Trump's abortion stance is 100% correct and consistent with conservative values. You can't argue Row v Wade was incorrectly decided (it was an overreach by the Federal Government and supplanted state's rights) and then principally argue the Federal Government has the Constitutional authority to implement a limit.

If you are in this camp you are advocating the same thing the Left advocates, the Constitution can be ignored to implement your agenda which is on the right side of history and the troglodytes can STFU and die.

Don't be the Left.

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Trump is trying to negate the legalized infanticide crowd with his normal art-of-the-deal strategy. But if he forces a change to the Republican Party’s platform on defending life from conception then he will end the Republican Party.

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Biden delays menthol ban amid 2024 concerns over black support...

Yea, Obama didn't touch menthol either, it's comedy that writes itself.

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Pete B. the Transportation Secretary said he was speaking 'reality' while on MSNBC.


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Well, you’ve somehow make me have less of a positive impression of Shepard Smith, which I thought impossible.

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"Biden delays menthol ban amid 2024 concerns over black support"

Is there a minority voting block this man will not bend over backwards to support?

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Uh, farmers? Pipeline workers? Miners? Military?

Of course when they look at everything by skin color, sex practices, etc.

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Trump's position on abortion is perfect. The vile life at conception crowd are on a political island without any options. That is where they need to be. They can wave to the other vile extremists on their isolated island demanding abortion up to birth.

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I don't want anyone to read my comment on this as being allied with your comment.

Your position is subjective, my position is consistent with Dobs.

If not at conception, when? It is simply not possible to have that debate with someone who says until the baby comes out it's not a person. It all a subjective. Who says?

Yes, life begins at conception.

Yes, we live in a country that is a republic governed by a Constitution.

While we have the same conclusion, Trump's position is correct, how we get there matters.

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By the way, only 30% of the Republican electorate that share your views. 60% of Democrats want unrestricted abortion. You could shift your views into one of social and political pragmatism instead of religious moral absolutism and still revel in owning the libs.


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"If not at conception, when?"

God and nature, you can accept either or both, designed most mammals, including humans, as requiring a gestation period after conception until the cells clumping and dividing become a viable living genetic clone of the mother (the egg contributor) and the father (the sperm contributor). Until that time the clump of cells is no different than is a cancerous tumor except for the undisciplined emotions, politics and religion of people having an opinion. About half of all human pregnancies end in spontaneous natural abortion. When the fetus is far along in gestation we call it a miscarriage. The systematic natural abortion process, again regardless of if you attribute it to the work of God or nature or both, already exists.

This gets to the transparent idiocy of the pious believing that they have the moral right to force their human-harming views on others. It is no different than is the liberal Democrat authoritarians forcing their views on everyone else, except theirs comes from a basis of secular ideology instead of historical religion... and of course each side thinks it has the moral superiority in basis.

The correct policy is abortion unrestricted up until 15 weeks, with exceptions for when the mother's life is in danger and in cases of rape and incest. 75% of the electorate want that, agree with that and would be settled with that.

The bottom line for me is what I see is this pursuit of moral perfection (which by the way I challenge as not being so moral, but as being political team sports hostility) as being the enemy of the good. We see it today... Dobbs sent it to the states and those states are ending up with less restrictive abortion laws as the raging female vote takes over. And with the raging female vote, Democrats end up in power and continue to destroy every God-given human right they can so they can implement their woke globalist collectivist totalitarian nightmare.

So, you "life at conception" moralists pat yourselves on the back for being so righteous in saving those unwanted and unborn children and ignore that you contribute to societal destruction. It is time to drop it, accept reasonable abortion rights, and move on.

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Two great happenings:

1. Trump provided Republicans a template off which to build the party’s stance on abortion. I understood that some on the right are going to be upset, but from a political standpoint the party can focus on the fact that Roe was bad law and that the decision, whether we believe or not, should be between the individual and her maker.

2. The Vatican finally stood tall.

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I agree. I’m against abortion but by stating your for a federal ban, you alienate the squishy independents who might otherwise vote for sanity this Fall. Putting dems in power ensures abortion extravaganza, anytime, all the time. I support a federal ban but don’t support giving dems a winning issue. Perhaps winning peoples’ hearts is a better option.

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I disagree. We can debate Trump's motivation, to get moderates, or it's actually a principled conservative stance (see my other comment).

This is the problem with Trump, he is not a principled conservative, but he can get the right answer twice a day.

Conservatives won with Dobs. Trump needs to stay out of state's rights issues. I want a limited domestic federal government.

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Agreed. Right now it’s the only option.

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I get bewildered by Erick saying “Trans visibility day has always been March 31st” as if that is somehow reasonable or understandable. It’s not.

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Re Dannenfelser’s quote: was that copy & pasted? Gross proofreading errors in the written word don’t help champion one’s cause.

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You won the comments today!

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ROFL...:Thanks for the laugh!

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