So the Dem party bosses spit in the faces of 14M voters. Does anyone know if those folks are p*ssed off? When the DNC convention begins, might these folks turn the convention into a Cat 5 sh** storm?

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Regarding What was Trump Thinking?

Republicans had a choice of nominee. You chose poorly.

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With Harris moving ahead of Trump in the polling over the weekend, I wonder if the market is pricing in a bunch of socialist DemocratiCCCParty nonsense.

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Back to politics… I am thinking about joining Truth Social so I can tell Trump to lay off Kemp and go after the chameleon Kamala.

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On the lighter side…I am thrilled Miss America is not a trans-woman. 🙌

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The events of our country and the world are handing the election to a Republican on a big, bright golden platter, but Trump is looking at the aluminum one that passed him. Good Lord, this angered me when I read it; He's not fit to wipe Kemp's boots.

Somebody talk some sense into him. I'm also not confident he'll do well in a debate against her because of his lack of staying ON MESSAGE.

He's reminding me as to why I can't stand him, and that's not a good place to be.

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Thanks to Biden-Harris, my 403(b) - similar to a 401(k) - is now a 275(?)

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Trump may prevail despite himself, but in Georgia our culture for the most part demands behavior and presence. He lost GA last time not because the election was stolen but because, even if there were discrepancies, he made a stench in our nostrils over Kemp, and those voters said “forget you”. Georgians are a loyal crowd, especially to our own. He would be wise to forget this axe grinding, apologize loudly, profusely and with his hat in his hand. Georgia ain’t his, and could possibly never be, if he continues to show his backside to all. I hope (maybe his son?) can speak to him and he’ll listen.

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That sums it up perfectly! He really needs to learn when to shut up. Kemp has the potential to actually help him.

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Trump is doing everything wrong. Attacking Harris’ race and not her policies. Attacking our great Governor and dusting off the false GASOS “stolen” trope again. Making it about him and pandering to his MAGAt base instead of winning over independents.

Whatever. I won’t vote for her, and I can’t vote for him. They can both go take a long piss off a short roof.

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Two points. He did not in any way attack her race. He literally pointed out that she had first presented herself as Indian and later began identifying as black. She may be technically both, but she first chose one to be of prominence then switched to the other for political purposes. And really, you are blasting him for what he says about Kemp while calling his supporters maggots? He absolutely should not be attacking Kemp, or any other republican. But it is monumentally hypocritic to point that out while using gross language about others.

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Kathy, the fact we are even discussing this shows the wrongheaded thinking from you all. Trump doesn’t even have to go there. The fact he did shows how weak and petty he is - and the weakness of his supporters who would even try defending him on that!! As he likes to say, “Sad!”

Who cares if she’s black, white, or a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater? She is a moonbat leftist Marxist who’s gonna grab our guns and destroy the economy. Attack her all day on that.

The attack on race is backfiring and will cost him the election, and if like him you can’t see that, well then “bless your heart.”

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I don't like him. Never did. But I have the good sense to discern the difference between personality and policy. Why is it that you all immediately go to what he said and how bad it was but manage to skip right over what the "journalist" said? Of course it would have been better if he hadn't taken the bait. But on occasion, we would be better off if we didn't say the exact same thing democrats will say about him. And again it isn't what race she wants to claim at any point, but the fact that she uses it for political ambition. Which he correctly pointed out. Unlike you, I don't call people names. But I certainly "bless your heart" too.

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Me sitting over here wondering at the idea of people focusing on how mean Trump sounds while the stock market crashes, we are on the brink of WWIII, and no one knows who is actually running the country. I said Biden wouldn't be the nominee and I still say Trump won't be allowed to win. Maybe I will be wrong about that.

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Long LMT and RTX.

As Megadeth said, "Peace sells...but who's buying?"

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Agreed. Pride is standing in the way for Mimi, Lanier & others. I beseech you to please reconsider. Hate him but please vote for him. His policies stand strong & I will hold my nose but vote for him. I do NOT want Dems in power.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

Events change things. This has 1988 and 2008 written all over it.

- As late as august 1988 Dukakis had a 17 point lead nationally. That evaporated quickly in Sept. and he lost.

- As late as August 20th in 2008 McCain had a 2 - 3 point lead nationally on Obama. Then the markets crashed.

Harris has a minor 5 point bump and everyone panics. The sun belt is NOT in play. Only GA is of any concern.

Ok so what happened?

Republicans were played like a fiddle that's what happened. Trump agreed to a debate before the conventions. He should not have. The dems knew the decline of Biden and set this all up. Then they started manipulating the polls. Notice all the data in that timeframe weighted heavily to republicans and started polling Rural and Sub urban areas.

Enter harris and the polls are now weighted to Dems and they are back to what they were before the whole debate disaster.

people are worried over nothing. Trump is still up and can win. You have to look at this electorally. My view trump gets 297 electoral votes.

bank it. the MEDIA is LYING to you.

The markets are poised to crash which will tank the economy. Just like Sept. 2008. If that happens. Harris can kiss her chances goodbye. No matter what Trump does or says.

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I hope you are correct. However, just in case, I am prepared for the long term crash and burn.

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Kemp for President 2028

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Or pushing out Pajama Boy in 2026.

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There wont be a 2028 if Harris wins. But happy dreaming.

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Rampant inflation, high interest rates, unemployment on the rise, stock market crashing.

Next will be real estate values crashing.

All under Joe Biden's watch.

And all the resentful, weak and hypertensive voters upset about mean Tweets will vote for Kamala so we can have more of the same but worse.

There is a saying that in democracy the voters generally get the government they deserve.

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Hi Erick, thanks for keeping a light shining on the reality of things, aside form the daily craziness of election season. Do you think that ANYONE can impress enough on former President Trump that for the love of all things Holy (or even marginally good) he must stop picking open 2020's wounds? It's painful to realize that a different, qualified presidential candidate could have had the Harris campaign on the ropes by now, or at least force them to play defense 24/7. Good grief, leave Governor Kemp and Secretary Raffensperger the heck alone, and go win an election! Please.

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Amen. Trump should be killing it and he’s barely ahead or even behind in the polls. Focus on what’s in front and not what’s behind.

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My goodness. Trump is desperate to lose again. Desperate to lose. For a minute there, he was super disciplined. Now? What is this? Attacking Kemp? For what? The sheer idiocy is staggering. I’m so pissed right now. Oh: and caught off guard by Kamala? How is that even possible? Everyone knew Biden was getting switched out and it would probably be Kamala because racism or something. Caught flat footed by that? What? I just don’t get it. It’s not that hard yet he’s trying desperately to lose

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"Death from 1000 little cuts".

Donald Trump is a petulant little child. He continues to harm his campaign. When if ever wiil he realize his petty grievances are harming his campaign and other republican campaigns. He should be working to unify the republican party and not dividing it. When he started speaking out against Governor Kemp I could see the shocked facial expressions on those behind him . I wanted to reach into my television and punch him in the nose. Does Donald Trump not realize the damage his words are causing? He continues to act like an idiot. He is either receiving bad advise or ignoring the advise he receives.

It is unfortunate that we are stuck with Donald Trump as our "flag bearer".

Donald Trump needs an intervention quickly. He petulant attitude is disgusting and will drag down the entire party. He needs to be told that if he looses the election he will be tried and convicted for J6th and he will be imprisoned.

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