, as long as we're assigning blame to AGW, particulates actually prevent global warming (nuclear winter, anyone?). Not that I would advocate any kind of pollution to stop it.

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The climate alarmists always imply - or just lie - that breathing some multiple of parts per million of CO2 is unhealthy. You’re right, the air quality is far better. The sewage treatment plant near the river used to stink - not anymore. The Ga Power plant used to burn coal and exhaust it right upwind of Atlanta. Now, it’s clean natural gas.

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When I moved to Atlanta in 1997 the air quality was noticeably worse, with far more "smog alert" days every summer.

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Vice President Harris quote. “I am ready to serve. There’s no question about that,” Harris responded bluntly. Everyone who sees her on the job, Harris said, “walks away fully aware of my capacity to lead.” Actually, everyone "WALKS AWAY." She added the words "her capacity to lead."

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God bless the two men who survived four months in the “tender mercies” of Hamas. Biden needs to butt out.

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Brian Kemp is, once again, a voice of reason.

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Kemp is keeping his head down and powder dry to run against Pajama Boy in '26 or for POTUS in '28.

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Yeah, What's up with that?

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I'd vote for Kemp for President.

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Everyone who sees Kamala Harris on the job is fully aware of her "capacity to lead." True statement, and that's why we're terrified.

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I choked on my drink reading that. Sheesh, I should know better than having a hot drink up to my face while ready Eric's notes.

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Feb 12
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Kamala Harris's super power is that she can see what can be, unburdened by what has been, while riding on a yellow school bus and simultaneously creating a Venn diagram connecting abortion, space travel, and racism.

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