One thing I think Erick needs to talk about is racism in this country... no not against black people but against white people. Namely Straight white males.

If you are a White male i would challenge you to attempt to look for a job. I tested the job waters for the past 9 months because my salary no longer sustains my family thanks to Bidenomics.. 172 applications 30 interviews and 0 offers even though in some of those places I was well overly qualified.

I learned in one instance from a source inside one of the companies that they did not hire me because the hiring manager was told to "Not hire any white males of any age".

I actually did a test and put on the applications when they asked race. I put "Choose not to disclose" on 10 applications and the other 10 I was honest about my race. of the 10 applications where I didn't disclose my race, I got 8 out of 10 callbacks and even 3 interviews. Of the 10 were I did, none.

Sure maybe there are a few factors at play, but not at those numbers. Something at this point should have led to at least one offer.

When I thought I was an anomaly, I recently found out from a friend who is a programmer with 18 years of experience, he is facing the same discrimination.

I know this is completely off topic from the show notes, but I believe this needs to be talked about.

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That sounds really wrong, but I don't doubt it. You're the oppressor.

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Erick, spare us, nobody reads that rag axios

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I would make the squad sit in the front row to watch the Hamas atrocities. Then make them watch it over and over.

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Before I wrote this, I googled to see if AOC had issued any statements after watching the video of the Hamas attack. She hasn’t. Won’t hold my breath for her sage words.

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How did the Royal Navy shut down Napoleon? By cutting off supplies (food, water, etc) . When you are fighting for existence, as is Israel, (how many countries are attempting extinction for Israel?) then you do what is necessary. Israel will win, as it is in the BOOK and I believe it. Per the Gov't and CNBC and Yellen, et als, CPI is down, everything is in line, and everything is fine. Smoke and mirrors? Yep, Coming big hard bouncing landing for economy. Selah

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Erick, off topic, but would you consider communicating with your friend, Chip Roy, that he and the other likely house republicans that would trigger a speaker recall, should NOT do it? It's amazing to me that a few very conservative house members think they can right our ship by staging what looks like a tantrum to the liberal media and less engaged citizens. I get what they want to do, but we do not have the numbers, and I'm amazed that this needs to be pointed out to them. They can not torpedo Speaker Johnson because they can't get perfection in our national budget. I have no one to communicate with as I live in Georgia and my rep and my senators are both members of the party that wants America to be diminished.

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I, too, am in Ga and basically have no voice in this. Thank you, Peaceful Dad.

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I think the video by the Israelis should be shown on network TV and on all college campuses.

Let everyone see the horrible truth.

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James Chambers is a first class loser. He needs to take some of his daddy’s money and go live in Gaza. The ass clown claims he’s a communist, but just not enough for him to give up his millions. He grew up a Democrat and here he is - he seems so happy…

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So glad to hear you praise the movie “Master and Commander.” Like you, I read all the Aubrey/Maturin books and most of them twice. The best thing about the movie is they didn’t try to make early 19th Century Brits sound like 21st Century “woke” progressives. They were proudly patriotic, pious, and thoroughly manly. During a burial at sea service the whole crew recited entirely The Lord’s Prayer without a shred of modern ironic detachment. Great movie!

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The speech that Bari Weiss gave should be seen or read by everyone. I printed it out to keep. Other than that, republicans are determined to lose. There are enough of the who will run to the side of the democrats in every significant matter so that the democrats always win. Are we really going to stand by and let the radical left have complete control?

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The leader of Israel’s center-left Labor Party says something has gone “very wrong” with the political left around the world...

No, it hasn't, and that's the problem with the left's et al world view. The left has been the same the world over throughout history. The support of Hamas and tyrants is a feature not a bug.

There is no safe level of left.

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