Ok, I am not going to hedge, $100 says the indictment gets thrown out.

It is only way to reinforce we have a rule of law. Prosecutors must be held accountable as they are the gatekeepers. It must be unacceptable to throw weak s#1t indictments in the hope of getting a conviction because of a relentless character assassination campaign.

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The most shocking thing in the Variety piece is Don Lemon is a journalist. Who knew?

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Erick just mentioned Finland joining NATO. I love the story - maybe true - from the Winter War of 1939 between the USSR and Finland. Asked about the massive Soviet Army, a Finn quipped, “poor Finland, there are so many Russians and we are so small. Where will we bury them all?” They’re a welcome addition.

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HA. I note that the NYT manages to take Bragg's poorly-framed indictments and ... blame Trump. "New layers of Trumpian damage", eh? The carpet is already threadbare along that path, and still not a single verifiable example of that claim's veracity has appeared.

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No mention of the Wisconsin results?

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We covered it yesterday. Probably should've mentioned it again today. https://ewerickson.substack.com/p/the-show-notes-a-seriously-weak-case

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I am fascinated by the realignment of voters. The Trump arraignment is a circus, but the election of a Supreme Court Judge explicitly to protect abortion is far more meaningful as the voters continue to chart an unexpected course through cultural and economic issues that really aren’t easily assigned to one party or another.

I hope Erick fearlessly pursues this issue. The candidate that rejects the conventional party (either side) ideology and accurately read the electorate has the chance to win massive majorities (ala Teddy Roosevelt)

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