Do you think any of these rioters will face any charges or do any time in prison? Meanwhile, little old ladies are being thrown in prison just for walking through the capitol building.

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I was born male and still have the original parts. Can I dress female and claim I am a woman and participate in men’s sports? (Sarcasm)

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Same thing, different era

Hop in the way back machine with me. Let’s go back to the early 70’s where in Niagra Falls NY they uncovered the Love Canal toxic dump. This happened as the EPA was just being formed. NY tried for a couple of years to ignore it, while the residents in mostly starter homes and public housing were getting sick and dying. They simply could not afford to move anywhere.

So, one day, the woman who was leading the local charge to get their homes paid for, invited the fledgling EPA to visit with her at her house. 2 reps knocked on her door and she took them hostage. Not in the sense of ropes and gags but she told them that the crowd outside were hostile and would tear them apart and kill them, so she was going to keep them locked in her house, safe, until President Carter declared an emergency and agreed to buy their homes.

A few hours later the police came. Nobody got arrested. BUT… instead of declaring defeat the woman told everyone she had talked to the White House, and they had agreed (WHICH THEY NEVER HAD). She said that the White House understood that it would get ugly if they went back on their promise.

Carter was screwed. The next day he signed the declaration and bought 700 homes.

Why this story today?

Because today the Columbia administration took the students who are occupying the admin building HOSTAGE with no end game. The campus is locked down. You can’t come onto the campus without a valid ID. There is no longer anything for the press to see. If you open the doors to leave you get arrested and suspended. If you stay, there is no food or relief in sight. I am just waiting for them to turn off the lights and the water. Let these radical terrorists wallow in the dark in their own feces.

I find it funny that this is happening in a toxic place like NY, and Manhattan. I find it funny that we have a president in office that is even dumber that Carter was. I wonder what old Brandon will do.

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Nikki Haley was right about Hamas. FINISH THEM.

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"Middle schoolers who protested trans athlete’s participation are banned from future competitions"

The article sighted is incorrect. Kept referring to the student as a girl. Its a boy, no matter what it prefers.

So let me correct it. "Becky Pepper-Jackson, 13, won a track and field event earlier this month that five of ( HIS ) classmates protested."

And the point is that these athletes only get to participate at that age ONCE. So he is essentially ruining their one chance they have to compete at that competition. I still say they shouldn't have to quit or not compete, why them? The boy pretending to be a girl needs to step out.

And before you think this is not a problem here, I coach girls youth sports and there is plenty of boys competing on girls teams across Georgia even though it is supposedly not allowed. .

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Actually there’s a good argument for ending sanctions on Russia, Iran and all others. Russia has been making up revenue on price as opposed to volume . We should encourage the production of as much oil as possible everywhere to flood the market and lower prices which would lower revenue to Russia and Iran. This would also help US consumers. US producers don’t mind higher prices but could be made to see their patriotic duty. (Also good PR for them). Environmentalist whackos heads would explode.

For more info checkout Doomberg on Substack.

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I recommend that Biden just cut to the chase and ban gasoline sales outright. That is his end-game; so play your hand already, you dog-faced pony soldier coward!

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Inflation, high interest rates and now a strong dollar. Add 7+ million illegal job-stealing immigrants.

The hits keep coming to the American working class. It is fascinating that the Democrats... the old party of the working class, are seemingly 100% committed to the globalist corporatist agenda to make the US into two class... the elites and everyone else. Everyone else will be forced to live on Universal Basic Income while Wall Street and the Billionaire Boys club pays off their lacky administrators and they all stew in their own greed to own the world.

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President Biden is considering bringing in Palestinians. Nothing like bringing in people that will over throw the country just to get votes.

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Thank you for trying to educate the guy who tried to tell you Crimea was “Ukraine’s only sea access.” He seemed invincible in his ignorance - Ukraine will fight whether we help them or not. We’re giving them a chance.

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As an alum of Florida State University, I've pretty much disliked everything that has come out of the University of Hogtown through the years.

But today, I tip my hat to them. They have done good.

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Great opening monologue!

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