I don’t understand anyone voting for Kamala in the path of this Hurricane.They couldn’t even make a visit to these areas.

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Erik , The local men from India are voting for Trump

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CNN: “Bad Sign For Kamala’s Campaign”...

They are be aspirational and fooling themselves on the 26% Democrat midterm win.

They managed to mitigate what was heading for a Republican landslide. Dobs definitely had more of a knock on effect.

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MTG is being Sarcastic.

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Wish DeSantis was our president …..

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Re: "Port Strike Averted"

So where's MY 62% raise??

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Join an effective union and get a job in a supply chain industry!!!!

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In the Godfather and similar films, one might view it similarly to the "vig" when using RICO techniques to extort a nation.

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" "CNN: “Bad Sign For Kamala’s Campaign” Video"

Do you suppose Harris' campaign has to account for this "ad" in their campaign contributions? Searching for ways to "save" the election ("Is there ANY way...") by a "news" team seems more like campaigning than reporting to me.

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"Now, thanks to the Biden administration, consumers will have fewer options and investors will lose millions."

Yeah, economics, like math, appears to be incomprehensible for the left. Perhaps coverpage showing a supply/demand graph for bills? Maybe curious Dems will ask, "What's that?" and be educated? Nah.

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Funny about the Axios article regarding Senate race in WI, they talk about Republicans outspending the Dems over the next few weeks. At the bottom of the article, uhm, it finally mentions that the Democrats have spent 100 million on this race which is about 30 million more than the Republicans. Those Republicans have all the money.... right.

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"Details: Union members will receive a 62% raise along with substantial benefit increases after supply chains were scrambled with ports shuttered from Maine to Texas."

Whoever says crime/extortion doesn't pay never led a Union, apparently. Have to wonder how far into this kind of artificial crisis-creation is allowed before someone starts looking at Union operation with RICO-tinted glasses...

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I like the Ron DeSantis approach. Give the unions the middle finger and have the national guard do their jobs. It will stop all this extortion business quickly.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

Isn't this only a concession through to January? Kick the can past the election scenario!

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Just try taking that raise back...

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Idiots on the left and idiots on the right equals idiots period MTG AOC

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I think MTG is being sarcastic.

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So, I guess the congressional races in the midwest are swinging to the idiots. That makes me feel better.

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It’s the economy stupid! That is the campaign theme and fact that has to be pushed and pointed out period not how corrupt Joey from Scranton is that all wasted time the price of energy the cost of food housing jobs that is what people want to hear about and what it takes to fix it

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

MTG is the Repubs' answer to AOC. Both with the IQ of a small rock......... a very small rock.........well, maybe a grain of sand........

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OF COURSE FEMA prioritized migrants over US taxpaying citizens. The current jackwagon regime prioritizes the purported needs of migrants, Ukraine, and the Alphabet Cult people over everything.

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Don’t forget the Palestinians got $362 million from USAiD this week.

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Who are the “They” in the genius congresswoman from NW Georgia’s post?

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It is called sarcasm. "They" being the experts in DC that know how to solve all the problems like climate change, poverty, gun violence, etc. DC is all knowing and all powerful so they can solve any problem. To say otherwise is a lie. Again, I am being sarcastic.

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Aliens. Cue spooky music.

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Well, we need to make a deal with them then. Good weather traded for something they want. Chocolate maybe?

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I'll make a deal with them if they can send some rain my way.

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No never chocolate. How about democrats?

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

Fox is reporting that FEMA got $20 BILLION in the recent stopgap spending bill.

Homeland Security was given $640 million for housing & care of illegals (up from $364 million.)

But yet, Mayorkis(sp?) says FEMA doesn't have enough money?

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Must be that Biden kick back causing lower number.

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That's how it works! Crisis (crises, crisesess, oh, multiple crises, oh you know the thing...) creates funding opportunities!

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