Tommy's going to have to put his six-string back in hock.

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I was born and raised in Asheville NC and I know it is not the same Asheville I grew up in but they are my people. I was raised a yellow dog Democrat. This disaster strips away all of this and people are devastated. If I could, I would leave my job and go into the hills and hollers that I know oh so well to help but I know that is not possible. May God have mercy and our leaders get there quickly.

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Someone is trying to kill college football. They are getting closer already, and when they kill it, we will not care to watch the rebirth.

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Congratulations on your ratings! You've earned it.

Based on Gina Raimondo's recent comments, I am surprised that she is aware that there is a port strike brewing ... and that there are people called longshoremen.

I envy the unions' chutzpah; how many of us even pretend that we are worth a 70% increase to our employers, let alone demand such a thing?

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

The longshoremen's strike could really put a hurt on the Dems.

1) First, as a prelude, the optics of a supposedly-fit Biden not visiting affected areas are terrible. Yes, and contra Trump, he (or his administration) is doing the needful to provide assistance (Kemp said so). But the optics are still impaired. It might make Harris look more presidential if she appears in his place and appears competent. But it also brings up the "Weekend At Joey's" presidency questions uhGAIN, as well as why he hasn't been 25Aed or resigned so he can pass the reins to Harris already.

2) Yes, I know, Asheville is a heavily-Dem area.

3) The strike could cause a shortage of building materials in two key swing states (NC and GA) that were heavily hit by Helene.

4) The nationwide macroeconomic effects won't be pretty, either.

5) Biden has already said that he won't invoke Taft-Hartley, which would kick the can down the road past the election. Not a good look for the Dems for independents (the base may cheer, though). Or is this a parting gift for Harris? Is this the October Surprise we've been waiting for?

6) The union holds a weaker hand than they think. The USMX could hold out until the election until a more labor-hostile administration comes in in the form of Trump. Trump is pretty pro-labor for a Republican, but that's not saying a whole lot.

7) Events that push onshoring and nearshoring help Trump.

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Fire the strikers. Unions are a blight on humanity at this point. The people hurt the worst at this moment are the communities devastated by the hurricane and the flooding. On another topic. Many people do know how to prepare for emergencies, including hurricanes and the aftermath. In this case, even some of those who had some preparation were overwhelmed by the fury of the flooding. Heard from a devoted prepper. He had everything he needed to go without power and public utilities for a good period. What he did not have was a way to stop a flash flood from sweeping down on him and wiping out all his preps. But then I heard a guy who had to be in his 60's who was staying in his business in one of the towns that has no power or other utilities say that he couldn't understand how no one was bringing in water. Then said, "We could go a few more days without power, but, and I didn't know this, I really didn't know, water is really the most important thing". How can one get to that age and not know that?

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It seems these powerful unions that control the most important segments of our economy have unlimited power. The concept of “too big to fail” ought to be applied to the labor sector just as it is in banking and other industries. The Boeing strike has huge consequences for many workers outside of Everett, Washington and now the longshoreman have their turn to show their Popeye muscles and threaten job loss among many powerless workers who are inconsequential whether they are union or not. It is amazing to me that these arrogant union bosses have found their ally in Biden and Harris and now they are roaring their ugly heads and beating their chests. Harris doesn’t have the ***** to take them on. Welcome to inflation nation as every large union is going to follow in their footsteps.

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I would so much have preferred DeSantis as the republican candidate.

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Maybe. And I would have to. However, read my post below.

Erick brought up how the Dems and media falsely trashed Bush for Katrina.

And now they trash Trump. And they would have found a way to trash Desantis as well.

Yes Trump is an easy target. But that’s not the point. If you have an R your are the enemy to the dems. They don’t care who it is.

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Oh, I have no doubt that DeSantis would have been thoroughly trashed by the left. He would have been more appealing to the moderate "faint at heart" types who have vapors at rough talk. But mainly, I was contemplating his marvelous efficiency dealing with a crisis.

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It would probably be a 40 state victory.

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“A direct military attack from Iran against Israel will carry severe consequences for Iran. “ yet Iran has directly attacked Israel several times in fact. With no consequences. Actually they got money.

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Good radio 🥂

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Frankly, I'm in great hopes that Israel is forced to do what needs to be done--turn Iran and it's proxies into glass. This is the only way to terminate the constant back and forth.

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You keep doing what you are doing. There would be complaints if you gave out 50 dollar bills to everyone that listens. Keep up the good work, my friend.

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Israel has a multi layer defense. Iron Dome, Arrow, and David’s Sling.

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