Kamala Harris is asked about Donald Trump’s assassination attempts and somehow lands on “Project 2025” and Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill...

As much as that answer was gaslighting it was actually a good coherent campaign answer. Yes, the premise is based on a lie but she spoke to specific groups and said, without saying, vote for me if you want to feel safe.

Too bad Trump can't do that with the boarder, illegal aliens killing people, terrorist sleeper cells from China, N Korea, Iran, Hamas here and waiting for orders, the economy and the fears of working class people not being able to afford gas, food, utilities, and gang violence.

Don't hate the player if you get outplayed.

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So what Enten is pitching doesn’t square with what Gallup released today. Particularly among independents where her favorability rating is under water by 25 points. Across the board she lost favorability ground to Trump so not sure it so much an uh-oh as a oh-no.

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Mossad has totally redeemed itself as one of the best clandestine intelligence agencies in the world. Sabotaging new communications equipment of the enemy months perhaps even years before using the capability of that sabotage is evil genius.

This shows me that Mossad knew about Hamas' more than decade build-up of a violent offensive capability but that Bibi and his Zionist coalition chose to let it continue, confident that the IDF, armed with the latest in American offensive war equipment, could contain any Hamas attack - even at the cost of thousands of Israeli lives - and most importantly start annihilating all Gazans.

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Running ads about human suffering in The Vice President’s ads about suffering in Gaza ((a/k/a) occupied Israel) is really choice. Were the ads targeting to Dearborn or other domestic Arab communities? If elected, how long will it take her to throw Israel under the bus?

The GOP’s response is easy: run ads on human suffering in the USA from the deluge of migrants in our cities and communities; run ads on the suffering caused by high fuel, food, and housing. Take your pick!

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Also, if the cat rumorS Were true, there would just not be enough cats or dogs, etc. just like there is not enough government services and jobs when you put that many people in a town almost doubling in size. Maybe an analogy between cats and government services would be a clever way of Bridging the two.

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"Sour Grapes Hillary" is one to talk about "double standards" 🤣🤣🤣

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Just listened to your comments about boo Radley.

All this also reminds me of VeggieTales the rumor weed. Did you hear the one about Alfred? He’s a scary robot. I do see that more pertaining to what the media says about Trump.

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CNN is a clown show which has gone full hunger games

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Would Hillary Clinton deem it less of a double standard if we asked Willie Brown about Kamala's positions?

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Asking Willie Brown about Kamala's "positions" 🤣🤣🤣

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How can people be friends with people who advocate for death of others , jailing those for their speech , and ruining our country. I don’t have to hate them, but I’m not excusing them either . Just stay away from me .

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Great to see AOM get a mention. I’ve always liked Brett and the stuff he puts out.

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Erick Captain of the false equivalency - Just heard your rant about how Trump's actions after the election supposedly equate to Stacy Abrams, Hilary Clinton, or Al Gore. Trump's threat to democracy is not in the same universe as these people. They lost and cried about it or challenged in the courts and then dropped it. He spent months illegally trying to change the outcome of the election as President going OUTSIDE the courts - Who else are you aware of that repeatedly called governors and secretaries of state to change their state's outcome, who else recruited slates of fake electors to defraud the government, who else organized a rally that was obviously going to turn violent at the capitol, and who else coerced their VP to unilaterally make him president?

Nope - Trump is absolutely a threat to democracy no matter that he is too much a buffoon to successfully topple our democracy.

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Nice way to say that Trump is not a threat to democracy by saying he's a threat to democracy 🤣🤣🤣

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Pretty certain that Trump walked out of the White House on his last day in office, and didn’t attempt to stay in power.

More often than not, the Democrats accuse someone else of something they are actually doing themselves. So I wonder are Democrats going to be a threat to Democracy is Harris looses?

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His Jan 2021 WH departure was the political equivalent of his declaring bankruptcy on his casino ventures in Atlantic City, i.e., walking away from the failure and chaos only to come back later to try again. This time real victory at the ballot box looked like a piece of cake against a weak opponent. Now there is a real possibility that 2024 will be a repeat loss for him. This time around though, his armed militias will come out in full war mode on the Federal Government not just pitter pattering around the Capitol as they did Jan 6, 2021.

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Are you seriously applauding the fact that, despite his bluster, Trump was too cowardly to stand his ground and remain in the WhiteHouse under threat of being physically removed? Is that really the bar now? Do you cheer him on for peeing in the potty without spilling like a big boy too?

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I'm no fan of Trump, but let me get this straight... you call him a threat because he was going to try to remain in the WH, but when he didn't, then he's a coward? There's no logic in making the argument for both to be true at once.

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I'll concede that you got me on that one. I was trying to illustrate his hypocrisy - He essentially called Pence a coward for not torching the constitution for him, but he was unwilling to stay in the WhiteHouse under threat of removal by force.

