Things are getting really turned around when Hillary starts speaking rational truth. And she was straightforward, smart and strong in that statement. Do you think she might be a good veep for Mr.T? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭

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My best friend is a Jew, we've been friends for over 30 years. A southern Baptist and a Jew imagine that.

We meet up for breakfast or lunch every week. Occasionally there would be some asshat say something about his Yarmulke.

He is peaceful and will not say anything, I grew up in a very small town in rural Louisiana. We used to fight on the weekends just to have something to do. Not only am I comfortable with violence I'm pretty damn good at it. I will not tolerate someone disrespecting my family or friends. I will not touch women or children, that's the way I was raised but men are on my menu.

I'd tell them out of respect for my friend, I'm going to give you a choice boy. You can apologize and walk away or you can leave here in the woo woo wagon and sip soup out of a straw for the next 4 to 6 weeks, because if you choose to escalate this. I will hurt you, badly.

My friend would say you don't need to do that. I would tell him.

Yes I do, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, paraphrasing from John Mill.

That is where I step in, I'm not saying I'm a good man but I will not tolerate that in my presence and I will protect the people I love and care about with every fiber of my being. I am a protector, we are built different.

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Unequivocal. You are a true friend sir.

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Rashida would’ve fit in well with early 20th century KKK. Amazing what the press lets a Democrat getaway with - they must be so confused with Hillary’s support of Israel.

Haley’s stance on anonymous online posting - like me right now — confirms I’ll 100% vote for DeSantis in the primary.

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Erick - I believe it’s illegal to send anonymous hate mail through USPS. Why is it ok then to post anonymous hate speech toward anyone on social media? If we don’t allow it through the US Mail, why would we allow it in social media posts?? I’m totally with Nikki Haley on this, we need to do anything we can to eliminate the domestic and foreign bots on social media who are anonymously threaten the security of any persons.

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Part of this issue is that many people who state their names are total fakes and clones of other folks pages. So it does nothing to require names. She made a statement that was designed to grab a headline. No thought behind it, just blah, blah, blah.

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It was wonderful to see the everyday Palestinian interviewee go off on Hamas. Of course, the media there are propaganda arms as they are here, but still, I keep wondering why we don't see more real citizens' opinions leaked out via social media, etc... The truth will always shine forth though, some way, some how!

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Let's not forget that Alexander Hamilton, James Mattison, and John Jay wrote one of our nation's most important historic compilations, The Federalist Papers, anonymously.

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Ben Shapiro using the term "faux sophistication" to describe Candace Owens was brilliant. I've always thought of her as pretentious. "Faux sophistication" is even better!

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If you look up “faux sophistication” in a pictorial encyclopedia, there’s a photo of Obama. It’s a different photo than the one under narcissistic.

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I rarely listen to Owens, and even I have heard her say multiple time how impressed her British in-laws were with her grammar when they first met her. I always scoff, because Owens speaks as if she memorized a book called Words That Make You Look Smart and then misused those words. I don't normally criticize someone's grammar... unless that person has made a point that her use of grammar is superior to everyone else's.

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Love to hear her explain her position on Israel. Can’t begin to understand how she could have an issue.

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Buffy may prove to be Canada's Elizabeth Warren. Faucahontas du nord.

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