Liz Cheney should be offered the door by the Republican Party.

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I suggest partisapets it the debate have each others ears checked for listening devises. Harris can hide hers with her hair.

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"lost by a whisker" - Hahaha, does this mean I get a refund on all of that money I donated to the people that were text messaging / emailing me about stopping the steal? Oh wait, I'm not a moron who donated to that dumbassery. Some of my friends and family aren't as discerning though and this admission has them pretty upset.

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The stop the steal effort wasn't meant to overturn anything. It was meant to root out corruption and fraud and put a stop to it. Things like 20 mail in ballots being sent to single address and one person turning those all in at the mailbox.

Even Erick sited in that movie about how one man stood at a mail in ballot box and placed 5 ballots into the box. I get it that it was his entire family, but that's not how voting works. 1 Person 1 vote, 1 day to vote not multiple weeks.

What about the suitcases pulled out from under the tables at MBS? at 3am after all the poll watchers were kicked out.

What about the multiple ballots mailed to people who were dead, dying or unable to cast a vote.

How did an elderly person in Marietta, an alzheimers patient who had no idea what year it is, vote in 2020?

These things have to be investigated. Not to overturn the 2020 election, that's gone passed dead news. But we need to look at these things and close those doors of fraud.

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If you think people who donated to "stop the steal" in 2020 didn't believe they were contributing to overturning the election than I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

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I can’t help what they “thought”.

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considering the name of the campaign was "stop the steal" it is obvious what the intention was. All of the stuff you listed is unproven conspiracy bs and sound more like the desperate attempts of someone who donated to delude themselves into thinking that it was justified and that the money went somewhere other than to line the pockets of grifters- btw how did the investigations go toward proving the stuff you mentioned with the millions of dollars that were raised. Surely it yielded more than a dumb_ss debunked movie about mules or some other stupidity from a convicted felon.

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What’s the shortest measurable time?

It’s the time between when Brandons crack head tragedy is convicted, and when Brandon wakes up and pardons him. BUT they won’t pull this trigger until the day after the November elections.

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Re: Taxing Unrealized Gains

You want to kill investment? That's how you do it. What a nightmare. Few things are more insidious than penalizing you for something you haven't done.

So if there's an "Unrealized Loss", do you get a tax credit? ..... I think we all know the answer to that one.

If this actually does come to pass, look for the prices of gold and silver to shoot to Jupiter and beyond, because then people are REALLY going to be buying physical bullion using cash transactions that can't be traced. I know people who bought gold back in 1998 when it was $275 per ounce, and are now selling it at $2400 per ounce, getting cash on-the-barrel. Do you think they're reporting that capital gain to the IRS? ..... Has Joe Biden ever done an honest day's work in his entire life??

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Wish I had bought gold in 1998.

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Not only that. People with equity in their home which is an unrealized gain will be taking out loans or others and putting it into savings. Which will destroy the housing market.

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We're well on the way to another housing market collapse.

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Not surprised that Putin would support Harris, although I'm a little surprised he would tip his hand like that.

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Putin probably thinks he’s playing some 3D chess. He really just wants chaos and division in western countries, us being the main target.

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News flash. I just read the 200 former CNN & MSNBC analysts, one caught on video masturbating, have all come out to claim this is Russian disinformation and Trump did it.

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If we tax unrealized gains, can one then get a tax credit for unrealized losses?

I think I know the answer for that one.

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Unrealized losses? Most likely we'll get a big fat goose egg.

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Let me throw this out there.

We're going to get calls to ban "assault weapons" again, without any consideration on ballistic factors.

What is it about AR platform rifles that make them popular with "school shooters"? Is it the "badass" cosmetics? Ease of carrying and concealability? It's not the removable magazines--plenty of guns have those.

They typically aren't chambered in the most lethal rounds; from a military POV, the idea is to wound so that you take out the target PLUS his two buddies trying to rescue him.

Here's an idea--just spitballing here. Currently the regs for determining short- versus long-barreled rifles are based on any collapsible stock being extended. What if we started basing it on any collapsible stock being collapsed? Would that put these rifles in the category of short-barreled rifles, and thus an NFA item? This would enable those who want them to still get them, and maybe keep them out of the hands of the loonies.

Of course, NO gun shop will sell any gun to a 14YO. First and foremost, I'd like to know where he got the gun.

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I rather imagine the appeal of this particular weapon to these killers is the insane amount of wildly inaccurate hype the media puts out every time one is used. They aren't any easier to carry or conceal than any handgun. Especially when getting one into a school. But the media with its everlasting hysteria and hype make them seem like the most "badass" gun in the world. Thus very appealing to these immature killers. They are nice to shoot, but other things are equally or more lethal.

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I've heard (from a Dem insider, no less) that the demonization of "assault weapons" is really a psyop to get "school shooters" to use a "badass" less-lethal weapon versus, say, a 30-06 deer rifle which would kill more people versus injuring them.

Of course, this sets aside the obvious point of how to we eliminate the "school shooters" to begin with, whether by intervening on the person or their (and only THEIR) access to guns. I'm glad that they got him alive so they can interrogate him as to motive and also make him face the music.

Long-gun homicides pale in comparison to handgun homicides, by about two orders of magnitude. Frankly, I'm really surprised that these shooters don't use more handguns.

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Since I outed myself the other day when I said I had a conceal permit, and religiously carry, let me jump in here.

I am all for mental health checks before you lawfully purchase a firearm, which they never do.

I am all for confiscating weapons from BOTH PARTIES when a domestic violence charge is UPHELD, not merely alleged. But they never follow thru.

I am all for the courts confiscating registered weapons from anyone who has been convicted of a felony, but they never do.

I am in favor of federal background checks with the purchase of a new weapon, but no further.

