I had a TOP Secret clearance when I was a Marine Pilot in the late 1950's through the 1970's. Schiff and Swalwell are two people that should not be in the house, let alone on committees like they were. A liar should not be on one and neither should someone that spends time with the enemy be a Representative. Get those people OUT OF WASHINGTON DC.

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The fact that Nancy and the Dems left Schiff and Swalwell and Omar on those committees is a clear testament to the level of low performance requirements, low ethics and low qualifications... just making sure they carry the political party line. The actions of Dems make Santos look like an angel.

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I disagree with your last sentence. Santos is a manipulative lier and opportunist. He is clearly compriseable and if he gets to stay should also not be allowed on the Intel committee.

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Name a national politician that is not a manipulative liar (some better than others) and opportunist.

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I agree not on the Intel Committee. But lessor committees where he is not exposed to national security information would be fine.

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No Greene/Trump please

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Yea, that was a good answer until he said “integrity matters to me.” LOL.

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That is the unfortunate part of having him as Speaker. He might as well be a broken clock and getting the right answer coincidentally.

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