“Ben Shapiro and a chipmunk had a baby...” 😂😂😂

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Re: "Massachusetts bans faithful Catholics from adopting children"

And yet, these two guys are allowed to adopt kids:


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"Major Progressive PAC Hit With Large Round of Layoffs"

The explanation given is interesting and telling. DJT provided the enthusiasm to drive donations, but since Joe Biden is going big on the progressive agenda, the donations have fallen.

Just put a bit of thought into that premise and it is disturbing. It says that anger and hate of a political opponent generates more campaign donations and election enthusiasm than does satisfaction or dissatisfaction for existing political leadership. It also explains why the American political establishment has gone so dirty, long and deep in the shallow Trump witch hunt to keep up those flames of anger and hate.

In the end it is the voters that are the real problem here. They allow hate to enter their hearts from repeated media conditioning. They allow strong negative emotions to rule their political opinions, rather than cool objective reasoning. They allow themselves to be manipulated just like members of a cult getting a repeated sermon from a charismatic source. Of course they will deny it and proclaim that their position is justified... after all that man is an immoral, p-grabbing crook that cheated on his wives and tried to overthrow our democratic system! Half the nation have been molded into Rob Reiner... otherwise educated and intelligent people duped into being seething and blathering disciples of the church of anti-Trump... or anti anyone that dares to oppose the American ruling political establishment and their corporate overloads.

I always found it sickeningly ironic that the "We Will Resist" movement after the 2016 election was basically a populist uprising of people that did not resist the political establishment media brainwashing injecting Trump hate.

The fact that this approach works so well confirms my opinion that modern humans are no more psychologically sophisticated than were our more primitive ancestors, and are probably less so as their high education attainment served to stunt their psychological development. It seems that the average American is still stuck in high school. Sad.

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"Justice Democrats".... LOL.

The same thing happened to BLM.... donations are down by almost 90% from 2021. It's because their supporters began to realize that "BLM" stands for "Buying Large Mansions" while nothing else was happening.... their leadership being amateur grifters capitalizing on the flare-up of a political issue.

If they want to know how to survive, they need to look at the SPLC.... now that organization is a group of professional grifters.

Otherwise, it couldn't happen to a nicer group of people IMO.

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I just heard your piece about former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran. I don’t know how many other of your readers are retired chief officers of Atlanta Fire Rescue, but I’ll just say there’s a lot about the whole sorry episode you either never learned or left out for brevity. It’s not a simplistic thing.

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After watching the morning news programs (not Fox) and then reading Erick’s newsletter, I am convinced I am living in a parallel universe.

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