I am in favor of felony prosecution of anyone who lies on the ATF form, but we all know the crack head lied, and the DOJ is trying like hell to ignore it.

I am NOT in favor of any attempt by any agency to build a database of gun owners to target. Remember the back door they used by coding credit card charges to signal gun supplies?

As for the SBR argument, these regs are more crapola by the ATF (soon to be reined in from the Chevron decision), and already paused by the federal courts. It was made up junk targeting a new popular weapon.

Here is a fun fact. I entered the national POLICE drawing (supporting the Blue) and I won the grand price. They gave me a new AR9. Kind of surreal but my local police actually stopped by and gave me the weapon. For those unfamiliar with this type of weapon, it's basically a 9MM on an erector set frame so you can customize. AR9's have become pretty popular, and they are a lot of fun on the gun range.

The ATF ruled my AR9 a SBR and want me to apply for some sort of federal license.

The ATF also ruled that bump stocks are illegal, but then the courts reversed them.

What's a good emoji for holding my breath while howling with laughter???


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From his parents.

Whom told the police and fbi the guns were under control.

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Do we know that for sure? I hadn't seen where they said that. I could have missed it.

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In the FBI report from 23 they said the father had said the guns were controlled.

But apparently not.

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A real tragedy all around.

The killer's family will be found liable and ultimately file bankruptcy. I am not an attorney but I am pretty sure I could win a $500mil judgement that will never be collected. Little solace.

There may be an attempt to prosecute them, but to that I tell all parents out there to immediately stop your children from driving lest you go to jail when they run someone over. Same situation. Different weapon.

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I would say that it depends on the circumstances of how he got it whether they could be prosecuted. The case in which the parents were convicted was very different than most.

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conservative personalities at a Nashville-based media company unknowingly promoted Russian propaganda...

Here is what I don't get, it doesn't matter who is paying you.

"unknowingly created content aligning with Russia’s “interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions"

If that like unknowingly getting a woman pregnant, unknowingly getting a sunburn?

You claim to be a conservative and could not recognize what you are publishing runs counter to your principles.

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It hasn’t surprised me over my life that those on the left turned against our country and western civilization in general. Patriotism has been devalued since the 1960’s. What surprises me; but I suppose it shouldn’t, is that some who claim to be on the right have turned against our country and western civilization. Erick’s point about poorly read people deciding they can evaluate history without serious study is valid.

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I keep waiting, after every shooting incident, for one person to begin making the right arguments on prevention. So far, it hasn't happened. I hear "enact red flag laws" which allow law enforcement to remove guns from a specific person. Of course, we always have the ban guns crowd. Then the ones who want "universal background checks", and a bunch of other crap that won't do a bit of good. When is someone going to mention the need to deal with the person who was "on the radar" of either law enforcement, school, family or friends? Because that is the only answer. In this specific case, the FBI came out and talked to the parent. They had no authority to do other than that at that time. What we need is a method in place wherein this circumstance would require that the person who made a threat was involuntarily committed for an in-depth evaluation and treatment. The parent should have taken that action were it possible, but it probably is not. Those 72 hour evals are the most useless things in the world. A nurse talks to the person until they agree they won't hurt themselves or anyone else then they go home. Taking the guns out of the home wouldn't stop anyone who was determined, but taking the person out of society for a period just might with treatment.

As an aside, Putin does want Harris to win. This administration hasn't stopped anyone from doing anything.

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I'm much more in favor of restricting who can access guns vs. banning any kind of currently-available weapon.

I like red-flag laws (in part due to a personal experience), but we need due process as well as penalties for false or frivolous reports leading to a red-flag case.

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The problem with red flag laws is they allow the weapons to be removed from a specific location. That in no way prevents the person who wants to do harm from getting a weapon from another source. That is the problem with them. They do not address the person who has the problem in the first place. The law enforcement entity who takes guns from a residence has absolutely no way of knowing what other weapons the allegedly dangerous person has access to.

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Hunter Biden's criminal tax trial begins...

Fox News: Hunter Biden intends to plead guilty on federal tax charges brought by special counsel David Weiss

Because his father is out of office at noon on Jan 20, much easier to just plead guilty and let dad pardon you.

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I don't think there's any question that Hunter will get a pardon on Joe's last day.

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How in the heck does a 14 year old boy leave the house and walk into school with an AR15? Do you hide it in your pants, backpack, what?

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It is possible to hide some in a backpack. I have seen them that easily breakdown or fold down so it could fit. Don't know if that is the case here or not. Other possibilities, a musical instrument case or bigger gym bag.

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Can we regulate collapsible-stock guns as short-barreled rifles, and thus as an NFA item? See my comment above.

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No, we really do not want that.

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See my answer to you above.

But let's take it a step further. The recent Supreme Court decision on the Chevron chase said that administrative agencies cannot issue regs beyond what Congress authorized. So, no newer regs unless specifically denoted by Congress.

If you want to enact any gun regs then call your Senator and Congress people, tell them to grow a pair, and lobby for 2nd amendment restrictions.


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Regarding the taxation of unrealized gains, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution states: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived...

Unrealized gains are not income. If Kamala thinks she can do it and tries there will be lawsuits aplenty. Too bad we can't sue her now for being stupid.

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"Foreign Automaker Lays Off Thousands of Michigan Workers after Pocketing Hundreds of Millions in Biden EV Subsidies "

Where's my shocked face ... hmmm, can't find it.

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No, this is a great strategy. We are 60 days out and there are "unfamiliar" voters?? Oh BS. She has been in the White House for 3 1/2 years, Trump was there for 4 years.

The only "undecided" voters are trying to figure out if they are going to vote for Trump, against Trump,.or leave the line blank; all that is a Trump centric rubric and has nothing to do with Kamala.

She is literally running for second place and is just hoping Trump trips and falls.

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