Well, California's global warming, climate crisis crowd is dammed if they do and dammed if they don't. They complain about drought and now they get flooded. This is the land of weather forecasting by zip code.

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In response to the McCarthy debate. I say this again. What are we supposed to do. I like how EE says “don’t appoint Kevin speaker…” and I don’t want him as speaker but honestly none of us are in the House of Representatives. We get no votes.

So honestly we can fret and argue but at the end of the day we have 0 control over how this goes. So I’m curious as to how this needs to be resolved by we the little people.

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I'm almost ready to support McCarthy simply because Gaetz is against him.

I'm scared witless (or something that rhymes with witless) that we're going to have Speaker Hakeem Jefferies.

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I just find it typical Trump trying to deflect any linkage to "Red Wave" ebbing into a sea of calm. What a bummer, which shattered LP's of Beach Boys expectations. It is quite the ruse how he claims a 233-20 success record. Any honest analyst knows 90% of winners were in red districts who were going win anyway.

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I agree with Trump and the polling supports it. I have debated with my conservative Christian friends that their “life at conception” absolutism is as socially disgusting as is “abortion up to birth”. I tell them I respect them having the opinion, but to keep it in their own family and congregation and stop making it a political fight. No, Lindsey Graham for example attempted to help the GOP navigate this. His bill was basically a European version of compromise. Abortion legal up to 15 weeks and in cases of rape, incest and when the mother’s life is in danger. But the biased left corporate media lied about it… propagandized that the Graham bill was to “outlaw choice”. And no other Republicans came to defend that bill, because those Republicans were being hassled by the rabid Christian Right extremists that were giddy at the Roe opportunity to implement their Handmaid’s Tale.

The fire storm of female and youth voter rage over this is what pushed the GOP out of contention for many races and handed the Senate back to the Democrats. Yes, independents and moderate GOPers also contributed to the anti-Trump support for Democrats, but that wasn’t a critical piece that would not be overcome if not for the female and youth rage over GOP positioning around the abortion issue.

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Couldn’t disagree with you more. The abortion issue had little to no effect. If it were in fact the case people like Kemp who passed the heartbeat bill and Desantis would have lost.

The right thing is never wrong. This choice of abortion or not needs to be a state issue. As I feel Obamacare should also be a state by state issue.

Our country was founded on the principle of a United States. Not united government of America. It was always intended that a portion or individual states would have their own culture and lifestyle but all would be united. But somewhere along the line the gov has gotten so bloated as to feel it can now tell and make everyone obey the current leadership.

Sure 81 million votes for Biden. But 76 million votes for Trump. That’s not a free bastion to run roughshod over the constitution.

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Doing what is right is never going to be wrong. And there is no degree of "right" in killing unborn children, even if it means your party does not win. It may be true that the "red wave" was diminished because people held firmly to the conviction that killing unborn children is wrong. That doesn't make those people flawed. It makes the ones who think they should have compromised on the issue wrong.

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But you are not right in this case. You are a moral thug attempting to push your myopic and draconian views on a population... and doing so will result in political consequences that make this battle twaddle by comparison. 12 - 15 months..and with rape and incest... that is the socially and morally responsible persepctive.

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You decry us for our moral view and shout at us declaring we are trying to shove something down someone's throat....and then tell us how morally superior your position is and we should all just get in line with you. In fact, every single person here has been civil in response to you while all we get in return are labels and pejoratives. All that was done is the law was upheld. It was returned to the states under the X Amendment where it should have been all along. In states who see it as murdering a child, it is curtailed and legislated. In states who are okay sacrificing our children to Mollack or Baal, it is still very much legal to kill your children. Feel free to move to one of those state and congregate with those you agree with. We'll do the same. That's why states are supposed to be semi-sovereign entities, so their populaces can govern themselves as the majority living there sees fit instead of having views they find reprehensible forced on them by a ruling elite.

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I am a Christian and conservative. The problem is that you people effed up the election and gave the Democrat the power to keep up their destruction. No, it was not Trump. That is your lie to slime out of taking responsibility for the mess you caused.

Forcing females to carry an unwanted child to birth because of a mistake, rape and incest is as reprehensible and disgusting as is abortion after 15 weeks. You are half of the two parts of immoral extremes. You think you are superior in your moral position, but you are not. You are just the mirror reflection of the radicals that want unrestricted abortion. A viable fetus deserves protection. A clump of cells does not. Life does not begin at conception.

Again, keep it in your own family, your own church even… but don’t make it the law of the country or a state. Kansas should have taught you a lesson. The Graham bill was good.

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The thing is, you can name call and throw a hissy fit because you want it to be the way you want it, but that isn't going to make people who know what is right change their mind. It really doesn't matter if you believe we are wrong. We still aren't wrong.

