The topic of California Senate move a zero down zero interest mortgage offer forward for illegal immigrants is ludicrous! I suspect they think they will just blame the banks again when it fails like they did in '08

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Back in the late 1990's, I remember some folks making several predictions about the future when it came to the increasing trends of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, including:

- Illegal aliens will be treated better than American Citizens.

- Illegal aliens who commit crimes will usually be immediately released back onto the streets.

- Progressive prosecutors will rarely charge illegal aliens with any crimes they commit.

- Sanctuary cities will become dangerous places for US Citizens, especially at night.

- Progressive politicians will do whatever they can to downplay, dismiss or ignore crimes committed by illegals against citizens.

- Progressive politicians will not only have the borders wide open, but will encourage as much illegal immigration as possible.

- Due to a shortage of shelters, progressive politicians will start asking US Citizens to take illegal aliens into their homes, then later it will become compulsory.

Many people back then laughed at this. But all this stuff is currently going on, except the mandatory housing of illegal aliens in private homes... but in some places, it does seem to be moving in that direction.

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As long as Kennedy is kept away from any decision making on guns and social safety net issues, by all means give him a job. I suggest HHS would be a great spot. They can't talk police at the DNC convention. They would scare people if they knew the truth.

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Listening to your talk on the USN. Mostly on point, but that segment where you claimed a single nuke could “wipe out” at carrier strike group seemed based on the photo ops they do sometimes. All the ships group in easy camera range for a photo op - then they go back to normal formation, barely in sight of each other. No, a single nuke couldn’t wipe the whole thing out.

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A single nuke in the middle of a battle group, if they could find it, would still be a pretty bad day for it though.

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Heck yeah, but they’re hardly defenseless. Operation Crossroads at Bikini Atoll showed just how resilient warships are, even against nukes.

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and I learned something new today.

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It is clear. Democrats are the party of emotions. Republicans are the party of logic.

I fear that emotions can win this day and age where everything is screen entertainment and certain voter demographics have brain wiring that responds to emotions rather than logic.

From a perspective of someone that understands that decisions strongly influenced by emotions are suboptimized and that the alternative of rational and logical tradeoff analysis leads to much more positive long-term outcome, I am of course an uncaring brute by the common social political narrative hoisted by the mainstream media that seems to be infested with emotive types.

The failure of nations and empires, I think, can be directly attributed to this phenomenon of emotional impulses replacing careful rational consideration for all policies and norms. I think maybe this is why northern European countries do so well. You don't see much crying in politics within Finland.

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There aren't enough dem voters to affect the election one way or the other. There aren't enough republican voters either. Its probably about 46 - 47% on both sides. So its that 2 - 3% that gets fought over.

Thing is, that 2 -3% doesn't pay attention to the election until October historically.

But your correct Dems vote on emotion and feelings. Republicans tend to vote on reality and logic.

Logic dictates Boys should not be on a girls team. Logic dictates if you regulate prices, companies will fold. Logic dictates a 30% increase in prices is a huge problem. But nobody ever accused the dems of being logical.

Their arguments and policies are all socialist in nature. Big gov, big brother and tons of regulation control. Who you hire, where you eat, what you drive. That's all they are.

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Yes. The democrat party seems to be made up of emotional women and neutered men who have adopted the emotion of the women. And there are way too many of both.

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It’s the “ what the heck were you thinking “ emotion that I am guilty of.

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Biden's Secretary of Commerce is not familiar with the jobs adjustment?

Man oh man... DEI is showing how terrible it is... putting incompetent people in positions because they are female, minority or Tim Walz.

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I have been trying to find a copy of Tim Walz’s DD214. He may not have received one because he was in the guard as opposed to active duty. However, there should be at least an Analogous document for discharge from the National Guard. Wonder what it says…?

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You could contact the "Fake Warrior Project" : https://www.fakewarriors.org/

Give them a $20 donation and ask them to file a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request for Tim Walz' military records.... although since he's now the VP candidate, his records might be conveniently "off-limits" 🙄🙄🙄

This is how, earlier this year, I got ahold of my former father-in-law's DD-214 and found out the truth about his service.

For years, he told everyone that he was UDT in the Korean War, a Navy Diver, an officer and was awarded a Bronze Star, three Purple Hearts and a Navy frikkin' Cross.... he even put together an award display. That was 35 years ago and I was just a teenaged kid who believed the war-stories of an adult that had I trusted.... I mean, why would he lie, right?

Over the years, I began to suspect that he was full of crap.... and as it turns out, he was. The truth was all laid out in his DD-214.

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Check “Stolen Valor” on “X”. He’s on this issue from a non partisan perspective.

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Whenever I see Bill Clinton speak, I think back to Rush Limbaugh.

Prior to a Clinton SOTU address, Rush advised people to put a 'paper chyron' across the bottom of their TVs that read, 'This Man Lies Under Oath.'

Last night Clinton wasn't under oath, but he was still lying.

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Just a ‘mercial, no info.

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Why those astronauts are still stuck in space...

Boeing has been grifting off of NASA and tax payers for years. This was a predictable event given their consistent history of failures in the production. They should have eliminated and cut in 2019.

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The DNC so far is looking more like a disaster distraction epic. while it will for sure be immortalized as the greatest show on earth by the media, it has done nothing to woo undecideds or independents who wanted to hear policy and what the dems will do for them. The biggest reason I can fathom for them ignoring the economy is they genuinely believe its good.

As for the Jobs report, i am not surprised the economic advisors to the president know nothing about it. As I suspect 90% of America don't even know what it means. However, who is watching is big business and wall street.

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The fact that the commerce sec knew nothing about the historic downgrade of job numbers tells you why they don't bring up the economy - it is clear that they know nothing at all about it.

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Best news I found on today's Show Notes was the item at the bottom regarding Jack Daniels.

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There is nothing short of threat of torture that could get me to watch that spectacle in Chicago. Just hearing “the One’s” voice on the local news put me off my breakfast. Thank you for enduring it for us.

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If Erick didn't work for himself, he could insist on hazardous duty pay having to watch the DNC.

Sometimes it's not so good to be the boss.

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I would recommend him wearing a hazmat suit. It’s hard to tell what might be creeping out of the TV screen during all of this. So glad he does what he does so we don’t have to.

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His eye muscles must be getting tired from all that cringing at all the extremely awkward moments like the Waltz high school team moment.

Im still waiting to see what the whole point of that was. Even if he was the head coach ( which he wasn't ) A great sport coach does not a politician make.

How many famous or former head coaches of any sport has ran for president?

What made it so awkward was that he is going through a "stolen valor" accusation all the while he comes out and they said blatantly "Tim Waltz lead..." No he didn't. He was a defensive coordinator and he wasn't even the head defensive coach. I wonder how the real head coach feels about that.

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