I call him a threat because he previously spent months taking illegal actions to overturn an election to remain in power - the fact that he did not succeed nor would he likely succeed the next time does not mean that he is not a threat. For example I think Russia poses a threat to Europe even though they have failed to take Ukraine and are likely to inept to succeed in further advancing in Europe - its a matter of the degree of the threat. But saying Trump is a threat to democracy as he already tried to end it is absolutely fair game.

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You need to take your meds before posting.

People like you that are deranged with the cult of anti-Trump are the current threat to democracy.

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If by meds you mean delta 9 gummies than don't you worry, I'm more than covered 😉

Also - Please point out which specific element of what I said is untrue.

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The problem with expecting a reasonable conversation with you is that you are not reasonable. You have adopted a position of Trump hate that makes you deaf to your own demonstrated hypocrisy in claims. The history of Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter and many others claiming that Trump is an illegitimate president is so profoundly lopsided in comparison to the 2020 election, that it should not even require an argument. On November 9, 2020 more than half of the electorate suspected that the Democrats cheated. In all the swing states, Democrats controlled the ballot process in the high population counties. Given the evidence of what the Democrat Regime would do to stop Trump... the fake Trump-Russia collusion charade, the lies about Hunter's Laptop, the fake impeachments, etc... there was absolutely no stretch in suspecting that the same Regime would rig the election. And then the Twitter Files and the Facebook Files... and we see that the Democrats WERE IN FACT rigging the election by strong-arming the media and tech to censor, ban, deplatform and destroy Democrat opposition.

As President, Trump had RESPONSIBILITY to all Americans to vet Democrat cheating. No courts would take the cases because the cases were unprecedented and the lack of standing of the plaintiff, not because there was insufficient evidence.

The problem you and others have is your emotive cult of anti-Trump causes you to ignore the comparison with all the democracy-destroying actions of the Democrat Regime. It is laughable to call a constitutionally-protected protest of a bunch of unarmed bearded construction workers an insurrection. You are just irrationally hysterical in that claim.

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Asking the Justice Department to look into 2020 election fraud went a lot like this:

Imagine that you come home to find that the back door to your house has been smashed, broken and is wide open.... clearly indicating a forced entry. You call the cops. They come out to investigate. And the conversation goes like this:

Cop: "Well, we checked the side door, there's no damage. No evidence of forced entry."

You: "That's not where they came in. Look at the back door. That's the one that's broken."

Cop: "Like I said, no forced entry through the side door."

You: "Yes, I know that. Check the back door.

Cop: "I just told you that there's no damage to the door."

You: "On the SIDE door, right, there's no damage. Take a look at the BACK door. Here, I'll show you.."

Cop: "Sorry, can't do that. Our hands are tied. We checked the side of the house."

You: "All you have to do is walk through the kitchen and into the family room where you will see the back door! It's busted wide open!"

Cop: "Stop spreading lies or I'll arrest you."

That is EXACTLY what happened.

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To this day there is not a shred of evidence that illegal fraud had any impact on the outcome of the election, and plenty of people have looked. what you are saying is nonsense.

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Right after the election, there were reports of “irregularities “ and I believe Ted Cruz and others wanted to have a bipartisan commission formed to investigate the claims. The Democrats didn’t.

So what would you like me to believe?

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So what I understand is that after 3.5 years you still have absolutely no evidence of this supposed mass illegal fraud that affected the outcome of the election and yet you are cool with Trump attempting the overturn the election outside of the courts because you suspect something was fishy / you fanboy the dude like none other.

As an illustration of how stupid this is - I assume you would have supported either Pence declaring Trump president or Congress using the fake set of electors to make Trump President or people like Raffensperger latching on to any of Trump's harebrained conspiracies and throwing their state to Trump to make him President. You would have been cool with Trump losing all of his court cases but manipulating people into his illegal schemes to stay as President and yet you still after nearly 4 years have no real evidence of illegal fraud that would have swayed the election. Now which one of us in an "emotive cult"?

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Hillary, Gore and Adrams just kept saying they were cheated and caused hearings tying up the media and the government. It ok for democrats to say something is wrong but not republicans.

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you either didn't read or didn't understand my comment.

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Important line from one of the CNN panel members: “… onboarding these NEW AMERICANS into our communities …”

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I get people don’t like Trump. However, if you vote for Kamala and she wins I don’t want to hear any bitching about inflation, international crisis, crime, etc.

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Most of these people are the same in history that show their tear-stained faces after the Regime they empowered crushes their lives. We are supposed to have empathy for their stupidity.

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“Honey pick up some bread and tomatoes on your way home.”

This message will self destruct in three seconds.

Blast from the past.

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Favorable rating chart. am I reading correctly?

Hillary in 2016 and Gore in 2000 had better ratings??

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And honestly all that matters is the favorable amongst their parties. As long as that stays above 70% a candidate will be just fine.

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