Kamala says her 'values have not changed.' Sadly, she's right. Her values are 'I'll lie, cheat or steal, say anything, do anything (or anyone) I need to in order to win an election.'

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Press the Internet button and release the podcast!!

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"Let me be clear here." And then: Word salad. smh

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Trump please stop saying the stupid crap and Just WIN the election


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Harris touting her "experience" as a prosecutor is a weird, weird flex, but ok...

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The image I have of the American political industry is:

Democrats - A powerful party collective dragging dysfunctional and unappealing party candidates along.

Republicans - A powerful party candidate dragging a dysfunctional and unappealing party collective along.

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Another take comes to mind following the DNCC:

Dem politicians - They are the playmates inviting young voters out for recess to sing, dance, play kickball. "You don't have to study, take a nap, or clean your room. Any resulting problems will be solved by government. Feel the vibe!"

GOP politicians - Young voters see the GOP as their parents. We tell them that if they work hard, pay their bills, eat their vegetables and put down their phones at bedtime, they'll grow up big and strong, and prosperous.

The GOP principles are time-tested in the US, but we will never be "cool". So we can't sweat gaining the Youth vote. It's a losing battle against human nature.

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I have to ask (not being snarky, just ignorant), what is the push-back on IVF. For couples who cannot get pregnant, isn't IVF a good alternative?

Also, I want to believe that Trump's comment on "voting for" Florida's Amendment 4 is him talking about his right to vote on it as a citizen of Florida and not on anything he would (or could) do at the federal level. Since the big push was to move the abortion control back to the states (which is where I believe it belongs, BTW), isn't that in keeping with the euphoria of getting Roe v. Wade overturned?

Please enlightened me -- with sound arguments and logic, please, not emotions... thanks!

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If you believe that a fetus from the moment of conception has the same rights as a newborn baby (which I don't), that's the issue. IVF embryos are the product of an egg and sperm.

At some point between conception and birth a fetus acquires those rights. I can't say exactly when and neither can anyone else with certainty without begging the question or relying solely on one's interpretation of religious doctrine.

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Erick, I get a sick feeling that Trump's comment on the Florida abortion law might be some sort of quid pro quo that Trump thinks he should offer to to RFK, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard supporters. I think your are correct, as of today the Trump campaign is probably toast. The way he said it, his comment was an unmistakable indicator that he intends to support the pro-abortion position on the amendment. They'd better correct this before Sunday just as you say. Preachers are going to have to condemn this from the pulpit. How stupid...

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Trump will win if he takes a page from the 2020 Biden campaign and locks himself and Vance in Mar Lago and play golf until November. Let his surrogates like both Scotts, Jordan and Rubio hit the campaign trail for him. What he needs is someone like my mother to slap him in the back of his head every time he said something stupid. He would have a concussion by now.

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Please make sure you post the podcast this afternoon. No excuses!

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If only we could abort our nominee

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The CNN/Bash Interview struck me as a slickly packaged infomercial. While Bash asked the appropriate questions initially, the absence of follow-up questions suggested her agenda was "first, do no harm". Then, each segment was sandwiched between promotional intros that seemed to be produced by the Harris-Walz campaign. To be clear, Dem voters are motivated by just 3 factors this cycle: Trump hatred, Melanin-prompts, and Vagina monologues. So they've become like those toy monkeys sold in the 50's, cheesing a grin while clanging their cymbals together. Like the DNCC, this interview was just another key to wind them up.

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What continues to irritate me to excess with the anti-abortion extremist in setting fetal pain as some benchmark for the number of weeks of gestation required is the almost complete lack of trade-off comparison for the profound and ongoing pain suffered by an unwanted child.

Let's use an extreme example to illustrate the absurdity of demanding authoritarian government rules to outlaw abortion. Let's say that the state of society is such that almost everyone born except a very small minority of children from a tiny but powerful ruling class will be immediately assimilated into a slave state and forced to work for the state at the end of a whip and gun... where nobody really owns any free path to individual contentment and happiness.

Would you, if one of these life at conception believers, still support the same restrictions on abortion?

If so, you have some moral filter problems that need attention.

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What needs to happen is for it to be made easier to adopt children, not harder as the Biden admin has made it. As well, if the same amount of federal money went to prolife pregnancy centers and matermity homes, there would be far fewer women believing abortion is their only option. The number of such centers and homes, currently nearly 3,000 across the country, were increased and their funding less precarious, a significant change could occur in our current culture of death. But , instead, we have Democrats across the country trying to shut them down, reducing the "choice" to their preference, abortion.

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Imagine if the government gave as much money to pregnancy centers as they did to planned parenthood, which they turn around and donate to the DNC.

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So, you would have counseled a pregnant slave to have an abortion to prevent her child from being born into slavery? Adolph Hitler and Margaret Sanger would have loved you!!

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Thank you. Frank’s hypothetical is right out of the Nazi playbook. Humans apparently have no worth unless they meet Frank’s standards of life. Let’s just start killing cancer patients, the poor, the obese, the elderly, drug addicts, the mentally ill and members of religions we don’t like Because Suffering. Oh and there’s that pesky thing called “Death” which is pretty awful so we all should volunteer for the gas chambers until there’s no one left. Gee Frank, I’m glad we have YOU to play God for us.

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preach it brother. it is not your job to coddle anybody. we want to hear the facts. Truth in broadcasting.

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you definitely from my neck of the woods.

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"Cannabis, hallucinogen use at ‘historically high levels’ "

Well sure. Look.who we have running for POTUS.

Depending on who wins, usage may drop precipitously - or skyrocket even higher.

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Harris said the last 10 years when referring to presidential errors. 2024-10-2014. Two years of Obama, 4 years of Trump, nearly 4 years of Biden. Those Dems must be livid at these comments condemning their presidents.

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And Trump really only had 2 years of control. He lost the house in 2018. When its a split congress like that nothing really gets done.

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Single issue voters: You cannot please everyone all the time. If they want to be irresponsible, they will be left behind. So be it.

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