What does excellence mean at Yale, they wonder, if most students get the equivalent of “excellent” in almost every class?

It means most students identify as intersectional victims. This is nothing but a scam.

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PORT controll- I read somewhere

The entire Gaza issue is that IRAN and Russia want to control a PORT so their warships can control area.

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Those three elite university presidents have something in common. That something is something we should be talking about as it is so pervasive for their ideological cult that it cannot be ignored.

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Stand at the corner of Intersectionality Boulevard and Minority Avenue and look at all the groups that support Trump. Now think about why they give him their support, over Nikki, over Ronnie, over Vivek, over Donutman. Now reconsider your granite-like opposition to Trump. What does two-thirds of the surveyed population of likely voters understand about Trump that you don't?

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What are the odds Carville's survey is a psyop to get us to nominate the one candidate who cannot win the general?

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Took the words right out of my mouth.

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It would be interesting if Bezos pulled a Ronald Reagan and fired all the strikers. The WP could then hire a new set of employees for the job.

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Why are Yale students getting A's - my guess is that they are still using pandemic online testing. I ain't saying that students cheat, but they make far better grades when they test online.

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The three uber intelligent and revoltingly arrogant university presidents who appeared to testify and equivocate about the attacks on Jews on their campuses this week represent everything I detest about what has become the ascension of female administrators in higher ed. Sorry gals but you make me want to smack your smirky faces. I spent 30 years working in PR at a fine research university in Atlanta and by far the worst, most selfish, disrespectful and holier than thou bosses I had were females. I hope they get an appropriate goodbye from their boards of directors. Disgusting behavior.

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“Grim for democrats..”

Whatever. We aren’t falling for it this time.

The same articles were posted up to a week before the 2022 election and I do believe people may like trump more than Biden. Yet when it came time to vote they abandoned those feelings and like robots voted against him.

If Trump is the nominee we will lose. Erick is right. It doesn’t matter about the polls Dems and republicans alike will do everything in their power to stop him being president. While doing everything to get him the nomination.

GOP doesn’t care. They are focused on retaking the senate and keeping the house. I don’t think they really care about the presidency so long as Trump is there.

Be happy to be wrong but I’m not.

Trump should have conceded gracefully in 2020. Regardless if he thought it was stolen. Let the facts speak for themselves.

I think rightfully so that all the Jan 6 people be punished. But I am disappointed and appalled at the lack of any equally arranged punishment for those other incidents in 2018 and earlier.

I am also concerned about the lack of due process not afforded to those same Jan 6 people. Some whom are still sitting in jail no charges or trials.

We lack any standards for all in this country. Right now there seems to be two americas. One we’re the wheels of justice and freedom turn equally and another we’re only liberal minded policies exist.

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