Jaguar Bud Lights Itself...

Bud Lite as a verb, and I infer a euphonium for "F'ed", I love it.

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Listening to Niki Halley helps me believe that Gabbard is the right pick. Niki is trying to make her sound like a Russian or Iranian agent. I find extremely hard to believe that Trump hasn't discussed with her the positions he has. She may be able to help provide a contrary opinion so that he ensures he has the full picture (something which goes against the Left's diatribe that Trump is an authoritarian and only wants yes-men and yes-women around him). But in the end Trump will make the decisions not Gabbard and if she screws up - "you're fired!"

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Some, like Erick may call me wrong but here is my opinion that i will say again.

Lots of the news today is why I believe the cycle of politics is broken for the democrats. Erick likes to say well the pendulum swings back and forth over the years from Liberal to Republican, look what happened in 2006?

In any other time like 1988 I would have believed that. HOWEVER, back in 88 and 92, the dems and republicans had SOME alliances. They politically often were in sync with each other including things like trans, gays and the alphabet group. One may have been more supportive but both seemed to have a pretty good grasp on reality.

This batch of dems, that is NOT the case. They have fully embraced the dogma gay Church of the Alphabet group. From men having sex in the White house, to invading female sports.

This along with their marriage to Anti-Israeli factions to me, means they aren't divorcing those factions any time soon. There will be some backlash internally within the dems producing some Faux moderate candidates but fully as the Trans member in the house has proven, they are sticking with woke.

This cling to these ideas will be the dems undoing for a generation or more. They have lost the WH for just as long.

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I do very much hope you are correct.

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I do wish the establishment republicans could just one time hold together and give Trump a chance with his nominations. I can say that with more confidence now that Gaetz has dropped out. Pretty sure we all know that if they don't work out, Trump himself will fire them. As one republican senator pointed out, the democrats had exactly zero votes against ANY of Bidens nominees, even the men in dresses. I would think we could try it just once. Meanwhile, we may be in WWIII before January at this rate.

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I see Congress has not changed. There is a chance that Trump's goals can be met but the swamp is going to do their darndest to hold him back. Networks have started again / continued their relentless attacks on him. The American people spoke. How on earth can we get Congress to listen when they won't even believe when 'We the People' have spoken? I'm not being dense but I AM frustrated. ARGHH!!!

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ICC is moot, Georgia has not Senators.

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Erick, congratulations on getting another dog. I have two words of advice for you: pet insurance. My dog needs knee surgery. It will cost between $4-6,000.

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Tulsi sounds like a politician. Well, what do you know?

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Yep, she said/did some pretty anti-Trump things as a senator...I wonder what she said to change his mind...OR...this is a methodology to get her put up "on stage" and explain herself...into...failure. I'm sure Trump isn't that smart or vindictive....

But hey, she is attractive.

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sorry, but she was in Congress not the Senate. and she was kind of a huge thorn (as Democrats go) to the Democrat powers at large, not a go along with what she is told by Pelosi person.

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I’m just absolutely so sick of the left. Anything to disrupt the Trump administration. Those democratic senators are just shameless

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Ossoff must have decided he’s going to lose in 2026, even if Kemp doesn’t run. Why else to stab Israel in the back like that? Kemp would probably win 60-40.

Russia allegedly fired another conventional ICBM that failed in flight. That’s why he’s not going to launch a nuke. If it failed, Russia loses its deterrent.

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Re: International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrants

In 1925, the League of Nations voted to declare war as "illegal". The ICC issuing arrest warrants is just as dumb.

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Kelllogg Briand Treaty outlawed war in 1928. Short shelf life.

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Assuming that we get the Senate confirmation hearings, nominees like Gabbard will have a lot of explaining to do. It's almost like many of them were picked to drive ratings.

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The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.

Neither God nor Darwin will be mocked.


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I know many conservative people who have families consisting of 3 to 6 kids. I know many liberal people who have families consisting of just one kid, but more often, no kids at all...

It's why the Left wants the borders wide open.

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"167,000 pounds of ground beef has been recalled following an E. coli outbreak."

Time for a shameless plug to eat bison!

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A guy sells his Georgia bison meat at the Peachtree Road Farmers Market, if you’re in Atlanta.

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Maybe I should duct tape a slab of ground beef to the wall and sell it for 2 million dollars.

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Maybe pussy willow 😆

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MSNBC name change? The Looney Tunes Channel? Don't Take Us Serious Channel? Mass Hysteria Channel?

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We could go all day with this one!

MSLSD is one of my favorite

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The Real Faux News

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