So now that Senator Kyrsten Sinema has officially exited the Democrat Party and become Independent, let's look at the real numbers in the US Senate: 49 Republicans, 48 Democrats, 3 Independents. Saying that the Democrats have a majority in the Senate means one of two things: Either you can't count; or you admit that Independents are Democrats in sheep's clothing and nothing more than bootlickers for the Democrat party. Which one do you think it is?

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Thank you Phillip, looking forward to something positive.

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So, Biden got a basket ball player for The Merchant of Death, and agreed to the deal after Putin said no to throwing in a U.S. Marine.

That is righ up there with trading Babe Ruth for a Musical...

Boston Red Sox trade future baseball god Babe Ruth for $100,000 and a $300,000 loan to finance the No, No, Nanette musical. Then watch the NY Yankees dominate in the World Series for the next 20 years while they won absolutely nothing.

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Philip Swicegood

I must admit that today's show notes made me feel physically sick. There's too much absurdity to absorb and it seems as though the world has lost it's collective mind. A personality gets a prison swap, while an imprisoned retired military member lingers in a Russian jail. A disgraced crypto founder gets the soft treatment while thousands suffer financial loss at his hands. And a drag queen story hour is acceptable in public libraries but not something faith based because it doesn't meet their standards. What??? Some days, I just can't...

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We will find happier news for you tomorrow, Sue.

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Regarding masks, I had a doctor’s appointment today and found my somewhat dusty face mask in case they required it. I was happily surprised to see they were totally voluntary for patients and staff. Mandates aren’t coming back in Georgia for sure. Stacey lost.

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Republicans voting for Democrat Senators at this time given what is at stake is a perfect analogy of derangement syndrome.

The more I learn about establishment Republicans, the more I understand why they are so widely disliked by almost every voter demographic and why they chronically lose.

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Frank, it absolutely blows my mind that anybody that calls themselves a Republican would check the box for Warnock. OK, you don't like Walker as a candidate for whatever misinformed reasons you have, that's fine - just leave the box for Senator unchecked and move on down the ballot. There's nothing in the law that says you HAVE to check a box for anybody. Checking the box for Warnock is a double-whammy and I'm just stunned by the idiocy demonstrated by this subset of Georgia Republicans. BTW there's another group of voters you can blame Warnock's victory on: Libertarians. For all their BS rhetoric about keeping government out of their lives, Libertarians are sycophants when it comes to backing up their words with their votes. In the general election, Libertarians garnered 2.1% of the vote which means they (along with Kemp Republicans) could have single-handedly voted Walker into office if they had just showed up this past Tuesday and voted against big government (aka Warnock) - but they didn't. The only conclusion here is that these two groups just want to lose and they are willing to fall on their political swords to do it.

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