Re: Biden's student debt relief

I had to work my way through college, and get student loans. Mine have all been paid off long ago.

Do I get a rebate?

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So what have you to say about your report yesterday on Tucker Carlson’s alleged broadcast in Russia? His producers say it was illegally pirated.

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Aren't you sick and tired of the double standards of Dems vs Republicans? Why is it that a past Republican President is hounded, home invaded and searched for classified documents that he's allowed to have, treated like a criminal, 4 years later being thrashed through the courts and yet ... a democrat Vice President, is found to have classified documents that he had NO rights to and is found to be a feeble old man with cognitive issues so we're just going to forget this whole event. How does that work?

This feeble-minded president is buying votes by opening the southern border, forgiving student loans, releasing millions of gallons of gas from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is meant for the National Security of this nation NOT for a lousy few gallons that each of us might get, has the biggest green scam of the century going on with EV's. and forcing us into something that was dropped back in 1904 or so as not being good for the environment or sustainable.

And now Justice Alito is being forced to recluse himself from Trump's case because his wife supports Trump and yet Judge Merchan who has donated to Biden's campaign won't recluse himself from Trump's case. Where's the justice in that?

The entirety of Congress needs to go (need term limits), as should the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA be cleansed and revamped. Biden and administration need to be institutionalized, hopefully Trump can undo the damage Biden inflicted on this nation and then we need YOUNGER men/women running for President. Presidential candidates must be 35 years of age to run, there should be a limit on age to run. Yes, we want life experience, but we don't want our president wearing diapers, slobbering all over themselves, making up stories about their uncles being eaten by cannibal.

I'm rambling, sorry, but I'm so over all this crap. Makes me want to NOT vote but believe me, I'll be in line to vote and praying that the machines recognize MY votes and not replaced by the AI that might be monitoring the voting system.

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Secret Service - what are they doing at Mar largo ?? watching the Cat?

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How about the story where the "evidence" in the Trump document case was tampered with by the Feds? They don't know what was where because it has been moved and pics staged. Not to mention that the feds shipped a pallet of boxes to Trump prior to raiding him. There was no excuse for a raid in the first place. And certainly no excusing an authorization for deadly force.

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I'm not a Trump fan, but the whole deadly force thing confuses me. If Trump himself were there and stood in front of some boxes waving his arms, they were authorized to pull their triggers? That may be a happy dream of the Left until they realize it can happen to them...

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I am not a huge fan of Trump either. But I don't care who it is, what is being done to him is outrageous and should be scary to everyone. Because, yes, the tables can turn.

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Do y’all remember Billy Beer? Back in the day where the “uncouth” character of President Carter’s brother was deemed a problem for his administration.

Well today we have the Dems, firing on all cylinders, to make President Trump the first felon to occupy the White House.

BUT BUT BUT… looks like they may come up short. Looks like Huter Biden may end up being the FIRST FELON to live in the White House.

OUCH… my face hurts from grinning

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Those three countries have rewarded Hamas' actions: raping, torturing, killing, and kidnapping Israeli Jews, Bedouin, and foreign workers working for Israelis will apparently get yourself a state. The PA has had to do zero reforms to attain this change in status. There haven't been elections in either territory for over 10 years; the PA rewards killing Jews, too, by giving money to the family of terrorists; corruption is off the charts; neither territory can offer basic services without Israel's assistance. There's not even a governing coalition between the two territories, since Hamas killed PA officials the last time there was an election. Abbas rules by executive authority, maybe with some type of council, but nothing democratic.

By this action, they've bolstered Hamas' resolve, further endangering Israelis AND the Arabs in Gaza, as well as weakening the PA in the eyes of its own population: the PA could never get such actions with its "moderate" stance, but within 7 months Hamas has. To be blunt: these people are just amazingly stupid.

This is a dangerous and absolutely ludicrous decision by these governments and Israel should withdraw Her ambassadors along with any other punitive measures the Knesset can devise.

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I wonder if the countries that are for Palestinian State will be Inviting them to join them in their country because Gaza belongs to Israel .

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Brian Kemp goes from strength to strength, most recently with the Ga Supreme Court race. I look forward to him being our next senator, if not some higher office. Trump could do worse than Kemp VP.

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“marijuana use is now more common than similar levels of alcohol consumption.”

The same Democrat people that tend to be against alcohol consumption are for legalized pot. It is just one of the many hypocritical positions of the Democrats that prove that their views are backed by motivations other than what they claim.

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Have been listening for a couple of years and today I have something that I disagree with. I hear you referring to the Trump raid as just “pro forma”, and lazy.

As an attorney, can you point me to the place in Fed law where being a lazy moron is a mitigating factor in any assault?

Lazy wasn’t an option on the form.

You can’t tell us with a straight face that the Feds weren’t all amped up as they loaded their AR’s and entered. They all knew they could use deadly force, otherwise they would have been instructed so.

And just because Trump wasn't there didn't lessen the personal risk to the rest of the staff.

It's not good enough that they claim now to have coordinated with the Secret Service to make sure Trump wasn’t there. They are liars and this is just more crapola.

Saddens me that there is nothing we can do about this rogue government.

This was a very bad thing and I wish you would not be giving them cover.

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Didn’t the FBI also search the Biden residence? Was there a use of deadly force statement in that or those search warrants?

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It would be interesting to see. My bet is that affidavit will soon be released and perhaps it shows more care and concern, considering the multiple locations they had to search to recover all the docs Brandon stole while in the Senate and as VP.

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May 22
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Trump didn't cooperate because he didn't even know about the investigation. He said outwardly had they asked he would have gladly turned them over.

i don't think you get the biden case vs the trump case. Biden they refused to prosecute. Biden wasn't found to be innocent, they just refused to go after him. So basically Biden committed a crime but wasn't prosecuted. Trump they investigated and there is so many holes in it they suspended the case.

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Doesn’t matter if he cooperated he had papers when he was in the senate and as a Vice President that he was not allowed to have period. He stole them which is a crime. What part of illegal don’t you understand

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May 22Edited
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I don’t always agree with you, Blair, but you write your true thoughts. Personally, I have reluctantly decided that Trump is very much the lesser of two evils. I hate it, but it’s the world I live in. He could seal the deal by picking a good solid VP.

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For the VP candidate, the only box to check of is whether he/she would be a good president. We have VP Brenda as a bad example.

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A VP for Trump would stand a higher than usual chance of suddenly succeeding him. Not as much as a VP for Biden 2, but above average. Also, a high chance of being the 2028 nominee. So, a lot at stake.

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May 22
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Unfortunately, the USA Today article never really tried to consider such a thing. I admit I skimmed it so I might have missed something. I did see someone complaining about how this type of behavior will (of course) cause innocent transgender athletes, like the male in this story, to kill themselves. Which seems like the default posture.

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May 22
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I take Trump with a grain of salt. Yet we have no alternative

Candidate. Biden is not worthy of my vote nor the other Democrat.

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