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Sorry, I cannot support killing kids. It wasn't the victory for children that cost us. The data is conclusive but that's okay. The American people will de-select DJT again in the primary. This time maybe he'll just go play golf like he should have in the first place.

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Well there you have it. “Killing kids”? You mean the clump of cells for the first 12 weeks? You mean that a woman impregnated by rape would be forced to carry those cells until a viable fetus and give birth? I’m sorry, but if you cannot get in touch with the cruelty of that position, then you are not really a good Christian in my view. And look in the mirror for why the Democrats control the Senate… and why your overall Christian morality is at risk because of it. To hell with these moral absolutists that believe they are ordained to force their absolutism on the rest of us.

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The short answer to your statement Frank is, "Yes."

Yet in this instance, there really isn't a short answer which would provide you the answers which satisfy all of your points. As a believer (Christian), I cannot engage a pragmatic answer when biblical truth clearly makes statements in absolute terms. While I acknowledge we live in a pluralistic society, those of us who have committed our lives to the teachings of Scripture must adhere to them; indeed, we have within us a desire to do so.

I do not wish you to think we expect everyone to abide by the truth of Scripture; even the Bible acknowledges the vast majority of people will not do so. Yet one of the earliest leaders of Israel made the statement, "As for me and my house, we will serve (obey) the Lord."

Scripture teaches that even those "clump of cells" are life, ordained and created by God. Our command is to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From your point-of-view, this may seem a fool's errand because it will alienate too many people who might choose to ally with the Republican cause. I honestly (as opposed to dishonestly) understand your viewpoint. You are correct (from your understanding and logic) that we could "gain" more of a following if we chose to either do away with our "Christian morality," or compromise regarding our obedience to the teaching of Scripture.

Usually when someone says they "respectfully disagree," they are not being respectful. I truly want you to understand I do respect your position, but I also disagree. If we (Christians) were to compromise regarding our beliefs, then we would deny our very being, who we are. Worse, we would be disobedient to our Lord.

This does not means that in order for us to remain obedient, you (and those who see our standard and definition of life as foolish and unworkable) must then follow what we believe with the same ardor we hold. We do not believe this.

I do believe in this: Rule #1: God is sovereign; Rule #2: Don't forget Rule #1. No matter how this turns out, God will still be in charge and his plans will be accomplished. Perhaps the Republican party may, in the future, choose to leave its pro-Life plank out of its platform. That would be.... unfortunate. Would Christians support the Democrats at that moment?

No. Because our problem with the Democratic party, as believers in Jesus Christ, are firmly based on biblical morality and the DNCs lack of those morals.

Our "allegiance" to the Republican party also center on its ability to uphold a biblical morality. We cooperate with the Republican party because they have supported a Judeo-Christian morality, have supported Israel, have sought to support the freedoms enumerated in the Constitution. Yet believers do not define ourselves as Republican or even Conservative; we are, for now, until the party deviates from the norms of a biblical majority to the point of an unacceptability of conscience.

Yet Conservatism finds its roots in Scripture. The republican party finds its successes as it upholds a biblical ethic. When this ceases, what will be left?

What will become of the Republican party when the only means it has of defining itself is over against the ever-expanding notional ideology of the Democratic party? Without a principled stand, will there be any footing?

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Well done. Far better than I could had I taken the time. The Clump of Cells line and the utter divorce from common logic that is required to hold that position for me make me incapable of such eloquence. *hat tip* to you sir.

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Ahh, you said it far more eloquently than I could have, but this is precisely the sentiment I wanted to express.

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You are kind, Kathy! Thank you!

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This is intellectually dishonest and you know it. "Clump of cells." If the stick turns blue we all know what will happen in nine months. A "clump of cells" doesn't come out. A baby comes out. You feel free to do mental gymnastics if you want but that's why serious people will no longer take you seriously. God bless and Godspeed to you.

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I agree. DJT has had his run. He accomplished many good things. Yet his personality and narcissism cost him the election. He needs to go away.

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You are in the middle of your opening monologue (welcome back by the way. It was a tough two weeks without you :D ) on your rant about NOT voting for Kevin McCarthy and I cannot tell you how loudly my internal voice is shouting in agreement. If my wife weren't asleep, I would be physically pounding my desk in agreement.

For any of the congress-critters who might read this, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE FOR MCCARTHY. Don't.

Be principled. Be resolute. Be the conservative people we hope you are. Link arms and stand shoulder to shoulder with each other. Say, "no more." No more status quo. No more spending. No more progressive compromises chipping away at mine and my children's freedoms. NO MORE.

Hope I wasn't unclear.

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