John Kerry: The First Amendment Is Bad For Governing

what is it with Dems and cadavers?

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John Kerry: The First Amendment Is Bad For Governing...

Reading "You Shall be as gods"

Postmodern Gnosticism, control language.

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Kamalas husband Doug is less masculine than a Ken doll. Yes, I stole that line. Because it is true. Meanwhile, the democrats aren't even trying to hide their real agenda, people like Kerry say it out loud. So does Harris when she doesn't have to try to act moderate. A task at which she fails miserably.

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Kerry is just saying what the dems believe. He isn't saying its tough to govern because of the first amendment. Its tough to control, manipulate and rule over people because of that pesky 1st amendment.

I say it allot but often not enough either.

Given the power and ability the dems would...

- Eliminate the bill of rights completely. Which would allow them to destroy and outlaw any and all religion save for those they seem to favor like Islam and the progressive churches that allow gays. All others will be burnt to the ground. Confiscate guns and allow search and seizure of anyone without due process or notice.

- stack the supreme court with all judges who agree with them.

- Change or eliminate elections so they don't have to have them.

- outlaw any opposing parties and create a one party system.

This is how it is in places like Venezuela. Countries were things like free speech and honest living were prominent are now a thing of the past.

Kerry is a billboard sign for what the dems want and the problem is the people that need to hear it will not.

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I was driving when the Biolab Emergency Notice went out…. Buzzing and ringing, while I was frantically digging my phone out of my pocket screaming, “I SUPPORT ISRAEL, I SUPPORT ISRAEL!”

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

Kerry needs to take Hillary's hand and doddle off into the sunset. They are both so insignificant and who gives a rats butt what they have to say. Just plain sore losers.

I'm also waiting for the climate czars to come out of the woodwork and start pointing fingers.

If you want to point fingers, point at all the websites to donate and help the people of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and especially North Carolina.

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They are marginalized, correct. But they are also saying exactly what the dems believe. so to that point they are important to note.

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Let’s remember just who prevented John “F-in” Kerry and Algore from ever be president and having the kind of power they lusted to use. It’s fashionable to loathe “W” now, but I was proud to call him the president.

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And now he and his ilk support Harris. Imagine that.

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Re: "Democracy doesn’t move fast enough" and "Will we break the fever in the United States".

Just goes to show you what John Kerry REALLY believes. When people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM.

To paraphrase Harry Truman: "Democracies are messy. If you want efficiency, go live in a dictatorship".

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“Will we break the fever in the United States,” John Kerry. Because unfettered free speech is dangerous, he says. “Democracy” can’t survive when people are free, apparently.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

In their lexicon, "Democracy" is actually defined as dictatorship.

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Yeah, that was an incredible statement. Democracy doesn’t move fast enough. Problematic people having opinions different from his. The threat to our republic is from his type of attitude - one that sighs over how easy the Chinese run things.

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The Republican Party should be ashamed of its ground game, it doesn’t have one and doesn’t seem to want one. I actually thought the days of the country club Republicans was over, but it has morphed into a different club, with the same result. In my opinion, ordinary people are frozen out unless you donate large sums.

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Really? I have had no less than 10 door knockers at my door since June.

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Still waiting for news that Tim Walz told the truth ... about ANYthing.

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Love it.

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I hate, absolutely hate... and am furious about it... that I have been made cynical and anything less than empathetic and generous over extreme weather natural disasters because the damn Uniparty has decided it needs to brainwash the masses in climate crises fear porn lies.

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